Chapter 33

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Hoseok drove frantically through the empty streets. He had the audacity to run through red lights, and not care about the speed limits. At this point, those things didn't matter to him. He was carrying two injured boys in the back of the van, he needed to hurry up and get them home. Looking through the rearview mirror, he witnessed Jin trying to stop the bleeding alongside Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook. Namjoon and Taehyung were bleeding out in the back, and they were trying their hardest to help their bodies clot the injuries.

While Namjoon and Taehyung were awake, they weren't worried about themselves, they were worried about what Sae-young was going to do. She's going to one of the people who is going to handle the injured mafia members, and when she sees them, who knows what's going to happen.
"Hyung we have to call Sae-Young," Yoongi frantically said, applying more pressure to Taehyung's chest. "When we walk through those doors without calling her, she might faint!"
"N-No... d-don't..." Namjoon weakly begged.

Jin looked at his little brothers with conflicted eyes. He didn't know what to do. Whether to call Sae-Young and tell her to prepare the surgical suite, or to not tell her anything. The man couldn't forget that they needed her help; she is a doctor capable of performing general surgeries and handling emergency trauma. The state Namjoon and Taehyung were in, he couldn't take care of them by himself. Not to mention the others who were injured, following closely behind. Jin gulped reaching for his phone.

Upon bringing it up to his ear, he tried to steady his breath.
"Yobuseyo?" the female voice answered.
"Eun-Lee ah?" he said in a less frantic voice.
"Jin Oppa? Is something wrong?"
"I need you to help us," he said. "We have two people here bleeding out, one gunshot to the chest, the other to the lower abdomen. Both haven't gone into shock yet, but it's possible they will when we get back to the mansion. Their breathing is a little unsteady, but they are still able to breathe on their own. We need to perform surgery, as the bullets are still inside their bodies. We also have a few more injured following behind us, but I don't know their situation."
"Oh my god, Sae-Young is going to kill you," she gasped.
"I know, we promised her as well. But this is serious," Jin gulped.
"You better explain things to her," she scolded. "Where do I need to go?"
"I'll text you the address, tell the others inside that you are a friend of Sae-Young, and that I called you for help."

The others looked at Jin with wide eyes, confused as to what he just did. From the way things sounded, Eun-Lee was an innocent.
"We'll sort that out later!" Jin exclaimed, scaring the boys. "We need as much help as we can get in case Sae-Young does faint!"
Jin then tapped on Sae-Young's contact, bringing it up to his ear. A dreadful and foreboding feeling rose up in his body, he knew what was going to happen. The man had hoped that something like this wouldn't happen, but unfortunately, it did. He was scared of what she was going to do or say.
"Yobuseyo? Oppa?" she answered in a calm voice.
"Sae-Young ah, I need you to remain calm-"
"Oppa, who got shot?!" she questioned in an angry voice.
Jin couldn't bring himself to answer. He was fearful of how she would react, and his suspicions were correct.
"SEOKJIN WHO GOT SHOT?!" Sae-Young exclaimed suddenly, dropping all honorifics.

Everyone's eyes widened. They have never heard her outburst in that way before. She was a very respectful and polite woman, always talking nicely and adding honorifics. This sudden outburst surprised them, but they knew she was about to explode on the other end, and possibly scare Han and Felix if she didn't do so already. When she dropped the formalities, they knew they were in serious trouble. Jin tried to answer her, but she hung up.

"N-Noona..." Jungkook gulped.
"We're gonna have to face this head on," Yoongi growled.

Sae-Young was pacing back and forth in the living room after preparing the surgical suite for what would seem like multiple bullet extractions. Even if her Unnie, Han, Felix and Chopa were trying to calm her down, she wouldn't listen. They had promised her that they wouldn't get hurt, yet here they are, soon to arrive with people bleeding out. She didn't know who they were, that made her all the more worried. What would she do if it was her brother or Taehyung?

Eun-Lee looked at her dongsaeng with worried eyes. She was aware of how much she cared about her friends, brother and boyfriend. The woman was happy that she has found more happiness, not being a tormented soul anymore. But seeing how she could lose them within the next hour was hard for the both of them. Han and Felix were anxious as well for their Hyungs. They knew something like this is dangerous, it's the life they live. The thing they were the most concerned about was their friend's lives that have gone in to take back the casino.

Colossus was a huge threat to the Bangtan mafia, it has been that way since their early beginnings. Bangtan wanted nothing to do with the other mafia, but Colossus kept pushing and pushing them until they had no choice but to declare war on them. The problem was Bangtan would win every single time, every single battle. Colossus was on the losing side, yet they kept sparking a flame they couldn't put out. Taking ExoPlanet Casino was their greatest achievement, and they wouldn't give it up without a fight, resulting in Bangtan's injuries.

The barrage of vans arrived back at the mansion, filing into the gate in a neat order. People with the worst injuries were closest to the entrance, so they could be tended to first. Those with the less serious injuries weren't a top priority; a simple few stitches and a bandage would get them back on their feet. There were quite a few seriously injured mafia members: Namjoon, Taehyung, Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Mark, JB, Bambam, HyunJin, Bang Chan and I.N. Their injuries ranged from gunshot wounds, or stab wounds in vital areas. Their infirmary would be full with the amount of seriously injured people trying to recover, luckily it wasn't more than twelve people who needed bed rest.

Namjoon and Taehyung were carried in using two separate blankets. Sae-Young gasped in horror, staggering back into Felix. He held her shoulders, preventing her from falling to the floor. Her entire world had collapsed right under her feet, seeing her loved ones bruised, bloodied and beaten. The foreboding feelings she had earlier, all the warning signs, they were coming true, and all too quickly. She could only watch in a frozen state, witnessing ten people being carried into the foyer and towards the first-floor medical station. (The mansion has two medical stations.) Eun-Lee couldn't do anything, but only follow the injured and begin performing her duties.

Sae-Young let out a shaky breath, refusing to let her tears fall.
Save them now, cry later.

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