Chapter 19

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Sae-Young's POV
I sighed exhaustedly, walking into my apartment. The first day of evaluations was harsh; my supervisor was all up in my grill for the entire duration of the day, an offensive elderly man refused treatment from me, saying things like "I don't want a woman treating me," or "go home and be a housewife." I tried my very best not to punch the man and spit profanities, but the nurses working alongside me came to my defence, kicking the man out for being disrespectful. It left a bitter taste in my mouth when the man swore at me before leaving. Lastly, my hip bothered me every time I inspected a patient. Excuse my language, but that damn bastard Hyun-Seok is such a pain in the ass. He kicked me all while knowing that I was being evaluated the next day.

Despite my bad day, I was greeted by Taehyung, and SeokJin warmly (Kook was still out on the couch.)Taehyung pulled me into a tight hug, kissing my neck, not caring if Seok-Jin was standing above us. Oppa ruffled my hair while scolding Taehyung for taking advantage of my weakened state. Tae stuck his tongue out at his Hyung, only to receive a smack on the head.
"The first day is always the hardest," SeokJin sighed. "Why don't you get some rest? I'll be heading out to get some food for dinner."

I nodded tiredly, allowing Taehyung to steer me into my room and closed the door. Taehyung pulled me onto the bed, making me sit down in front of him. He placed his hands on my shoulders and massaged them gently.
"Can I kiss you again Sae-Youngie?" Taehyung asked.
After a really tense day, perhaps it would be alright to let Taehyung help me relax. He's done it countless times before, why not another time? I nodded my head in permission.

Taehyung lifted me into his lap, wrapping his arms around my waist. He started out by placing his lips on the tip of my ear, kissing it softly. His lips progressed down my ear, halting at the spot where he made my first hickey. Just like before, his mouth formed into an 'o' shape, and he sucked on my skin. I mewled softly, feeling his tongue lick the red mark. I didn't mind it when Taehyung tugged in the ribbon around my collar, dropping it to the floor. No objections left my mouth when his slender fingers unbuttoned the first couple buttons on my dress shirt. I could only focus on Taehyung's lips that were now travelling down my neck, leaving burning tingles behind. He pulled the loosened fabric of my shirt off my shoulders, draping around my arms. I wasn't embarrassed (oddly) that Taehyung could now see my black bra straps, he wouldn't take things too far without my permission. I felt my eyes shut tightly, feeling his teeth bite the strap on my right shoulder, and pull it out of the way. Taehyung left soft kisses behind before nibbling on my shoulder; I let out a pleasured breath when he made another hickey on my skin. Taehyung pulled away from my shoulder, before yanking me into his chest. He was kind enough to fix my shirt, buttoning my shirt back up.
"Are you feeling better jagiyah?" he whispered in my ear.
"Yes, Tae... thank you," I replied, feeling much more relaxed.


Taehyung's POV
I smiled softly, tucking Sae-Youngie into bed. She fell asleep in my arms after I kissed her. Heaven knows that she needs sleep, who knows what happened during her testing. I think it would be alright for her to skip dinner, she didn't seem hungry when Jin Hyung said that he would get something to eat for us. Sitting on the edge of her bed, I pulled the hair strands covering her face away and behind her ear. Leaning over her, I pecked her nose before getting up and leaving the room.

As soon as I closed the bedroom door behind me, my ear were filled with many, familiar voices. Confused I jogged into the common space and was tackled to the floor. Two different sets of weights were pinning me to the floor, forcing me to flail around under the heavy masses.
"Taehyungie!!!" Hoseok screeched loudly.
"Yah! Hoseok hush up will you!" Jin Hyung scolded. "Sae-Young is sleeping."
"Whoops," he chuckled, rolling off of me.
Jimin also got off of me and helped me up. I was confused as to why Yoongi Hyung, Hoseok Hyung and Jiminie were here. Jin Hyung noticed my distress and motioned for me to sit down. I sat down beside a semi-lethargic Jungkook, who had his head on Yoongi's leg.

"I ran into these three while getting dinner," Hyung explained.
"We need to talk about the Kim's," Yoongi said on a more serious note. "I hate seeing Namjoon like that."
"The man hasn't even slept at all," Jimin added. "He's lucky the mafia all agreed to post phone the raid on the casino."
"Wait wait wait," Jungkook interrupted, shooting up into a sitting position. "Why are we raiding the casino?"
"Colossus took control of it while we were meeting with Stray Kids. EXO was quickly overpowered and thrown out. They're staying at our building," Hoseok answered. "I thought you knew of this?"
"We didn't hear anything about this," Jin shook his head. "Right after Namjoon came out of his room, and he just locked himself up in his office."
"Aish that guy," Yoongi sighed.

This is the first time Namjoon hasn't informed all of us about a mission. He would always tell us what was going on, whether it was big or small, internal or external. I guess being slapped in the face, both literally and figuratively has put our leader in not the best mental state. At this point, we were all concerned about Namjoon.
"So what are we going to do?" Jungkook questioned. "Noona is trying to be strong, but I can see in her eyes that she misses him."
"Just how long have they been apart?" Jimin asked.
"Four years," I answered. "No contact between them at all."
"That's rough..." Hoseok muttered. "Even I keep in contact with my sister."
"They need to see each other again," Jin Hyung concluded. "I'm afraid that something might happen again if she's not under our protection.",
"She's still very young, it will be much, much safer for her to be protected by Bangtan. As much as I trust the others, I don't trust them with Namjoon's little sister," I stated.

Yoongi Hyung pulled out his laptop from his bag, setting it down on Sae-Young's table. He opened it, and typed away on his keyboard, before turning it around so that we could see it.
"While you guys were doing whatever, I came up with a plan to help them reconcile," he stated. "I find it quite annoying that Namjoon won't put on his big brother pants, and leave Sae-Young out in the open."
"If he wasn't our leader, I would have punched him already," Hoseok added.
"So what's the plan?"

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