Chapter 24

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Taehyung's POV
"Shit!" Yoongi suddenly exclaimed, typing madly at his keyboard.
"What's wrong?" Suho questioned standing up.
The monitors we were just looking at suddenly turned to static, and we were unable to see the Kim siblings. A sudden feeling of dread and fear started to pump through my veins. Something was wrong, and I could feel it.
"Code red, I repeat code red!" Kyungsoo yelled into his earpiece.

Jiminie, Felix and Kyungsoo followed me as I ran out of our monitoring room, and down the hallway. By this time, I could already hear people screaming downstairs, and windows being shattered. Just as we had feared, something did happen, and Namjoon and Sae-Young were right in the middle of it. I was incredibly worried about them because the leader wasn't armed, he only had his earpiece. In addition to that, Sae-Young is still injured, and she won't fight, but I fear that she will have to in this situation. What scares me, even more, is that Sae-Young has never been in a mafia fight before, she has no idea how brutal these things can get. It terrifies me that she could get hurt beyond a few bruises and cuts, I don't want to even imagine the worst that could happen to her.

On the second floor, we heard a high pitched scream echo through the hallways. I've never heard Sae-Young scream before, but I knew it was her; the restaurant was now empty of any patrons, and there was no way that any of the mafia members had that high pitch of a scream. We all ran faster, the sight of the room getting closer, but we were stopped.

A large group of men dressed in black and armed stood in front of the room, ready to break in. Luckily, they didn't notice us come into the hallway. It felt like second nature to draw my guns from the holsters hidden under my blazer. With little effort, I pulled the triggers on both guns and released the bullets from their chambers. Jimin, Felix and Kyungsoo Hyung also drew their guns and knives, unleashing them into the crowd. By the end of it, there was a pile of bodies in front of the doors.

We didn't wait any longer to clear the bodies away from the door when we heard shot shots and the sounds of a struggle inside the room. Jimin kicked down the doors, the wood busting at its hinges. Once we were inside, there was just madness in the room; Namjoon was struggling to keep some men off of him as he tried to rush over to his sister. Meanwhile, Sae-Young was being dragged away from Namjoon by her hair, where she let out painful protests and screams. But it was almost as if something inside Sae-Young snapped; she jumped up to her feet, sweeping the man's leg out from under him. The man hit the floor with a heavy thud, letting go of her hair.

The moment she was freed, she ran over to Namjoon, jumping on a man's back, who was about to come at him from behind. Within a matter of seconds, she had the man in a deadly chokehold, not even phased by his helpless flailing. The moment he fell unconscious, she rolled out from under the body and jumping back up to her feet. Namjoon grabbed his sister's arms, helping her swing around and kick three men across the face, knocking them out.

"Let's not let them have all the fun," Jimin whined, cocking his gun followed by a wicked grin.
"Told you guys," Yoongi warned through the earpiece. "Hurry and finish up, the outside units are almost done clearing them out." 
"Let's go," Felix nodded, running into the room alongside Jimin.


After what seemed to be hours, we finally cleared out the dining room. The large group broke in brought the windows and sent glass flying everywhere. Luckily, none of our guys got cut with the glass lying everywhere. I don't understand how this large of a group could have broken through our perimeter lines. How could they have broken into Yoongi's equipment? He's the best tech guy we have, not just anyone can hack into his system. Whoever it was, we're dealing with a big threat.

Kyungsoo, Felix and Jimin walked through the unconscious and dead bodies, trying to get clues as to who these men are. Meanwhile, I jogged over to Namjoon and Sae-young, who was hunched over and breathing heavily.
"Sis you're out of shape," Namjoon teased, squeezing her arm. "Your muscles are atrophied."
She huffed and elbowed Namjoon in the gut. He gagged, stepping backwards and holding his stomach.
"You okay?" I asked her, crouching down and holding her back.
Sae-youngie nodded, finally standing up straight.

I frowned when there were specks of blood staining her dove white shirt. Sae-youngie noticed my gaze and reached for my hand.
"It's not mine Tae," she shook her head.
"Oh thank goodness," I sighed, hugging her.
That night in the alley is the first and last time I ever want to see Sae-young bleed. I almost lost her that night from blood loss, and I don't ever want it to happen again. Any drop of blood that comes from her body to me it's a sign that she could die if the wound doesn't clot.

Letting go of Sae-Young, I held tightly on her hand as I turned to the leader. He gave me an approving smile, but I raised my eyebrow in confusion. Namjoon shook his head, adding in a chuckle before addressing us.
"How did these men get in through the windows? I thought Mark's unit was watching the roof, along with Baekyun's unit," he questioned.
"We're not exactly sure," Felix shrugged, walking over to us. "Our cameras went down, so we couldn't see how it happened. But I can only assume they overpowered the roof teams and broke in."
"Do you think this is Colossus's doing?" Jimin questioned. "They probably wanted more than the casino." 
"Whoever it is, Stray Kids have gone to investigate after Yoongi ordered it," Jin Hyung announced, walking into the room followed by Jungkook.
"Wait what?!" Felix suddenly exclaimed. "They left me behind?!"
Before any of us could answer, the young man ran out of the room, screaming in an Aussie accent. We all stared at the door, our eyebrows raised in confusion.
"Uh, who was that?" Sae-Youngie asked, breaking the silence.
"Just a friend of ours," Jungkook shrugged.

I smiled as she nodded thoughtfully, but still a little confused.
"Let's clean up here," Namjoon said, brushing his hair back. "Kid, why don't you sleep at the mansion tonight?"
"I don't see why not," she nodded.
"Jin Hyung, Taehyung and Kook, you three can head back with her too," he ordered. "We'll be back soon, I have to apologize to the owner, and promptly pay for the damages."


Sae-Young's POV
Taehyung carried me on his back after we got out of SeokJin Oppa's car. I was exhausted after today's testing and the whole shenanigan at the restaurant. I wasn't expecting to have to fight against a group of men after having a much-needed talk with my brother. Though I was mad about it earlier, I can't help but be glad to have finally seen Namjoon and talked to him about his departure. I honestly wasn't expecting SeokJin, Taehyung and Jungkook to set this up. Along with that, I wasn't expecting to have to fight after Namjoon explained everything. Neither had I expected to be bombarded with questions from a man with blonde hair- who's name was Jackson- where he was shut up by Jimin. It was quite funny watching him slap a piece of tape on his mouth and tackle him to the ground.

As I laid against Taehyung's back, I heard his heart beat right through his tuxedo. It oddly lulled me into a drowsy state, and I found myself snuggling into the nape of his neck. I heard Taehyung chuckling through his neck, and I knew he had a smile on his face. He hoisted me up when we walked through the gate, and I rested my head in the crook of his neck. I inhaled his sweet cologne and closed my eyes.
"Aww, the baby is asleep," I heard SeokJin coo, tucking my hair behind my ear.
"Noona is adorable," Jungkook chuckled, poking my cheek.

I felt us walk inside the house, and heard the door close.
"I'll let Sae-Youngie sleep in my room," Taehyung announced, carrying me up the stairs.
Taehyung carried me up the stairs with little effort and made it upstairs in a matter of seconds. I opened my heavy eyes slightly, and I found us approaching his bed. He turned around and set me down on the bed. Taehyung helped me under the covers and tucked me in. He crouched down in front of my face and pecked my forehead.
"Good night jagiyah," he cooed, cupping my cheek. "I'm just going to wait for the hyungs, then I'll sleep with you."
"Okay... Night jagi," I smiled tiredly.

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