Chapter 34

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Everyone was waiting in the common space in front of the first-floor medical station. They were each awaiting the news of their brothers, is they were going to be okay or not. Anxiety, fear and worry sat in each of their hearts. While the less seriously injured were taken care of, they too were not resting and waiting for the news. No one had left the medical room for the past five hours, but they could feel the tense air through the door. It only made them more worried that no one came out to address them.

The ticking of the clock hanging on the wall marked every second that passed by, every second where they didn't know the date of their friends. The very concept of time was mocking them, threatening that one's time could run out. They didn't ever want to see the day where one of their brothers (or now little sister) would exhale their last breath. None of them wanted to see their family member lying in a coffin. In short, they didn't want to hear the news of a loved one's death.

The doors to the medical room opened abruptly. Everyone stood up with worried expressions, waiting for the verdict. Sae-Young came out of the room, in a terrible mental state; her face held no emotion, completely blank. Her once white shirt was soaked in blood, turning it a crimson colour. Dried blood had also accumulated on her neck, cheeks and hands from trying to stop everyone's bleeding. She couldn't bring herself to say anything about their conditions, she was too exhausted and mentally scarred. Sae-Young didn't stay too long; she ignored everyone's saddened gazes and walked towards the stairs.

Her bare feet slapped against the marble stairs; she had ditched her socks and shoes back in the medical station, there were soaked in blood as well. Chopa followed closely beside her after jumping down from Han's lap. The little corgi was about to cry, she knew her owner was not in the best state right now. Sae-Young walked into her room, closing the door behind Chopa. She slid down the door with her back, dropping to the floor. Chopa crawled on to her lap, letting Sae-Young cry into her fur.

Jin walked out of the infirmary with Eun-Lee following him. The other people experienced in medicine also came out, those people being Xiumin, Suho, Jackson, YoungJae, Yoongi, and Chan. Eun-Lee closed the doors behind her, giving the unconscious men their privacy. All of them were exhausted, trying to keep them alive; a couple of them went into cardiac arrest, they've lost count of how many times someone was shocked. Eun-Lee frowned at the thought; Namjoon had gone into cardiac arrest while she was extracting the bullet. Thankfully, Sae-Young wasn't in there at the time, but it was possible she heard what was happening inside.

"H-Hyung..." Hobie gulped.
"They'll be okay, every single one of them," he answered, earning shaky sighs of relief. "However, we'll need to keep a close eye on everyone for the time being. Many of them are unconscious, and won't wake up for a while."

Jimin went upstairs after checking in with Namjoon and Taehyung. As Jin had said, they were both unconscious. Each of them had a bandage slapped to the gunshot wound, protecting the stitches underneath.  They were pale, barely any colour in their faces; they were weakened by their injuries, forcing them into such a state. The man could understand why Sae-Young wasn't hanging back in the infirmary, it was hard for him to see his brothers like that, it certainly won't be any easier for her. She cared about them a lot, seeing them unconscious and injured wasn't something that everyone can handle easily.

The man approached Sae-Young's bedroom, stopping in front of the closed door. A deep breath fell from his lips, and he knocked on her door. Receiving only a bark as a reply, he slowly turned the doorknob and peeked into her room. His eyes fell on the small figure sitting on the daybed by the window. The cold moonlight illuminated her quivering body, making Jimin's heart shake with sympathy. He knew all too well what she was feeling, after all, he had experienced this before.

Stepping into the room and closing the door behind him, he slowly approached the young girl. She had changed her clothes and taken a shower; she washed away the blood, but she couldn't wash away the memories of her brother and boyfriend almost dying on those beds. It would forever scar her heart, and she could never forget the sight. Jimin slowly sat down on the daybed in front of her, taking in the sight of her face. Her cheeks had become swollen and red, tear tracts staining her skin. There were still tears flowing from her eyes, continuing to stream down her cheeks. She looked completely out of it, not even noticing Jimin's presence.

Jimin pulled Sae-Young into a hug, wrapping his arms tightly around her. She had begun to cry harder into her shirt, but he didn't care about his shirt getting wet. His top priority was comforting his little sister because she needed someone at that moment.
"Let it out Sae-young," he whispered. "Don't keep it all inside."
A loud, pained scream was heard throughout the house, and everyone knew who it was.

Jin sat down in the infirmary, right between Namjoon and Taehyung. He was looking over their charts, making sure he and Eun-Lee didn't miss anything. The states they were in was severe, but now that they've patched them up, they were expected to recover. How long it would take, he wasn't sure. Jin had hoped that they would wake up soon, for Sae-Young's sake. The man was dreading the moment they would walk into the mansion, and it only made him feel worse. He had heard Sae-Young's gasp and saw her stagger backwards from the shock. He even heard her earlier scream, making his heart crack. He could never get those memories out of his head, there could have been something more to prevent them from getting injured in such ways. Yet, here they are, unconscious with stitches lining their wounds.

The man sighed, slapping the charts closed. He pinched the bridge of his nose, feeling exhausted from today's events. He hadn't slept at all, keeping an eye on his dongsaengs from the mafia. It's been almost eight hours since they arrived back at the house, and he continued to worry about everyone. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard the door opening and closing. He stood up, taking the charts with him and walking out of the curtained space. The man came face to face with Eun-Lee.
"I thought you were sleeping?" he questioned, placing the charts in the counter.
"I've slept enough," she shrugged.
Jin had suggested for Eun-Lee to get some rest, offering her his bed in his room. She didn't want to seem disrespectful, so she took his offer. But she knew he needed to get some rest as well, setting an alarm for only two hours.
"You should get some rest Oppa," Eun-Lee said, resting her hand on his shoulder. "I'll take over."
"Are you sure?" he asked, receiving a nod. "Okay, thanks for helping out Eun-Lee ah."

Eun-Lee watched Jin walked out of the room, softly closing the door behind him. She turned on her heel, walking into the space he was just in. Her eyes fell upon Namjoon and Taehyung, a sad frown on her features.
You two better wake up soon.

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