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Taemin was sulking on the plane ride home. I felt bad that he had to leave his mate to travel back to America with me. Well, he always had to leave his mate since my father was highly homophobic. He would berate gays and ignore any injustices they suffered. That was why I found it ironic how accepting he was of me. I think he saw me as his greatest creation. My father bred me to believe women were no more than objects that we could play with. They were simply created for us to fuck. It defied all logic to me since I was a woman, but he believed I was better than all other woman, including my mother.

Nick had always been Tae's secret. Of course, he understood, but it still pained both of them to hide their relationship. I placed a comforting hand over Taemin's. He gave me a forced smile before looking back down. I squeezed his hand tighter, letting him know I was here for him.

The moment we landed, Tae left to meet with some of the gangs who were helping to smuggle our weapons to the wolves and vampire resistance. I made my way to the corporation. I had to debrief everyone on what happened. When I got close to the building, I saw Lexi leaving with a box of... donut holes? I'm just guessing based on the fried smell. Lexi saw me and grinned. She then ran into my arms.

"You're back!" She squeezed me.

"Ya." I chuckled while squeezing her back. "Where you going?"

"To deliver these to Nicole." She held up the box of goodies. "How was everything?"

"I'm pretty sure you can get Tae to fill you in." I grabbed the box from her hands. "I'm going to play delivery girl now." I gave her an impish smile.

Lexi placed her hands over her mouth to hide the chuckle. She then skipped back inside the building. I turned on my heel and walked in the direction of the department. I scrunched up my face when I got a whiff of the oil. This thing is literally bite sized diabetes. I never understood humans' desire to poison their body through ingestion. I shook my head and continued walking.

I reached the building and opened the door. I walked up to the secretary. She glanced up and her jaw dropped. I would say it's because of my charmingly good looks, but I knew she was actually in shock because I was being investigated, yet waltzed in here.

"Munchkin?" I offered one, but she seemed hesitant. "Don't worry, it's not poisoned. That'd be a huge legal nightmare." She chuckled with me and took a doughnut. "Would you happen to know where Nicole is?" She nodded and pointed me in the direction of the blonde.

I thanked her and walked towards the sexy lady. I had to stop and clear my head since her scent was basically intoxicating. She was really testing my self control. I shook my head and continued walking to her. I was about to tap her on the shoulder, but I caught a glimpse of what she was studying. Well, more like who she was staring at. It was a picture of me!

"Ahh, not my best photo." She jumped in surprise at my voice. For an agent, she's sure easy to sneak up on. She whizzed around to face me."The picture makes my eyes look a little droopy, don't you think?" I switched my attention to her. I smirked at her reddened face. She was acting like I a kid who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar. I decided to end her misery (aren't I a saint). "Oh, these are for you." I showed her the box of munchkins. "Lexi said you liked the various flavors." I placed them on her desk.

"Uh, thanks. What are you doing here?" She glanced around. I didn't have to look to know that all eyes were on us.

"What am I doing here?" I tilted my head to the side. "You were the ones who crafted the contract stating that I had babysit you." I gave her an impish smile.

"If anyone is being babysat, it's you. I have to supervise you at work. Something that you apparently don't do." I smirked at her. If only she knew why I wasn't here. "Plus, that contract was signed three days ago! Meaning, you were supposed to start working with me three days ago!"

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