Chapter 30

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"Chopa, hold still!" I pleaded as she tried to escape the bathtub.

For the past fifteen minutes, I've been trying to give Chopa a bath. She thought it was a great idea to jump into a muddy puddle while I was walking her. Dirt clumps and mud were trapped in her tan and white fur, making her coat look dirty brown. She was covered in it head to toe. Immediately when we got back, I took her into the back and dropped her into the tub full of water. The mud from her coat's outer layer left her fur and floated freely on the water's surface. I drained the tub and began cleaning her undercoat. The comb I was using got stuff in her fur multiple times as I tried to remove the dirt.

"Chopa, you're so troublesome," I sighed, resting my arms over the bathtub.

Chopa licked my cheek and wagged her butt as if she had no shame of jumping into that puddle. It amazes me how dogs can do the stupidest things, but feel proud about it. Sometimes, I wish I could as carefree as Chopa or any other canine. I wouldn't have any worries, and I could sleep all day if I wanted to. I turned on the water and used the shower head to rinse away any dirt left away in Chopa's fur. Reaching for the soap, I dispensed a lot onto my hand and rubbed it into her coat. The bubbles formed within her fur, letting me give her a bubble beard.

"Aigoo~" I chuckled, fixing her beard. "You look ten years older."
Chopa slowly blinked with unamused eyes.
"Don't look at me like that Chopa," I sighed, grabbing the shower head. "You're only two, relax."
My corgi looked at me with doubtful eyes. Her lips on her muzzle were pulled into a slight frown, and she waddled up to me sticking her tongue out to lick my cheek. I frowned along with her, for reasons I could understand. Chopa won't live as long as me, only living for twelve to fourteen years if she's healthy. We've only spent a few months together, but she's incredibly important to me. I don't want to see that day she closed her eyes and never opens them again. I'm scared to see her being buried, marked with a headstone. Chopa doesn't want to leave me either, she helped me get through so much, how would I cope without her presence?

"Chopa, I love you so much," I told her with a smile, scratching behind her ear.
She let out a happy bark, bumping her muzzle with my chin.
"Let's get you cleaned up," I suggested, turning on the faucet.

Once Chopa was free of any soap suds, I took a clean towel and wrapped it around her before picking her up. She let me wipe her fur away of any excess water, lying comfortably in my arms. It was adorable, watching her tongue hand out of her mouth, looking at me with puppy eyes. Bringing her over to the couch, I sat down, continuing to dry her. After her fur was a little damp, I set the towel down on the couch, allowing her to dry herself off further.

Things at school today were different. My mornings usually started out with Hyun-Seok threatening and or hurting me, slapping me to the ground, adding in the additional kick. It was just something that had become regular, when it didn't happen, I was surprised. When I walked down the hallways, people stayed away from me. Not even the girls who bully me from time to time dared to try anything. Each student's stepped out of my way when walking down the hall and I looked at them strangely. I didn't understand why they were acting so strange; my hair was down, they couldn't see the Bangtan tattoo behind my ear.

Unnie came out of the backrooms, with a young girl. In her arms, she was carrying a black kitten, who had a bandaged leg. The little girl looked up at Unnie with grateful eyes. I smiled at Unnie crouched down to meet the girl's eyes, reaching out to pet her head. Unnie had a soft spot for children; she wanted to get married and have a couple kids, but she doesn't have a boyfriend yet (besides that one in the past).
"Take care of little Min Min okay?" she cooed with a smile.
"I will Unnie, thank you," the little girl grinned.

That was the last patient of the night. Unnie had just closed up shop and is sitting across from me in her wicker chair. She laid her head back, resting her feet on the coffee table. After letting out a tired breath, she looked at me.
"Did you get the news about your evaluations yet?" she asked me.
I shook my head.
"It's only been a few days since then Unnie, it takes much longer than that."
"Aigoo, I know you passed without question," she chuckled. "You'll get to work alongside me if they ever call me in for emergency procedures."
"How long has it been since you've called?"
"A couple years, I'm still waiting," she answered, sending a wink. "Hopefully I won't get called in for you or your friends."

The day after I finished my evaluations, I returned to work at the pet hospital. Unnie was really happy to see me again, as well as Chopa. She told me that I should head straight home after my evaluations because I would be too tired to tend to the animals. She was right, I was extremely exhausted when I got home; SeokJin would tell me to get some rest before dinner. When we were working, Unnie and I caught up. I told her everything that happened; the whole restaurant fiasco, where I began dating Taehyung, moving into the Bangtan mansion.

I had expected her to get angry with me for moving in with a mafia. Throw a rage fit and smack me for making a choice like that (well, Namjoon made the choice for me). What I didn't expect was that she would hug me and tell me that she was happy for me. She did warn that things like that were dangerous, but she understood that they would protect me.
"Is Taehyung treating you right?" Unnie teased me.
"Of course he is Unnie!" I exclaimed with a blush on my cheeks.
"Good," she nodded.
"Unnie, you should find someone too," I recommended.
"I wish kiddo," she chuckled. "Some guy isn't gonna walk in through those doors and have a magical golden light glow around them!"

I sighed but held my breath when the bell above the door rang. Turning our heads towards the door, I could actually see a golden light form around the man. I raised an eyebrow as to why he was just standing there and looking at Unnie with googly eyes. However, as time passed, I slowly got it.

Love at first sight.

There wasn't much of a difference between Unnie and SeokJin Oppa. They both held positions within the medical field, being experienced in caring for people. They each valued their loved ones with all their hearts and would protect them. The two of them were close in age, Unnie was just a younger than him, but older than Yoongi Oppa. Just look at how they gawk at each other, they would be perfect for each other. But it's best to take things slow for them.
"Uh, are you going to keep staring at each other?" I coughed.
"Huh? Oh, ah sorry seonsaengnim," SeokJin apologized with a bow.
"N-no no, its okay," she chuckled, bowing as well.
I introduced them, as I got the feeling that they would meet each other again. From where I was standing, I could see how Oppa looks at her: one of adoration and happiness. Unnie mirrored Oppa's actions, returning a genuine smile of her own.
"SeokJin Oppa, this is Eun-Lee Unnie," I motioned. "Eun-Lee Unnie, this is SeokJin Oppa."
They only continued to smile at each other, stuck in their own little world. Chopa looked at me with unamused eyes, blinking slowly. I shook my head, agreeing with the little pup.
"Why don't you just exchange numbers already!?" I exclaimed.


"Why did you do that?!" Oppa whined as soon as we got into the house.
Hoseok, who was in the foyer looked at us with a raised eyebrow. He was holding a large basket of clothes that were folded neatly. Hobie was curious as to why SeokJin was whining loudly while holding a piece of paper in his hand. He came over to us, adjusting his hold on the basket.
"Why is Hyung whining?"

I smiled in a teasing manner, walking up to Hobie. Placing my hand on his shoulder, I stood up on my tippy toes. Bringing my voice down to a whisper, I answered his question.
"SeokJin Oppa likes my Unnie~"
Hobie dropped his basket and started screeching. He began to jump around the oldest brother and started to tease him in baby voices. As I was walking upstairs, a chill ran down my spine.
I am so in trouble later...

Bangtan's Baby Girl {K.TH} | BTS FF/Mafia AU ✓Where stories live. Discover now