Chapter 23

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When she returned, everyone was surprised, they thought she would return later.

"Hinata-sama! What are you doing here?"

"Neji-nii-san! I-I wanted to ask you something…" She was afraid he would reject her request.

"What's up?"

"I … well … I wanted to ask you if you could teach me K-Kaiten."

"Kaiten? It’s really hard to learn, but I think you can learn it." He calmed her down.

"You really think so?"

"Of course." Suddenly they were interrupted.

"Hinata!" yelled Sakura.


"Hinata, I’m glad I found you! Come with me!"


"No buts! Tsunade-sama needs you!"

"A-all right." Sakura dragged her to Tsunade.

"Hinata, I’m sorry I interrupted you, but now when you are back I have a mission for you."

"What mission?"

"I heard you mastered your Byakugan to perfection."

"T-that’s true."

"Perfect. I need you in one operation."

"Of course."

"Come with me. This is a really hard operation and we need a Byakugan user."

"How is the patient?"

"Well … He wouldn't have survived without you…"

"You trust me too much, I'm not that good. Plus, I'm not a medical ninja."

"But you could be if you wanted to. Your gentle chakra control would be quite useful here. Be more confident!"

"Thank you, but being nervous is my habit, I would just get in the way," said seriously Hinata.

"I see. But if you change your mind, you know where to find me." Hinata nodded.

"We are here. Do you see this ninja? An organisation known as Akatsuki attacked him, lucky he is still alive. We need to heal his cells, but we have to be precise, we don't know exactly where they are…"

"Did you say Akatsuki?"

"Don’t worry, Naruto is safe."

"How did you-?" She smiled at her. Hinata blushed.

"L-let’s help this ninja … Byakugan!" Hinata saw it. All his cells.

"His myocardium (heart muscle)  is badly damaged! Who could have done that to him?!"

"Myocardium?! He will die in a while! Quick, Hinata!" Hinata Tsunade navigated. In the end, they managed to save the man.

"Uhh, I ran out of my chakra…"

"I'm glad we managed to save him."

"That was close, thank you, Hinata, for your help."

"W-why me? You did all the work." She smiled.

"I couldn't do it without you, Hinata." She smiled at her too. Before they returned to her office. One jonin stopped them.

"Hokage-sama, we finally found who did it to Kio."


"Kakuzu from Akatsuki, he apparently tried to steal his heart, but failed."

"Kakuzu, we don't have any information about him yet. Write him into a Bingo book."

"Sure." Hinata returned to training with Neji. She had to learn it as soon as possible.

"Hinata-sama, are you sure about it?"

"My father gave up on me a long time ago, me too, but there is one person who didn’t … And that’s why I’m so sure about it!" she said seriously. Neji smirked.

"You are more confident, it’s because of him?"

He is right … It si because of him…

Hinata nodded.

"All right. Let’s begin."

They trained every day. Sometimes one of them had to go on a mission, but otherwise they trained together almost all the time. But Hinata failed to control Kaiten. But who would she be if she gave up now. After a year, she finally learned it. Yes, after a year. The next Chunin exams will take place right now.
She hasn't mastered Eight Triagrams Sixty-Four Palms yet, but her Kaiten was more powerful than Neji’s. It lasted longer, had better quality and consumed less chakra, it also shone bluish. This is proof of what the Perfect Byakugan can do.

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