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I sat at the cafeteria table with my friends texting Lincoln and listening to another one of Wells' boring stories.

He's in

I smiled at my phone earning a teasing look from Jasper before both he and Monty made kissy faces. 

"I hate to interupt such a riveting tale Jaha but who all is going to the party on Friday?" I asked the group.

"Monty and I are in, we're also smuggling in some moonshine." Jasper smirked proudly highfiving Murphy over my head. I elbowed him in the ribs.

"I'm going, obviously." Murphy muttered sarcastically. Murphy used to be just a bitter asshole but he met Emori and it was love at first sight. They had been together a while and he had gone soft. That didn't stop him from being sarcastic 98% of the time 

"I don't think I can go, Dad would never let me." Wells mumbled sadly.

"Just tell him I'm going." Clarke smiled as she joined us at the table.

"I thought you had to work on Saturday!" I squealed excitedly.

"Maya's covering my shift. " She explained squeezing into her usual spot next to Wells.

"I'm coming too." Miller added.

"Me too!" Harper piped up flashing Monty a sheepish smile. Her crush on him was obvious to everyone except him.

"Finn?" I darted my eyes to the last member at our table.

"I can't..." His eyes shifted awkwardly towards Clarke. He used Clarke to cheat on one of the hosts of the party. She was not very forgiving.

"I know." I grinned smugly. "So Monty, Jasper, Murphy, Clarke, maybe Wells, Miller and Harper?" Everyone nodded in agreement. "Okay so Lincoln agreed to be a DD anyone else?"

"I can." Clarke offered. "I'm not huge on drinking and-"

"No way Clarky. You never get to go out with us, I'm getting you drunk! Think of it as a way to get over your mom's new relationship." Clarke shuddered at the mention.

"I'll do it. My dad will definitely let me go if Clarke is there and I can't drink." Wells added.

"Perfect. So Wells can take Jasper, Monty, Harper and Clarke. Lincoln will take me, Bell, Murphy and Miller." Everyone agreed and the bell rang for us to head to class. As everyone disperesed, I grabbed Clarke's arm. "And we are going to find you a man this weekend. Or woman."

"No way. I tried the laid back thing with Finn, the long term thing with Lexa and even casual sex with Niylah. I'm not really looking for anything." Clarke shrugged and began to walk to her art class. 

"We will see Griffin!"

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