Chapter 42

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"Drive carefully Hoseok," Namjoon reminded the redhead. "I don't want you to hurt them while they're in the trunk."
Hoseok nodded as he headed towards the driver's seat. Namjoon looked towards Taehyung and I, sitting in the dip of the trunk. He was worried about us, we were leaving for a safe house while the other's stayed here.

Yesterday night, we had come up with a plan to relocate Taehyung to keep him safe from his adoptive parents. Yoongi Oppa had found surveillance of a yellow van stalking our mansion from across the street. It didn't take a genius to figure out that those people were their henchmen. They have been watching us very closely, waiting for a chance to take Taehyung. However, they were unable to hack into Oppa's security system, it was heavily protected thanks to his programming. We all agreed to move Taehyung to a smaller house out in the forest outside of the city. Since those people were watching, we needed to make them think Taehyung was still inside the mansion. Jungkook would sit in Taehyung's room with his back to the window, leading them on. Their hair colours were the same, so it would work out. Meanwhile, Hoseok and Jimin would escort Taehyung and I to the house. It was a given that I would go with him, none of us wanted to be alone.

My brother came over to me, pulling me into a tight hug. His muscles tensed up around me; I could feel how worried he was. Taehyung and I would be away from them for who knows how long. What we were planning to do could lead to bigger consequences, but it was a chance we were willing to take. Namjoon pecked the side of my head, giving me a sign of his brotherly affection. He pulled away, moving towards Taehyung to pull him into a hug as well.
"We'll try to join you as soon as possible," he reminded us. "We don't know how long it will take, but please be safe while you two are on your own. Hoseok will leave a bag with guns, knives and ammo with you before you leave. If something happens and we're not there, use those to protect yourselves. Jin Hyung packed a couple bags of medical supplies and medication for you in case. There are multiple bags and cases of food and water for you. When we head to the house, we'll restock on supplies."
Both Taehyung and I nodded, understanding what was available to us.
"Stay safe you two," he said, his voice cracking a little. "Love you kid."
"Love you too Joon."

Namjoon slammed the trunk door closed, where a breeze of wind hit my face. Taehyung adjusted the way he was sitting in the trunk, leaning against the van's walls. He looked towards me with worried eyes, but he opened his arms wanting me to sit in between his legs. Without questioning it, I crawled over to his lap, sitting down with my back against his chest. His arms wrapped tightly around my stomach, holding me tightly. He buried his face into the side of my neck, nuzzling into my long hair. Silence engulfed us as the engine of the van roared to life.

The van began to move out of the opened garage, Hobie carefully guiding it onto the driveway. Before I knew it, we were already out of the gate, with the giant door closing behind us. I felt Taehyung grow uneasy, clasping onto my smaller body tighter. I honestly wasn't sure what to say at that moment, the best I could do was run his arm with the palm of my hand. He was scared, no, terrified; I could feel it in the way his breath grew deep in a method to try and calm himself.
"It'll be okay Tae..." I whispered.
"I'm scared Sae-Youngie..." he confessed.
"The boys are going to solve this," I spoke, trying to be confident when really I was scared myself. "Everyone is going to help you, including me. They're going to stop them before they reach you."
Taehyung didn't answer verbally but hesitantly nodded his head.

"Alright kids, they think it's just Hope and I in the van," I heard Jimin announce. "What's funny is that they chose a neon yellow van."

"We'll be at the house in a couple hours," Hoseok added.


I wasn't sure how, but both Taehyung and I fell asleep in the trunk. I guess being up against Taehyung's warm body helped me fall asleep since I was exhausted. It was only a couple of days ago when he was addressed with the news of his adoptive parent's plan for him. I've been only focused on trying to ease him off of the stress collecting on his shoulders; I stayed by his side, offering a shoulder to cry on when he needed it. He would always cry on my shoulder but thank me sincerely for always being there for him.

"Cutie~ wake up," I heard Hobie coo while shaking my shoulder. "We're here."

I opened my eyes, finding Hobie's smile greeting me, along with a dark forest. From the looks of things, we were deep inside the woods, isolated away from the city. Upon stepping out of the trunk with Hobie's help, I took in our surroundings. The house was situated by a large lake, where a river fuelled the body of water that travelled in between rocks. However, the canopy of the forest hid the house away from any bird's eye view angles. The house itself was smaller than the mansion, the size of an average home in the suburbs.

