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At 6 o'clock sharp I opened the door to Clarke. She looked as beautiful as ever. Her hair braided down her back wearing leggings and a simple t-shirt. 

"Hey." She smiled brightly as I let her inside.

"Hey," I replied. "I ordered Chinese food. I hope that's okay."

"Sounds perfect." She sat down on the couch and I joined her, careful not to get too comfortable before the food got there.

"What do you want to watch?" I asked picking up the remote off of the table.

"Whatever, I didn't think we were planning on watching much of the movie anyway." She laughed. She was incredible.

Since we started dating we haven't done more than kiss. Sure we had our drunk makeout session at Raven's party but since then we had been taking things slow. She was definitely worth it but the waiting was killing me.

After the food arrived she took what she wanted before we got settled on the couch. She sat in the corner with her feet draped across my lap.

I put on some Disney movie and we talked and ate. It was a great way to spend the night. When we were done eating we left all of our garbage and leftovers on the coffee table and relaxed.

A few minutes later, I felt her staring at me.

"What?" I asked as I looked over. Her expression was one I'd seen from her before when she was drunk.

"Nothing." She said nonchalantly. Her eyes trailed down my body and if she wasn't my girlfriend I probably would have felt violated.

"Clarke..." I began but got distracted when she bit her lip. She tilted her head slightly, pretending to be all innocent.

"Yes, Bellamy?" She started to sit up, bringing her torso closer to mine. She wrapped her arms around my neck but didn't make any more moves.

I decided to follow her lead and wrapped my arms around her torso, pulling her body against mine, our lips still not meeting.

We were almost playing a game of chicken. Neither of us wanted to be the one to give in.

She finally gave up and leaned in connecting our lips and I was so grateful. I immediately kissed back, hard. It was full of passion and fire. I slowly laid her back moving my legs so I was completely on top of her. She ran her fingers through my hair.

Her hands trailed down my back until they reached the edge of my shirt. She began tugging it off and I broke the kiss for a moment to pull it off my head. Her hands roamed my bare chest as I reattached our lips. I moved my hands to the edge of her shirt and pulled away.

"Can I?"

"You are adorable." She chuckled.

"Is that a yes?" She sat up slightly so I could get it off without a struggle. 

"Should we maybe move to your room?" 

"If you want to." I didn't want to push her to do anything she wasn't comfortable with. She rolled her eyes and wrapped her legs around my hips. She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me back down so we were kissing again. When her grip was tight enough, I carried her to my bedroom and closed the door behind us. I laid her down on my bed and she pulled me down on top of her. I balanced on my arm so I wasn't crushing her. I trailed my lips down her neck.

"I swear to god Bellamy if you give me another hickey..." I placed my lips on hers again to interrupt her threat. When she was distracted I repeated my actions from earlier a little closer to the edge of her bra. She moaned instead of stopping me this time which was the go-ahead to continue giving her the hickey. When I pulled away, I smirked at my handiwork. Then Clarke clued into what happened. "You suck." She muttered before flipping us over. This time it was her lips on my neck and I knew she was getting payback. When she finished she came back to my lips. I was lost in her kiss when I heard a voice in the apartment.

"BELLAMY I'm Home!!" Lincoln called.

"Shit," I muttered.

"Is that your roommate?" She asked panic rising in her voice. 

"O's here too!" Lincoln added. 

"Shit Shit Shit." I got up, starting to freak out.

"What? Who's O?" Clarke asked standing up with me.

"My sister." Clarke's eyes went wide. 

"My shirts out there."

"Get in the closet. Once they go into his room I can sneak you out." I suggested. She nodded and darted into my closet. Part of me hated the open door policy I had for them because there was no way I could get her out without them seeing. I ventured into the living room where they were sitting on the couch.

"Bell you are a slob."She gestured to the takeout mess on the table and the shirts on the floor. 

"Shut up O. Lincoln can I talk to you."

"Sure." Lincoln joined me in the kitchen.

"I need you guys to go to your room. I'll let you have the door closed for 30 minutes, as long as you promise to keep it PG." Lincoln processed my request.

"She's here?" I nodded sheepishly. "Fine." He returned to the living room before disappearing into his room with my sister. I grabbed Clarke's shirt and got her out of the closet.

"Text me." She pulled me in for a kiss goodbye before heading out to her car. 

That was a close call.

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