Chapter 9

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Taehyung helped me over to the kitchen; if it weren't for him, I would have gotten lost in this mansion. Seriously, this place was gigantic! My apartment could fit here over ten times; either my place was way too small, or this place was way too big. I don't think that I would be comfortable in a house this big; I'm just one person and I would feel lonely if I lived in a mansion by myself.

I soon found myself in a very large kitchen, one with top grade appliances. Mostly everything was made of stainless steel, polished and shined with no scratches upon their surface. The countertops were a pure white marble, without any food residue. A large chandelier hung from the ceiling, but it was turned off due to the giant windows lining the wall, which led out to a backyard. There was a large island in the middle of the kitchen, a sink and fruit bowl situated in their marble. If I could cook, this would be my dream kitchen.

In the dining room, which was connected to the kitchen, I saw and heard Seok-Jin scolding a boy who looked to be younger than me. The boy sat at the table, with a guilty smile on his face. His brown locks covered his eyes, but I could assume he tried to play innocent. SeokJin wasn't having it and was acting motherly.

"Yah! I told you to wait for the others!" he started.

"Hyung, it's one pancake," the boy rebutted.

"That's not the point! We eat together as a family!"

Taehyung cleared his throat, catching both SeokJin's and the boy's attention. The eldest sighed and took a seat beside the coconut head. The boy's eyes lit up as Taehyung and I joined them at the breakfast table. A polite smile pulled on his lips as I made eye contact with me. 

"Good morning Noona," he greeted.

"M-morning..." I replied, trying to a return a smile of my own.

"I'm Jungkook."

We began to eat breakfast; the boys let me have first grab at the food on the table. I wasn't used to having breakfast in the morning, usually because I didn't have enough time, and that I couldn't prepare anything without cutting myself or burning my apartment down. That includes using a toaster. Over the past year and a half, I've grown accustomed to skipping breakfast. I was quite hesitant to take anything from the plates in front of us; I wasn't sure if I would like anything.

"Is something wrong?" SeokJin asked me, a concerned look flashing across his face.

"I-I'm just not used to eating breakfast," I confessed.

Taehyung reached over towards a bowl of strawberries and stabbed them with a fork he had. He brought it over to my plate, and pulled it on, setting it on the white ceramic.

"Eat a little bit," he gently scolded.


With Taehyung's, SeokJin's and Jungkook's encouragement, I had eaten a couple strawberries and a single pancake. By the end of my first pancake, I was too full to eat another piece of fruit or flapjack. I had explained that I don't eat too often, only when I'm working at the pet hospital. Unnie is really kind to order food for the two of us, usually, it's something like bulgogi and rice, or glass noodles. I don't really mind what she orders; she pays for it and I wasn't going to be picky. I don't eat breakfast or even lunch for that matter. Before I graduated from high school at sixteen, I can recall four separate times someone has deliberately spilled their lunches on me. Ever since then during lunch, I spent my time in the library studying. No food was ever spilt on me again.

Taehyung, SeokJin and Jungkook were pretty shocked to hear that I don't eat very often, because of the lunchtime accidents. Each of their faces were twisted in slight disdain, but Taehyung's stood out the most. It looked like he wanted to look for those people, find them and kill them. A feeling of shock, and slight fear wash over me as his grip around his fork tightened; his hand turning white. Unconsciously, I placed my hand on his thigh, and he snapped out of his blind rage almost immediately. He looked at me with apologetic eyes; laying his bigger hand on mine.

It was honestly sweet seeing these three care about me. The only person who has cared about me since my parents passed away was Eun-lee Unnie. Chopa as well, but she's a corgi. They were there for me when I needed them; especially after the times where I was physically abused at school by the other students. Unnie was always concerned with my safety, offering to jump in if it came to it. Now that Taehyung, was in my life, along with Seok-Jin and Jungkook, I feel a little more happier.

"I've been meaning to ask you this," SeokJin spoke up. "But how did you end up in the alley?"

"I was wondering the same thing," Taehyung added.

Jungkook just nodded his head, agreeing with his Hyungs.

"Erm... well, I was helping Unnie at the pet hospital; we were handling some last minute appointments because Unnie left earlier for a trip back to her hometown. She's going to be gone for a week, therefore we can't take in any appointments," I started. "After I had finished up with a labrador, Unnie closed down the hospital. I didn't go home right away because I had to get a couple things at the supermarket. When I walked out and down the street, a man in black was following me. I started to run, but I was pushed into the alley by another pair who I assumed was friends with the first man. They cornered me in the inner street, and tried to kidnap me."

"Did you see their faces?" Jungkook questioned. 

"It was too dark, and they wore masks. I didn't see anything outstanding on their clothes either," I shook my head. "They just popped up out of nowhere."

"How'd you beat them up?" Taehyung questioned.

SeokJin suddenly spit tank his water out, his eyes wide with shock. He opened his mouth, where a remaining amount of water dripped from his mouth and I hope not onto his shorts. Jungkook was surprised as well, but not as much as his older brother; it was more of a calm shock.

"I thought Taehyung took care of them!" SeokJin exclaimed.

"I shot one of them Hyung," he sighed. "And that was only because he shot Sae-young. She just beat them up."

"Wait wait wait," SeokJin stopped us, standing up from his chair. "You beat up three guys three times your size?!"

"Hyung why are you so surprised?" Jungkook suddenly asked. "Jimin Hyung took on someone twice his size."

Taehyung snickered.

"I know that, but this is completely different!"

"Hyung, your face is turning red," Taehyung added. "Your blood pressure is too high."

"It's not like I would do it to get even with someone..." I mumbled, picking at the crumbs on my plate.

SeokJin sighed, sitting back down on his chair. His head rested against his fingertips as he looked at me. Just from the past two hours, I could tell her was the motherly figure between the three of them. He was acting like a motherly figure towards me as well, despite knowing me for only a few hours. SeokJin sighed in defeat, leaning back in his chair.

"Did you have training?" Jungkook asked, stuffing an entire pancake in his mouth.

"My dad trained me," I answers, fiddling with his earring. "I'm not sure why though. It was just out of the blue."

"Maybe something happened?" Taehyung suggested.

"I don't know," I sighed.

A few days after my brother had left, my dad just got up and said he was going to train me. At the time, I didn't really understand why, and I still don't know the reason. But dad was considerate towards my physical performance; he didn't push me too hard, and helped me build up my stamina and strength. My dad also taught me a lot of maneuvers, both offensive and defensive. He encouraged me to explore different types of martial arts and implement them into my fighting style. I'm still trying to figure out why he taught me in such a way, but things haven't been so successful. As smart as I am, I can't figure it out without any leads.

Why aren't you here to answer my questions? 

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