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I was at home watching some documentary on Ancient Rome when I got the call. At first, I thought it was Clarke but, when I looked at the caller ID it was an unknown number.


"Hey" I recognized the voice.


"I'm bored and want to go out drinking. You in?" She spoke short and to the point.

"Why me?" A part of me wanted to hang up on Raven and text Clarke to see if it would be okay, but I didn't want her to worry about me.

"Because you owe me," I remembered how she took care of Clarke after the party. I did owe her; now more than ever. If anything had happened to Clarke I never would have forgiven myself.

"Fine. Tondc in ten?" 

"Sounds good see you there." She hung up and I got changed into something more presentable. 

"Going out with the Princess?" Lincoln asked looking over my appearance.

"Drinks with Reyes. I owe her. I'll uh catch you later." I headed towards the door.

"Be careful Blake. Don't do anything stupid." 

I walked down to Tondc and spotted Raven sitting at the bar. I sat down next to her and ordered a beer.

"You have other friends who would gladly go out drinking with you. You didn't have to guilt me into going." I pointed out as I took a drink.

"I wanted to talk to you." She smiled but I could see the mischief in her eyes.

"We have had two conversations. What's going on?" I asked not wanting to deal with her plan.

"I heard you have a girlfriend."

"Yeah, the uh blonde from your party actually." It felt good to tell someone. 

"I thought so. Listen, Clarke has been through a lot. Especially in the relationship department. I need to know that you are serious about her." 

"I didn't know you guys were close," I admitted. Clarke hadn't really talked about any of her friends.

"We're not." Raven clarified, only confusing me more. "Our paths crossed a few times." Raven remained vague and I could tell it would take a lot of alcohol for her to even consider talking about it.

"Okay..." I trailed off not knowing what to say.

"So? Are you?" It was a very strange conversation to be having with a former hook up but, it felt good to talk about it with someone.

"Serious about her? I haven't felt this way about anyone since Gina. And even then I don't know if it compares. I think I'm falling in love with her and I don't think I can stop." I confessed. Something shifted in her expression. Relief maybe? It was quickly covered up when she took a drink.

"Good. Remember that." She got up and left without another word. 

"Raven?" I called after her. "What is that supposed to mean?" I chased after her but when I got outside she was being driven away. 

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