Chapter 46

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Taehyung's POV
Once the bedroom door closed and Sae-Young was hopefully safe inside, I let out a heated breath. The fire that was once put out began to ignite with a rage-filled spark, where it burned like a firestorm, wreaking havoc on everything in its path. We have been found, I recognized those voices from anywhere. The one that stood out the most was Carmin's, the right-hand man of Daehyun. He contributed to my suffering, and I wanted nothing more than to pop a bullet in that bald head of his. I will not let any of them hurt Sae-Young, even if it means sacrificing myself for her sake.

Drawing the guns from my waist, I switched off the safety and held them comfortably in my hands. Sauntering towards the wall beside the staircase, I crouched down using it as a form of cover. Letting my eyes adjust to the dimly lit house, I looked around for any intruders. I spotted one trying to sneak around by the front door, glancing everywhere like an idiot. Pointing my gun towards him and looking down the barrel, I pulled the trigger. A silver bullet flew down the stairs, firing right into the side of his skull. That single gunshot was enough for the house to erupt into chaos.

Carmin's raspy voice shouted commands to get me. However, the coward was too afraid to come get me himself. I've always hated him- there was something wrong with his head. He was crazy, having a screw loose or something, there was no way in hell I was going to find out why. The only thing on my mind was crushing his face in and shooting his dead body. I need to make him pay for treating me like I was an object when I was under their tyranny, I'm going to make all of them pay for threatening my family's safety and Sae-Youngie's. This is my fight, and I'm certainly going to fight it.

Still crouching down by the wall, I continued to fire bullet after bullet at the men who tried to rush up the stairs. Their dead bodies gathered on the staircase, to the point where no one could even walk up the stairs without tripping over a corpse. The remaining men tried to pull their dead comrades off the step to try and make a path up to me, but I shot them before they could even grab a body. Once the house grew silent, I finally drew out Carmin.

The damned bastard stood in front of the door, staring at me with those psychotic eyes. An evil smirk came upon his wrinkled face, revealing black plaque between his yellow teeth. He was a prominent smoker, I see he hasn't changed one bit.
"SooJung, SooJung, SooJung," he growled, adding distain to each syllable of that forsaken name. "Your parents are waiting for you, Go Soojung."
"That's not my name," I snapped back, my trigger finger itching. "My name is Kim Taehyung! Kim Taehyung of BTS!"

Carmin scoffed like he had heard the most ridiculous thing in his entire life. He was always like this, thinking that I was nothing more than a child incapable of making choices for himself. The old man would try to force me to do something against my will, almost holding a gun to my head, both literally and figuratively. I hated him, even as a kid I wanted to kill him.
"How naive you are," he chuckled without humour. "You're still a child, stuck in your own fantasies."
"You're a crazy bastard, thinking you can control me," I shot back, aiming my gun towards his ugly features.
"What child's play," he scoffed, drawing his own gun. "Fine then, play with me."

Carmin was the first one to shoot a bullet towards me. I reacted quickly, dodging the bullet by tucking back around the corner. The bullet blasted out bits of the corner before dropping onto the floor. A deepened growl passed my lips as I peeked around the wall, and fired my own guns towards Carmin. A deep pained hiss came from his mouth, giving me a sense of satisfaction. I fired my gun again and I heard him scream in agony once again. With the opportunity at hand, I sprinted out of my hiding spot and down the stairs, jumping over the masses of bodies before rushing over to the dazed Carmin.

Reeling back my fist after shoving my gun into its case, I punched him right across the face. As well as grabbing the barrel of his gun, I ripped it out of his boney hand. The clip from the gun's handle fell onto the floor, the bullets dispersing on the floor. Carmin recovered shortly after, managing to throw a fist towards my right cheek. I staggered back slightly, holding my cheek in the palm of my hand. That guy can still throw a mean left hook, but it wasn't strong enough to knock me out anymore. This turned into an exchange of fists; we both punched each other with a deadly intent, but I refused to fall and so did he. However, I triumphed when I delivered a pistol whip to his jaw, sending the horrid man sprawling backwards onto the floor.

Taking this opportunity, I quickly pinned his arms down with the soles of my boots. I pointed my gun right at his face, loading a bullet into the chamber.
"Son of a bitch," I growled, wrapping my finger around the trigger.
"Watch your mouth Soojung," he shot back, sealing that damned name with heavy venom. "You think you've got me at your mercy?" 
A single, high pitched scream from upstairs caught me off guard, and I was immediately tackled down onto the floor. I felt the back of my head and back connect harshly with the floor, a burning forming in both those areas. A heavy weight straddled my waist, and a cold hand clamped around my throat, but there wasn't any pressure behind the grip. I didn't even pay attention to the man on top of me as I heard feeble screaming coming from down the stairs. My heart sunk, watching Sae-Young being handled down the stairs in a deadly chokehold, with another man gripping her ankles harshly. Once at the bottom of the staircase, they dropped her onto the floor, where a pained whimper left her lips. In the harshest way possible, they pinned her chest down with a dirty boot.

Carmin got up from the floor, sending an evil glare in my direction as he popped his dislocated jaw back into place. When he nodded his head towards Sae-Young, I watched in despair as the bunched her hair into their hands, and forcefully lifting her up by it. Sae-Young's face winced in pain, just hanging painfully by the hand handling her hair. I began to scream when the other man pointed a gun against her forehead. I absolutely hated seeing the fear rushing around her eyes, and her small body shaking in terror.
"Such as shame your girlfriend is going to die," he laughed psychotically while approaching her. "Now you can come with us, and she dies. Or you don't, and she still dies."
"You bastard!" I tried to screech out, only to feel a hand tightened around my windpipe.
I clawed helplessly at the hand around my neck, trying to get it off. It only tightened. I flailed around feebly, watching Carmin pull out a second gun.

No matter how weakly I yelled in protest. No matter how much I attempted to flail around. No matter how much I tried to reach for a gun or claw at the hand. I couldn't do anything as I helplessly watched Carmin bring the barrel of the gun against her right hip through the fading vision. Everything was getting numb, and I was slowly losing my strength.
"Nighty night SooJung," Carmin sneered before a loud gunshot rang out in the room, followed by screaming.
I was swallowed deeply by the darkness, the fading of Sae-Young's scream haunting me.

Bangtan's Baby Girl {K.TH} | BTS FF/Mafia AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now