Chapter 55

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"Hang on tight Sae-Young, okay?" Jin said firmly as he picked his dongsaeng up bridal style.

EXO, BTS and the extraction team were ready to climb the building, up to the eighteenth floor to crash the wedding. Prior to that, the barrage of vans had arrived in a parking lot across the building twenty minutes before the wedding. They had all been parked in a single file line, their engines shut off. Everyone had climbed out of the vehicles stretching from the long drive from the mansion to the location. Yoongi helped Sae-Young out of the van, offering his hand to her. She gave him a thankful smile before taking his hand and hopping out of the car. Felix followed after me, but he tripped through the door, falling face first into the pavement.
"Omo," Sae-young gasped helping her dongsaeng up and dusting off his clothes. "Be careful Felix."
The young boy chuckled in an embarrassed manner, rubbing the back of his neck with this palm of his hand. He had a smile on his face, but it was a nervousness smile. Yoongi chuckled, giving him a soft pat on the back.

Namjoon came over to his sister quickly pulling her away from her team momentarily. He brought her over to the tech team's van with the intention of giving her an earpiece. Just like the others, the tech team needed to communicate with her in case of emergencies during the mission. He helped her up into the vehicle, lifting her up by the armpits onto the first step. Sae-Young stepped into the car, taking a look at all the technical stuff lining the interior walls. There were many monitors and wires inside, she had to be careful and not trip like Felix. Sehun, YoungJae and Lee Know were already typing away at their keyboards, doing some sort of technological stuff. Sae-Young sat down on a chair close to Sehun, watching him type green letters on a black canvas. Namjoon, after tripping on a step, coughed and stood beside his sister.

Sehun picked up a sleek, but small black earpiece and handed to her. 
"We'll be able to communicate with you with this," he said as he watched her put it into her ear. "Can you hear me, princess?"
Sae-Young nodded, hearing the older man's voice right in her ear.
"Alright everyone," Namjoon said into Sehun's headset. "Let's get moving."

Just like Jin had instructed, Sae-Young wrapped his arms around his neck, hanging on for dear life. She was scared of heights and didn't like the idea of climbing eighteen stories into the air on climbing gear. Jin noticed her uneasiness and reassured her that he wouldn't drop her.
"Climbing team, get ready," Lee Know informed. "Crash team will storm in 30 seconds."
Everyone outside the building looked at each other, nodding firmly. Each one of them was ready to crash that appalling wedding and get Taehyung out of there.
"Go now climbing team!" Sehun ordered.

With that, each one of them started climbing up the glass building. EXO and BTS climbed up first to clear the way for the extraction team. The extraction team quickly followed, jumping up and letting their climbing gear take over. A small yelp left Sae-Young's mouth when she felt Jin's feet leave the pavement and held on tighter to him. The older man adjusted his grip around her body in a way that would comfort her but also prevent her from falling from his arms and simply hanging by their harnesses.
"It's okay Sae-Young, I got you," he spoke calmly.
Sae-Young held her breath as they continued to ascend higher and higher.

The moment they reached the eighteenth floor, Sae-Young finally relaxed and refrained from choking Jin. He let her down onto the floor, removing the clasp attaching the harnesses together. As soon as she was free from the climbing gear, she tried her best not to grow weak from the sight in front of her. Many of the guests at the wedding were already dead, lying in a pool of their own blood. It appeared that the guards who were watching the wedding were also dead, bullets piercing their foreheads. The officiant was also dead, lying on the steps of the stage. Her eyes landed on a Caucasian couple on the floor, where she assumed that they were the Smith's. The climbing team caused a lot of destruction, killing everyone that was in their path.

"Watch out extraction team," Sehun informed them. "A small group of reinforcements is approaching your area."
Sehun's warning came on just seconds before said reinforcements appeared from a hallway to the right of them. Felix acted quickly, pulling Sae-Young to the floor, behind the toppled altar as soon as they raised their guns. He quickly covered her ears, trying his best to block out the sounds of gunshots. Yoongi strafed to the left, dodging the bullets fired towards him. He drew his own gun in the blink of an eye and fired the ammo, which flew into the front lines of the reinforcements. Many of them dropped like flies from the newfound mental in their heads. Jin smoothly rolled behind the wedding arch, drawing his guns from the holsters around his waist. He stretched his arms out, aiming and firing at the remains men filing into the room. Meanwhile, Han was taking the chairs in the room and throwing them at any men who were still alive.
"JEON CENA! YOU CAN'T SEE ME!" he yelled at the top of his lungs.

All of the extraction team looked at him with confused eyes. Jungkook has had too much of an influence on the younger boys.

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