Chapter 29

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Namjoon's POV
I held my sister's hand firmly in mine as we walked down the darkened street. We were in a dangerous part of the city, I didn't want her to get hurt or worse. I aggressively wondered why Start Kids would open a tattoo parlour on these infamous streets. This place was far from our building and mansion, it was also a long distance from EXO and Got7. If they were in trouble we possibly couldn't make it here in time in case of a red alert.

Sae-Young clung onto my arm when a loud crash erupted from an alleyway across the street. I felt her shake slightly, the atmosphere was uncomfortable for her, I knew it all too well. I didn't want to take her at this hour, but the parlour only opened after ten in the evening. I honestly don't know what those kids are thinking, but I'm not displacing my hope, I know they can take care of themselves. I lifted my hand, patting her head since it calmed her down when we were kids. She relaxed slightly, looking at with hesitant eyes, but she was still on edge.

"It's alright kid," I told her, tugging her closer to me.
"This place is creepy," she muttered.
"I know, I always get the feeling we're being watched, then again, they keep a tight watch on who enters their territory," I nodded.

After walking for a few more minutes, we stood in front of the District 9 Tattoo Parlour. A bright, neon sign lit up this portion of the alley in an eerie red. Sae-Young's grip around my a tightened, it was obvious that she was terrified out of her mind. She had never been to a place like this, I couldn't blame her.

"This way Sae-Young ah," I cooed softly.

I led her towards the frosted glass doors, aware of the lights on inside. Placing my palm on the door handle, I pulled it towards us and allowed my sister to go in first. The ring of the bell above the door caught Han's attention, who was drifting off in the front desk chair. The man fell off his chair, a loud crash echoing through the empty parlour. I witnessed Sae-Young rush over to his side, asking him if he was okay. Aigoo, she cares so much.

"I'm okay Noona," he chuckled in an embarrassed manner.

"You didn't bump your head, Han?" I asked him, closing the door behind me.

Han coughed uncomfortably, dusting off his black clothes. He ran his hand through his brown locks, looking at me and shaking his head. Han had a slight pink tinge to his cheeks, embarrassed because he was caught sleeping on the job and that he fell backwards in the stupidest way possible.

"A-anyways..." Han said, getting his bearing together. "Noona will be getting the mafia tattoo right?"

"That's right," I nodded. "I've already filled out the paperwork with Chan."

"Alrighty, this way," Han motioned towards the backrooms.

I walked over to Sae-Young's side as she looked at me with scared eyes. Han also looked in our direction with understanding eyes.

"Everything will be alright," I reassured her. "I'll be right with you, and Han won't hurt you."
I then shot a hard glare in the younger boy's direction. He flinched in fear but nodded with understanding. I had made it very clear to everyone that Sae-Young was fragile and that I wanted to keep her innocence; she would not be caught in any line of fire. It was a relief to hear then all honour my wishes.

My baby sister walked ahead of me as we followed Han down the dimly lit hallways to his workroom. The walk there was silent and slightly tense, but that was mostly coming from Han, he knew that if he messed up, I wouldn't be happy. Upon arriving, he opened the door for us letting us go inside first. Han directed Sae-Young over to the chair and she sat down. Pulling up a chair, I sat in front of her, taking her hand in mine.

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