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Taemin drove us into the Chamonix town. It always brought joy for me to come here. The people, vampires and other species, were always excited to see me or my brother. They'd probably be running up to greet us. The humans here knew about vampires and the vile ways of my father, but they saw the rest of us different. They saw us as victims who were thrust into a situation we had no control over.

I'd have traded lives with a peasant than grow up in a castle with a repulsive man. Alec and I had been psychologically tormented until we were broken. Alec was healed much earlier due to Sophie. It took me centuries to begin my healing process and I can contribute my improved mental health to Mila.

I saw her eyes widen in awe at the aesthetic. The town had a storybook vibe. It was really pretty to be honest.

"Vampires aren't the only ones who live here?" She questioned us.

"No. The town houses vampires and humans alike... and other supernaturals that aren't werewolves." Alec proudly answered.

"This is also a vibrant ski location, so many tourists." I gave her a background on the main attraction.

"The vampires down here aren't the vicious, killing kind. They love living amongst different species. The hostile vampires live in the mountain." Alec explained the customs.

"Vampires who can't control their thirsts aren't allowed down here. A peace treaty was crafted, so every vampire has to abide by it." I added.

We pulled to a stop and the boys opened our doors. I held Mila's hand and began walking. I had her try the different cuisines offered. I've never eaten them, but everyone always raves about the flavors.

Mila led us to watch the buskers do street dancing, acrobatics, or play instruments. I could tell she was having fun. Mila inquired why people would bow to Alec and I. We basically told her that it was a normal greeting people did to us. She had more questions, but the flower cart caught her attention. She looked so captivated with the flowers. I was about to ask which ones she wanted me to buy, but local citizens approached Alec and I.

They began asking about if the rumors were true about Switzerland. Alec and I sighed before nodding. We could tell they were trying to contain their excitement. The citizens here, even though they lived close to the castle, hated my father. Loved us, but hated him. They were happy to watch his empire crumble.

We were about to ask them something else, but we heard Mila ask Tae about his past. Alec and I ignored them until we heard her ask about Sophie. Alec looked at me, so I shrugged my shoulders. We talked with the citizens for a few more minutes before bidding farewell.

We approached the two, ceasing their conversation. We went to a restaurant since it was around lunchtime and Mila was probably hungry. We also made sure to grab a desert for sugar loving Sophie.

After we finished eating, we drove to Sophie's residence. Alec found it humorous to be cryptic about his mate. Mila was annoyed at his game while I found their behavior to be amusing.

We pulled up to Sophie's estate and got out the car. We entered the house to hear Sophie bounding down the stairs.

"Alec!" She jumped into my brother's arms.

Sophie excitedly grabbed the cake from Alec and began eating. She was excited to meet Mila. She led us to the living room to catch up.

Her and Mila were in their own little world. They were able to get to know each other better. Mila told Sophie about her family, prompting Sophie to do the same. They were loudly laughing with each other. Alec and I glanced at each other. We were both filled with happiness at knowing our mates got along well.

A little while later, Sophie's family arrived. All of them expressed concern about allowing Mila to stay at the manor. They feared my father's reaction. We explained that my father was away, but they still worried about her safety.

They offered to allow Mila to stay with them, but I didn't want to part with Mila and Alec couldn't persuade the members to send more guards here. The only logical solution was to keep Mila at the manor. I wish there was a better solution, but until then, she'd have to stay there.

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