After grabbing my bag filled with clothes, and personal hygienic products, I helped Jiminie with the bags full of medical supplies. Hobie and Tae followed behind us as we led the way to the house, carrying the crates and boxes of food. Jiminie opened the door for the three of us, walking inside first. Upon stepping inside, I noticed how dusty it was, along with the plastic tarps covering the furniture. He flicked on the lights, and I could see literal dust bunnies crowding by the couch.
"We'll have to clean up first..." Jimin laughed dryly.

I fell back onto the freshly polished wooden floor after sitting down. Cleaning up the dust bunnies, washing the floors, kitchen, bathrooms and bedrooms took much longer than we had expected, it was almost one am, and we had gotten here around ten. While cleaning, they told me that they hadn't been to this house in over two years, that would explain why the place was unsanitary. Taehyung sat behind me, pressing his back against mine and propping himself up. I rested my head back onto his shoulder, letting out a tired breath. Hobie and Jimine came down the stairs, looking tired as well.
"We're going to have to leave you here kids," Hobie said. "We need to head back to the mansion."
"You're not going to stay?" I asked.
"Sorry, we can't," Jimine shook his head. "Hyungs and Kook are going to confront the people in the van, and we need to be there in case something goes wrong."
"Aww, alright," I pouted. "Please be careful on your way back."

As soon as the engine of the van faded away, silence engulfed the both of us. We continued to sit on the floor propped up against each other's backs, listening to nothing but the crickets outside. I hope everything goes well back in Seoul, I heard that the entire mafia was pitching in to help in stopping those people. I was still in the dark about their power, but I was too afraid to even hear the slightest detail. I was mainly concerned about everyone's well-being, especially Taehyung's.

"Let's go to bed jagiyah," Taehyung suggested, turning his head to give me a peck on the temple.

After freshening up, Taehyung plopped down beside me on the twin sized bed. He crawled on top of me, pressing our bodies together and wrapping his arms around my body. My own arms snaked around his neck, pulling him closer. His hot breath danced along my collarbones and neck, chills bolting up and down my spine.
"Did they fade?" he asked quietly, running his fingers along my clavicle, where hickey after hickey
"N-No... They're still there," I mumbled in an embarrassed tone.
Taehyung hummed in a pleased tone, and silence once again filled the space. My hands wondered up into his hair; I continuously ran my fingers through his locks.

"Sae-youngie?" Taehyung called.
"Yes, Tae?"
Taehyung shifted his weight and hovered over me. His warm hands cupped my cheeks, holding them gently against his skin. His eyes held compassion and sincerity, tied all together with a soft smile.
"This past week has been difficult for us," he started. "I know that I've been difficult during it too. It probably hasn't been easy for you to spend nights trying to keep me calm and reassuring me after I would wake up after a nightmare. The days where I lost my appetite, you were there to encourage me to eat. Even if things were difficult to deal with, you were always there to help me get through it all. You never left my side when I needed you. I will always be grateful for what you have done for me. So, thank you Kim Sae-Young for being my firefly that guides me out of the shadows."
Taehyung leaned down, bringing my lips into a kiss, one that wasn't intimate, one that wasn't a quick peck. It was a sweet kiss, one where his lips were pressed firmly against mine, allowing me to feel them without restraint. He pulled away from the kiss, resting his forehead on top of mine.
"Taehyung, I'm forever thankful for you too," I spoke with a smile. "You've done so much for me too; helping me reunite with my brother, being there for me when I was being bullied, not dying after you were shot in the chest, comforting me when I was sad. You were always here for me too, and I won't ever forget what you've done for me."
His small grin turned into his signature box smile; his cheeks creasing and his white teeth making an appearance.

"I love you so much Sae-Youngie," he cooed, pecking my nose. "When this is over, let's get married."
My cheeks were turning into a bright red shade, they were warm like an electric blanket. But it went away when I reached up and cupped his cheeks.
"Of course Taehyung," I answered firmly. "I would love to marry you."

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