Chapter 44

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Sae-Young's POV
"Sae-Youngie, are you sure about this?" Tae asked, standing behind me.
"I'm sure Tae," I nodded, tightening my hold around the gun.
Taehyung didn't answer, simply wrapping his arms around me, and holding my hands clamped around the firearm. His back pressed firmly against mine, acting as a wall in case of the force of the gun's recoil proves too much for me. He was hesitant towards teaching me how to use a gun since it was dangerous for someone like me. But after a lot of convincing (and pouting), Tae finally agreed to teach me. I brought up that if he was unable to fight or even fire a gun, I needed to step in and keep him safe. That meant being able to fight in combative means and with weapons, whether it being a gun or a knife. I could understand why Taehyung was hesitant, I'm not supposed to be involved in fighting off gang members, but it has happened a couple times so it was unavoidable.

Taehyung hunched over, his chin hovering above my shoulder. His cheek was pressed against my ear, his jaw clenched tightly. His hands helped mine adjust to the shape of the handle, and he took my index finger and wrapped it around the trigger. Tae aimed the gun at a paper target taped onto a tree trunk, the barrel of the gun pointed at the red circle.
"Stay calm," he told me. "The worst thing you can do is freak out when firing a gun."
I nodded, taking a deep breath.
"Keep your hands steady, raise the gun a little above the target," he added. "Pull the trigger when you're ready."
My hands were threatening to shake, but Taehyung's heart beating against my back kept me calm. My finger slowly squeezed down on the trigger. I was surprised that a frightened yelp didn't leave my mouth when I felt the harsh force of the gun firing. I did however almost fall back if it weren't for Taehyung. Dropping my arms, I squinted to see the bullet right in the centre of the target. It wasn't my doing, Taehyung was the one who steadied the gun for me.
"Would you look at that," Taehyung chuckled, removing his hands from mine. "Bullseye."

This time, Tae stepped off to the side, letting me try it on my own. I stood in the way Taehyung had instructed me to; feet shoulder width apart at an angle. My grip tightened around the gun's handle so it won't fly back and hit me in the face when I fire it. Raising the gun, I aimed it at the red circle, but slightly above the centre. Holding my breath, I pulled the trigger. A loud clap echoed through the forest, followed by the sound of wood being split. Taehyung started jumping up and down, an excited and happy screech left his mouth.
"You did it! You did it Sae-Youngie!" he announced, pulling me into a hug.
Looking at the target, I noticed another bullet hole right beside the first one. I started to smile in accomplishment, happy that I managed to fire a gun without it firing back at me.

"What should we have for dinner?" Taehyung asked, looking at the canned food crates by the fridge. "There's a lot of stuff here."
"I'm okay with anything," I smiled, sitting down at the dinner table.
"Ravioli?" he suggested, holding up two cans.

Taehyung nodded with a chuckle before heading towards the kitchen cabinets by the sink. I heard him rummaging around the cabinet looking for a pot to cook the ravioli in. I tried not to laugh when the small stack of pots toppled over, out of the cabinet and onto the floor. A frustrated sigh left his mouth as he had to clean up the mess at his feet. If we had kids, then it would be funny watching him trying to prepare a lunch for them if they had to go to school. He probably would be running around the kitchen in the morning, attempting to make our kid's lunch while also trying to get them to eat their food. I could hear him whining for my help the moment I would step into the room.

My phone suddenly started to ring in my sweater pocket, both my attention and Taehyung's attention were focussed on the foreign sound. Digging around, I picked it out of my sweater and looking at the caller ID. Answering it, I put it on speaker.
"Joon?" I spoke.
"Are you two doing okay?" he asked.
"We're alright Hyung," Taehyung replied. "Just really bored."
Joon chuckled on his end.
"Sorry kids, we're caught up in some business and need to get it sorted out."
"Aww..." I whined.
"Don't worry kid, we'll try to be there as soon as possible," he reassured me.
After a long conversation with my brother, we finally ate the ravioli, that surprisingly wasn't burning. We learned that indeed the yellow van outside the mansion was spying on us, more specifically Taehyung. They were working for his adoptive parents, but they weren't doing a very good job at it. Supposedly, they tried to make an excuse that they were surveying the fields, but there weren't any around our house, it just made no sense. It was good however that they were unaware of Taehyung's current location.


