Chapter 60

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A couple of months later...
Taehyung walked beside me as we entered the familiar restaurant, Singularity. Just as expected of a five-star restaurant, it was packed with classy, and high profile people. They were enjoying their meals while drinking the most expensive wine they could afford. To match the people inside, Taehyung and I were dressed formally; I was dressed in a sapphire blue dress that reached my knees with matching ballet flats, while Taehyung was dressed in a white dress shirt, black vest and pants, with leather shoes. He let me hold onto his arm as we walked up to the host. It wasn't Kyungsoo this time, apparently, the restaurant allowed him to act as host as part of Yoongi Oppa's plan a few months ago.

The host greeted us with a friendly smile before asking for our reservation.
"Kim Sae-Young," I replied to when he requested for our name.
"Right this way," he replied formally, directing us towards the arch to the back rooms.

We followed the tall host as he lead us towards the same room we used twice. When I was making the reservation for today, the workers had mentioned that same room was infamous for trouble. I knew she was talking about us; after all, we destroyed the windows, unintentionally, and drove the customers out for that one night. The second time, we almost destroyed half of that room, due to half of Stray Kids getting their hands on alcohol and getting crazy drunk. When they were sober, they got a scolding from both my brother and the restaurant owners. Let's just say that they promised never to touch alcohol again.

Once we made it to our room, I felt Taehyung tense up beside me. I told the host that we would be okay entering the room on our own, and he bowed in respect before leaving. As soon as he was gone, I turned to Taehyung with a worried expression.
"Taehyung, what's wrong?" I asked him, supping his cheeks.
Taehyung shook his head, placing his hands on my hips.
"I don't know..." he whispered. "I don't know why, but I'm scared to walk through those doors."
I gave Taehyung a reassuring smile and a peck on the lips. Locking my hand with his, I tugged him towards the dual doors.
"It's okay Taehyung, I'm here for you."

I placed my hand on the doorknob, before turning it and opening the door. Just like I had requested, things were set up perfectly. Two tables joined together in the centre of the room, with a glass chandelier lighting up the atmosphere warmly. Dinner was a few dishes from Italy, along with some non-alcoholic red wine, but it would be delivered when we were ready for it. As well as I had requested, they were also here before us. I turned back to Taehyung, giving him a sincere nod. Taehyung gulped, but eventually took in a deep breath and giving me a nod back.

We both walked into the room, and I greeted the middle-aged couple with a smile and bow. Taehyung froze beside me, his eyes landing on the man and woman in front of us. I had a feeling he was going to react like this, I didn't even tell him that I was planning something like this. Yoongi Oppa was also surprised when I asked him to do something like this for me. It took a couple months to find them and get in contact, but we made it happen and I set this night up. Taking a quick glance towards the couple as well, they looked like they were about to break down into tears.

"Taehyung, this is Chae-Young and Minwoo Kim," I introduced after giving them space. "Mr. and Ms. Kim, this is Kim Taehyung, your son."

Taehyung burst into tears along with his parents, and it warmed my heart like a fireplace to embrace each other warmly. They all let their once pained cries and mourning free, replaced with happy wailing. Taehyung was able to embrace both Chae-Young and Minwoo with his arms, letting his head rest between theirs. He buried his face into their clothes, letting his tears soak into their clothes. I didn't even need to explain what had happened, Taehyung just knew, perhaps he sensed that connection between them before I stated their names.

After they calmed down, and we had sat down for dinner, I explained everything to them. A week after I had recovered from the mission and headed back home, I asked a Yoongi Oppa to look into Taehyung's history using his DNA. I was embarrassed to admit this to them, but while Taehyung was asleep, he was drooling a lot. I took that opportunity to collect some of his saliva and give it to Oppa so that he could get into contact with a friend who was a DNA analyst. From there, he was able to look into Taehyung's bloodline, and track down Chae-Young and MinWoo. However, if both of them still had their doubts, I offered them, to do a DNA test to provide further closure. Taehyung brought up the question about the adoption papers and such, but that was just a ruse put out by the Go's to discourage Taehyung from searching for his real parents. They thought if they could get him to think that his parents abandoned him, he would come to hate them. However, Taehyung, with all his heart refused to believe that was true, but with the Go's tyranny, he couldn't go out and search for them.

How Taehyung was taken was absolutely cruel; he was just a few days old when he was taken from the hospital's nursery. It was unclear as to who kidnapped Taehyung, but Yoongi Oppa is still looking into that. Taehyung's parents were heartbroken to hear that their only child was taken from them. They spent every dollar on private investigators, hoping they would find their son, but they turned up nothing. The Go's interfered with each and every investigation, stopping the PI's right in their tracks, either by destroying their leads or killing them. I knew the Go's were sick, but it was gut-wrenching to hear that they would go so far.

During dinner, Taehyung connected with his parents instantly, feeling comfortable with them within seconds. It reminded me of Joon and I with our parents, it brought a smile to my face. From the way things are going, this relationship between these three would last a lifetime.

News of the destruction of the Go's building didn't reach the news, courtesy of the tech team. That day, the existence of the Go's and Smith's faded into history, people had already forgotten about them. Their drug routes never resurfaced, their buyers also disappeared, either by assassination or by suicide. We, as a mafia, have never had to deal with them again, it was just water under the bridge now. Taehyung has recovered from that trauma, never worrying about it again. He's still a happy little puppy, always retaining that sweetheart attitude and box smile. I would say that I'm okay, but I slip into panic attacks from time to time. Jin Hyung and Unnie tell me that they were expecting something like this since I am a rabbit in a den of cougars sort to speak. I wasn't ready for something like that, everyone was aware of it. But everyone was always there to help me if I did slip into the deep end, along with some medications. However, I don't complain much about it, everything was worth it in the end.

Taehyung is happy, I'm happy. Everyone feels closure.

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