Chapter 48

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I walked into the infirmary with the motion to check on my sister, and possibly ask her if she remembers what happened after Taehyung was taken. From the ways things seemed in the video, it was almost as if she wasn't moving on her own. She would never have the courage or the bloodlust to kill someone that brutally. Sae-Young is a doctor, whose purpose is to save lives. She is not an executioner or a ruthless member of the mafia, she would never kill someone on purpose. When I passed through the infirmary doors, I was greeted by Jin Hyung, who walked out of the curtained area with a metal tray of medical supplies. I could only assume he was cleaning my sister's wounds.
"Namjoon ah, can you stay here with Sae-Young?" he asked, setting the tray down on the counter. "I need to pick up Eun-Lee."
"Sure Hyung," I nodded. "I need to speak with her anyways."
Jin Hyung walked up to me, looking at me with saddened eyes. His hand dropped onto my shoulder, where he squeezed it gently. In his eyes, I saw that Sae-Young wasn't doing so well. I haven't seen her for almost three-quarters of the day, I've been discussing things with the others, and the leaders of the other gangs in the mafia over the phone. Just by seeing the look in his eyes, her condition has deteriorated, despite it being only one day after the safe house accident.
"I'm sure this won't be a problem for you, but please be soft with her," he said quietly.
"Does she remember?"
"I'm not sure, but if you do plan on discussing the accident, take things slowly," Hyung suggested. "I don't want her to slip into a panic attack while I'm out."
"Of course Hyung," I nodded firmly.

Once Jin had left, I walked slowly into Sae-Young's space, so I wouldn't startle her. She had her forearm covering her eyes as she laid back on her bed. Her steady breathing and the beeps of her heart rate filled the quiet air of the infirmary. She already looked paler than usual, and slightly thinner; she probably hasn't been eating today either. I slowly sat down on the edge of her bed, taking her hand in mine. Sae-Young took her arm away from her face, looking at me with an exhausted expression. She slowly sat up and dropped her head onto my shoulder. I wrapped my arms around her, trying to comfort her. I felt her hand weakly clasp onto my shirt, and she spoke in a strained, and weak voice.
"I killed someone... I killed three people..." she confessed, her back heaving up from a heavy inhalation.

I rested my head against her's, tightening my hold around her. She sniffled lightly, muffled by my shirt.
"Sae-Young ah, an 'it's okay' probably won't make things better," I said softly. "But in the mafia world, you sometimes do what you have to do, even if it means killing someone to survive. At that moment, there were no other choices, if you didn't do what you did, you wouldn't be here right now. You wouldn't be here, recovering and waiting for Taehyung to come back."
Sae-Young buried her face deeper into my shoulder, not uttering a single word.
"It's not easy to kill someone, I know that," I added. "You can wash away the blood, but the memories are a different story. It's not wrong to say that the memories might come back and haunt you, you might feel that it's overwhelming, that it's unbearable. But baby girl, we're going to be here for you, now and always. We'll help you get through this, every step of the way."
"I can't..."
"You can Sae-Young ah," I whispered firmly. "You can move on from this, you can become a stronger person. We'll help you, I promise."

The next night...
"Come on kiddo, it's time for bed," I cooed softly, walking over to her.
Sae-Young was sitting in the living room, while Felix and Han were keeping her company. Stray Kids had arrived first earlier today, and the first thing they were concerned about was their Noona, being my sister. Yoongi Hyung had briefed them about what happened at the safe house and immediately rushed over here after shutting down another drug trade route. They were, well shocked was a bit of an understatement, but they were sickened to hear that Taehyung was taken and Sae-young was shot and injured. Bang Chan and his brothers were working hard with us while waiting for the others to arrive.

Sae-Young looked tiredly at me, her eyes drooping slightly. Her freshly cut hair- courtesy of Hobie- framed her face as she met my gaze. I sat down on the couch arm beside her, stroking her head with my hand. Felix and Han looked especially worried about my sister, she's gotten really quiet since our conversation yesterday and has been slowly losing her appetite. I'm afraid that things might be a repeat of when Taehyung and I were unconscious, the signs are already here and it's slowly going in that direction. When Jungkook had tried to offer her something to eat, she adamantly refused. We understand that things aren't easy for her because she isn't used to this, but she isn't taking good care of herself.

Felix and Han quickly hugged Sae-Young, saying gentle good nights. It gave me slight relief to see her hug them back weakly, whispering good nights as well. I held Sae-Young's hand as I walked her to her room. Our quiet footsteps echoed through the hall, the padding of our feet filling the silence between us. Sae-Young held tightly onto my hand, not wanting me to let go and leave her alone. Ever since yesterday, I made sure that she would always have someone with her in case something happened. Felix and Han were the first ones to stay with her.

Sae-Young crawled onto the bed slowly, being careful not to agitate her wound. I pulled the blankets over her, tucking my baby sister into bed. The same tired eyes from earlier looked up at me as I sat on the edge of the bed right beside her.
"Do you want me to stay with you for the night?" I asked, gently cupping her non-injured cheek.
"Please Joon?" she whispered.
Nodding with a soft smile, I climbed onto the bed and laid down beside her. Just like when we were younger, I put my arm out onto the bed, where she laid her head on top of it. She turned onto her left side, snuggling into the right side of my body. After a few minutes, she fell asleep. Her steady, and slow breathing was enough evidence to prove that.

I was about to doze off until soft knocks echoed through the room. Turning my head towards the door, I watched as Jimin popped his head into the room. He looked tired himself, but he looked like he needed to talk. I nodded my head to him, allowing him to come inside. Jimin softly closed the door behind him and walked to my side of the bed. He quietly pulled a chair away from the small table and set it down beside me before taking a seat. He eyes fell onto my sister, who was sleeping soundly at my side.
"She isn't doing so well... Is she?" he asked in a quiet voice.
I shook my head frowning slightly.
"What will we do Hyung?" Jimin coaxed. "If this lasts longer than a week, then we don't know what will happen to her..."
"I know Jimin, it isn't easy for any of us, especially her," I answered, nodding my head towards Sae-Young. "We're working as hard as we can; we know where he is, and we're coming up with a plan. Jimin, I know you're worried about Taehyung and Sae-Young, and there's nothing wrong with that, after all, we're concerned about their conditions as well. We'll get Taehyung out in one piece."
"I know Hyung, I trust all of you. I know Taehyung will be back with us soon," Jimin nodded, but a sad smile tugged on his lips.
I reached over to his head, placing my palm on top.
"Don't worry Jimin," I spoke softly. "Please get some rest, Got7 and EXO will be here tomorrow. You don't want Kai teasing you for having bags under your eyes, do you?"
Jimin chuckled lightly, a happy smile on his face.
"Of course not," he said. "Thanks, Hyung, I'll be leaving now. Good night."
"Good night Jimin."

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