Chapter 58

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In a matter of seconds, I felt the air burning its way down my weakened windpipe, filling my lungs as I coughed harshly. The heavy weight of Daehyun disappeared from my body, allowing me to roll onto my side and clutch my throat delicately. I greedily sucked in mouthfuls of oxygen, finally being able to breathe effectively. However, my breath became caught in my throat once again. I couldn't believe the sight in front of me, but it came like a slap to the face. I struggled to push myself up off the floor, watching the scene in front of me.

"Taehyung!" I exclaimed with a strained voice, his name coming out of my mouth like second nature.

Taehyung had Daehyun pinned under him, where he threw punch after punch to his face. His movements were sloppy, but they had enough power behind them to cause Daehyun's head to be thrown in the corresponding direction. Taehyung's breaths were laboured, he was struggling to breathe effectively as he fought for his life. I felt frozen as Taehyung was thrown off of Daehyun, his weakened body flying towards me. His back connected with my front, promptly crushing me against the back of the couch, displacing the furniture from our collision.
"Taehyung! Taehyung!" I wheezed, ignoring the burning pain in my body.
I pushed myself up onto my knees, gripping his shoulder and shaking him. Taehyung seemed to be out of his earlier trance, but he was in a severely weakened state. He looked like he was about to pass out any second, his eyes unable to focus on a single object, and his mouth gaping like a fish out of water.

Daehyun got up to his feet, pointing the gun at both me and Taehyung. A crazed look in his eyes burned our souls as he looked down on us.
"Such as shame the drugs wore off," he hissed. "But that doesn't matter, we'll do this again and get what we want."
I hunched over Taehyung, trying to protect him from the bullet that was about to fire towards us. Even if my clothing was bulletproof, I knew I would still feel the pain of the bullet hitting my back due to the point blank range. I clutched tightly onto Taehyung, tears streaming down my face.

Suddenly, I felt a warm palm on my hand, making my eyes shoot open. Looking down, I saw Taehyung, holding my hand tightly, trying to reassure me that everything would be okay. However, I had my doubts; I lost my earpiece, the tech team and brother must be worrying about me right this second, trying to reach me desperately. My team didn't break in either, they must still be battling with the reinforcements that were trying to get into this room. I was shaking so much, the fear rushing through my veins like a reservoir being opened.

But Taehyung had a smile on his face.

The door to the room was broken down, evident by the sound of the wood crashing to the floor. I heard the metal hinges hit the floor as well, towns from the doorframe from the force. I honestly didn't know who it was, but Taehyung seemed to know. Two gunshots followed the breaking down of the door, the loud sounds echoing across the room. The bullets fired from the guns fired towards Daehyun, bursting through his shoulder and hand holding my gun. I winced at the sound of his wailing cries of pain as he tried to clutch his wounds that were bleeding profusely. Taehyung suddenly got up, given that he staggered multiple times. He stalked towards Daehyun drunkenly, where the older man sauntered backwards, towards the broken window, courtesy of Clarise.

Taehyung stood up straight, looking at that horrid man right in the eyes.

"THIS IS BANGTAN!" he exclaimed, before raising his foot and kicking the man out of the window.

My ears grew deaf to the sound of the falling man, as Taehyung had lost all his strength and fell backwards. But I caught just in time to prevent the loose shard of glass from stabbing his back right through his black suit. I immediately rested his head in my lap, but my heart shattered into a million pieces.
"Taehyung!" I wailed out, shaking his cheeks.

Taehyung's eyes were shut tightly, forbidding me from seeing those beautiful orbs. He lay completely limp on the floor and in my lap, his unresponsive state shaking me down to the core. He didn't appear to be breathing at all, his chest refusing to rise and fall in rhythm of my own.

Jin Oppa and Yoongi Oppa appeared in front of me, trying to check on Taehyung and myself. But I was hysterical at that point, I had completely lost sight of what it meant to be a first responder. I had tears streaming down my reddened cheeks, blurring my vision of Jin trying to help Taehyung, and Yoongi trying to calm me down. Even Felix and Han were unable to help me as I have grown numb to their warm hands and soft voices. My own heart was beating in my throat but it felt like it was choking me like earlier. The voices surrounding me grew distorted, eventually sounding like I was underwater. I could even react when I was pulled away from Taehyung by large hands, before being pulled into a firm chest. I couldn't tell who it was anymore, I was already out of it.

The last thing I heard clearly was Jin Oppa calling for an AED.

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