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Just like I thought, Zena hated the idea of moving back to Italy. She tried fighting it (and I was silently on her side), but Mila was adamant we return. I didn't understand why we couldn't support the wolves from France, but Mila thought it was better to be closer to them.

It took a lot of convincing to get Zena in the car. She was still stewing about having to leave people she trusted behind. Mila spared her a sympathetic glance, but Zena was angry. I was worried about my daughter and wanted to do anything to make her happy.

Tae placed the final bag inside and shut the truck. He approached her window and gave her a tight lipped smile. Zena tried to give him one back, but she struggled to smile. Tae nodded in understanding and did our secret handshake. He saluted Mila and stepped back to wave us off.

"Wait a second." We looked at Zena. "Where's Hailey?" She turned around in her seat. "We have to wait for her." Mila and I nervously glanced at each other.

"Umm... Hailey isn't coming." Zena looked like she had just been struck by a train. "She needs to return to America and-"

"No!" Zena began to cry. "She can't leave me. I want her to stay and-"

"She's already on a flight back." I sighed. I knew this would happen so I had sent Hailey and my mum back to America last night.

"I don't want to leave. I want to stay with Uncle Alec and Aunt Sophie and Uncle Tae and Nick and Grandma and- and.... And Hailey! I don't want to leave. Please don't make me leave."

"I'm sorry." I sadly whispered.

"We have to go." Mila softly spoke. "These people will be able to protect you-"

"Weren't they supposed to do that last time?! And I was kidnapped for 10 years! I didn't see you guys for 10 years! I thought I lost you and I was all alone." Zena was hysterically crying. "I feel safe here."

"You can't be holed up in a castle for all your life." Mila began driving. I turned away from my daughter since I couldn't bear to see her heartbroken features. "We'll protect you this time." Mila ended the discussion.

It pained me to hear my child's quiet sobs. I could sense her feelings and it overpowered me with grief. Mila saw me do a quiet spell, resulting in Zena falling asleep. She gave me a look of disapproval, but I ignored her. I then did countless spells to allow Zena to have a peaceful sleep.

We arrived at the private plane and carried Zena inside. She was sound asleep, so I tucked her under the covers. Mila and I sat across from each other, but there was a lot of unspoken tension. I got up and grabbed a bottle of red wine. Mila observed me chug the entire bottle before retrieving another. This process went on for some time until she finally snapped.

"Are you going to raid the entire liquor cabinet?" She rolled her eyes.

"What would you rather me do?" I scrunched up my face at seeing the Italian wine. I have no interest in anything Italian right now.

"Talk." She said it like it was the most obvious thing.

"You do not want to hear my most inner thoughts." I took a big gulp.

"What could you possibly say that I don't feel right now?" She crossed her arms and rolled her eyes.

"Mila, I do not wish to fight with you." I sighed and glanced out the window.

"But I can sense how you feel, so why not verbalize it?" She said with an attitude. I scoffed and narrowed my eyes at her. "Yes, so please enlighten me on how you really feel."

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