Chapter 38

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I shivered slightly when a cold breeze blew past my thin jacket. The sun had set a couple hours ago, leaving the city in darkness, but it was illuminated by street lights and the skyscrapers. The moon couldn't compete with the brilliance of the city centre, the summer festival was in full swing. The colourful lanterns and fairy lights lined the plaza, lighting up people's paths as they walked through the stalls set up. Children ran by with pinwheels and teddy bears won at the mini-game booths. The noise of the festival was pleasant, everyone corner was filled with joy. I was happy myself, even though Taehyung and I have been dating for two and a half months, we haven't been on a date yet. Since the festival was coming, he was practically hopping up and down around my bed, saying that we should go on a date together. I agreed happily, giving him a peck on the cheek for the great idea.

Taehyung had gone off to get us something to eat; we haven't had any food since we arrived at the festival. We've just been too busy playing the games that were available. I wasn't very good at most of the games, I couldn't knock over those rigged cup towers, or shoot down a toy on the shelves. Taehyung however, he dominated the booths with toy guns, shooting down the biggest prizes with little effort. I didn't expect less of him, after all, he was one of the best marksmen in the mafia. He could shoot something without hesitating. I was thankful that he won a giant Totoro doll, and gave it to me. He laughed so much when I struggled to carry the giant stuffed toy, it was just as tall as me. Right now, the doll was sitting on the bench right beside me.

A warm jacket was draped over my shoulders, stopping me from shivering a fifth time. Turning around, I came face to face with a smiley Taehyung. His eyes lit up with happiness as he pecked my forehead, walking around the bench. He sat down beside me presenting two slices of strawberry cake. I reached out to take a slice and said thank you. Taking a bite of the naturally sweet frosting and spongy cake, an excited smile appeared on my face.
"Does it taste good Jagi?" Taehyung asked.
"It does," I chuckled, taking another bite.
"I was surprised to find a booth selling this cake, it's from my hometown," he said with a soft smile.
"Where are you from?" I asked with interest.

Come to think of it, I haven't asked Taehyung about his past. The first time I met him, I didn't ask because I didn't want to intrude. Even as he started dating, I haven't once peeked into his personal history. I trust him, if he wants to tell me, then he can. If he doesn't, then so be it. Stuff like this is really up to the person, it isn't right for me to pry.
"Geochang," Tae answered. "But it's been years since I've gone back."
Taehyung frowned a bit, and I got concerned. Placing my hand on his own, he snapped his gaze towards me in realization. He set his cake down, placing his other hand on top. He brought it up to his lips and pecked it gently.
"I'm okay, it's just a hard topic to talk about," he said quietly.
My gaze softened, looking at him with delicate eyes. Reaching towards his head, I placed my other hand on top of it.
"I'm always here if you want to talk Tae," I told him, sincerity lacing my voice.
Taehyung reached forwards, kissing me on the lips.
"Thank you Sae-Youngie."

After we finished our cakes and throwing away the garbage, I rested my head on Taehyung's shoulder. The firework show was about to start, and we wanted to stay and watch them. I was curious as to where Jin Oppa (He had asked me to just call him Jin) and Unnie were on their date. They had started dating a month ago since they had so much in common. I was happy for the both of them because they liked each other very much. At first, it was quite awkward between the two when Unnie first moved in (Chopa is also living with us now); it was funny to the rest of us every time they looked at each other and blushed. Since she was my Unnie, she was offered protection as well. I was thankful that she took it, and saw the good and kind souls I live with. She did get the tattoo as well and it was the same as mine. We were supposed to do a double date, but we decided against that, it would be far too awkward.

Hearing a streaming sound in the sky, I looked up and a burst of yellow sparks exploded in the sky. It created a sunflower shape before fading away. Taehyung let out a sweet 'wah' watching more fireworks fly into the sky. I loved seeing Taehyung like this; where he was purely happy, enjoying himself and my presence. Taehyung wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him. I snuggled into his chest, watching a purple sparkler appear in the sky. From where we were sitting, we could hear people gasping in wonder and awe, they were enjoying the fireworks as well.

I let out a tiny yawn, earning a couple chuckles from Taehyung. He pinched my cheek playfully, making baby faces at me.
"Are you sleepy love?" he asked.
"Maybe a little," I giggled nervously.
"I'm a little tired too," Taehyung added, stroking my cheek with his fingers, "We've been out all day."
"Should we head home now?" I coaxed, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes.
"Sure," he hummed. "I'll call Hyung and Noona to let them know."

With our hands intertwined, we started to walk through the stall-lined streets, our destination being the mansion. Unnie and Oppa were already home, and have been for the last hour, leaving us to walk home on our own. Taehyung kept me close so that I wouldn't get lost in the large crowd. I was quite small, it would be hard for him to find me. Then again, he would run through the entire festival trying to search for me.

Just as we were walking, a middle-aged man was walking directly towards us. He didn't look too happy, perhaps more stoic. His gel slicked back hair, and black suit only made him more concerning; why is someone dressed like that during a festival? As I was in my thoughts, he bumped into Taehyung's shoulder and walked off without apologizing. Taehyung looked back at the man with a little bit of a pissed off gaze.
"Tae? Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I asked, stepping in front of him and placing my hand on his shoulder.
"No no, I'm alright," he shot me a weak smile. "Let's get back, Namjoon Hyung will kill me if we're out any longer."

For the rest of the walk, I felt that something was wrong with Taehyung. Ever since that man bumped into him, he's been on edge. His jaw was constantly clenched, and he looked like he was going to break down in tears, but he kept them in. Something was wrong, but I was afraid that he wouldn't let me in.

Namjoon's POV
I sighed as I threw the report concerning the casino accident back onto my desk. It had been a month and a half since the operations, and nothing much of concern has changed. Colossus was completely wiped off the map, one less problem for us. We've finally taken down our biggest threat. Everyone's injuries have been healed up, as stated in the papers on my desk. Business in the casino had returned to normal, and EXO finally have their home back (they practically live there). Things were back to normal now, no big problems coming our way so far. Sae-Young has been doing better as well, she gained back the weight she lost and has reached one hundred pounds with how much Jin Hyung has been feeding her. He was quite worried about her weight since she was far too light for her age, we needed to help her get there.

A deep knock on my office doors promoted me to let them in. I watched as Taehyung stepped into the office, quickly closing the door behind him. I was about to ask him how was his date with my sister, but the white envelope in his hand made me shut my mouth, my jaw clenched tightly. From where I was sitting, I could see that the envelope was closed with a gold wax seal. I felt dread feel my body and I looked at him with wide eyes.

"H-Hyung..." he broke down in tears.

I practically ran over to him, not caring if I knocked my chair backwards. Almost immediately, I pulled him into a brotherly hug, letting him cry into my shoulder. He let out pained sobs, clutching onto my sweater.
"I-I don't w-wanna go..." he whimpered out.
"We won't let them take you Taehyung ah," I told him, swallowing the lump in my throat.
For Bangtan's sake, for Sae-Young's sake, for your sake.

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