"Taehyung?" I called as he was washing my back with a face cloth.
We had decided to take a bath together since we were comfortable with each other. We did make love, so there was nothing to be ashamed of our bodies. Regardless of our appearances, we'll always love each other with all our hearts. It was very relaxing to sit in a warm bath with Taehyung washing my hair and back. I had already done the same for him, but his conditioner was still sitting in his hair. We were going to finish up with a shower afterwards.
"Yes jagiyah?" he hummed, rubbing the towel onto my shoulders.
"How did everyone else come together? Besides you and Joon? If you don't mind me asking."
"Mm... Well, the Hyungs and Kook mostly came from different situations," he started. "Jin Hyung used to be a normal doctor, as I'm sure you're aware. He accidentally got caught up in a gang fight and was saved by Namjoon Hyung. Hobie hyung was born into a mafia lifestyle; his father was close friends with Appa Minhyuk, your dad. When leader-nim stepped up, he and Hobie were already close. Yoongi Hyung had a rough upbringing, his father was an abusive alcoholic, and his mom died after giving birth to him. Hyung didn't hesitate to take the offer Namjoon gave him- to join the mafia and leave his hard life behind. He was looking desperately for a way out of that house, and he was extremely grateful for their kindness."

I remembered when Yoongi Oppa helped me out that week after the casino accident. He was always encouraging me to eat and sleep; I could see it in his eyes that he was hurt seeing me like that. I wasn't sure as to why he had that glint in his eyes, but now I know the reason behind his encouragement. Taehyung grabbed my hairbrush, combing out the tangles created by the shampoo, but it smoothened out easily with the conditioner.
"Jiminie, his past wasn't so good either- I don't even think I can talk about it without convulsing. What he was forced into was sick, something that no one should have been subjected to. It explains why Jimin is the way he is during a fight, he's lost that certain lock to keep him in check. Being around us, he's managed to gain some of his sanity back, but a part of it was destroyed. Nonetheless, he's a good brother to all of us."
I could hear the disgust in his tone as he talked about Jimin's past. It gave me chills when he said that even he was uncomfortable when talking about it. I could only imagine that worst that could have possibly happened to him.
"As you know, Jungkook is the youngest out of all of us. He was just a normal student attending school and being a good son to his parents, and a good sibling to his older brother. Jungkook was just twelve when he came home from school and found his family murdered in cold blood. From what I was told, he was absolutely broken when Hyungs found him; he was sleeping in an alleyway for almost a year, he was so thin, and he was scared of them at first. But after a while, he warmed up to them."
"Did you catch the murderer?" I asked, fiddling with my hands in my lap.
"We did, it was just another member of Colossus," he answered. "Kook took him out himself, we were against it at first since he might have gotten out of control, but he handled it just fine."

I hummed and nodded in reply, skimming my hand along the soap bubbles. From the way they acted when I moved in with them, it didn't seem that they had a rough time growing up. Everyone was happy; smiles and laughter were a normal thing in the Bangtan mansion. No one has ever acted like they came from an abusive home or the streets, or who knows what. Was it wrong of me to assume that they came from good homes? No, they're a happy family together, supporting each other and being there if one of them is having trouble. It's not a facade at all; it's real and I can see it in their eyes. Thought most of them came from hard times, they found solace with each other.

Unnie, Chopa and myself are lucky to be apart of that; I've found my brother, and I can be with him after our parents died. Unnie's family is in England, she moved here to pursue medicine, but she sometimes feels lonely being so far away from her loved ones. Chopa was a stray before I took her in. She was so thin when I saved her after she was hit by a car. My corgi was terrified of me during the first couple of weeks, but she warmed up to me because I wouldn't give up on her. If I wasn't there, she wouldn't be sleeping comfortably back at the mansion. We are incredibly lucky to be part of the Bangtan family because we have a place to belong away from home.

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