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I was in the art room drawing a portrait of my family. The door was then opened, so I turned to see Tae enter. He glanced behind him before signaling that Zena left. I gave him a half nod, causing him to leave to follow my daughter. Shortly after, Mila and Dom entered. I quirked a brow while placing my brush down.

"Zena left." Mila spoke. Dom nodded and rushed off. "Dom went to ask her a question, but she wasn't in her room." I sighed and shook my head. Welp! I can't play dumb anymore, Zena. "Where is she going?"

"More like who is she going to." I stood up while Mila eyed me wearily. "She's rendezvousing with Naomi." Mila was about to yell at me, but I held my hand up. "I had Tae follow her, so she was never truly in any danger. I wanted her to experience sneaking out in her teenage years."

"So you knew this the entire time, yet said nothing?!" She threw her hands up. "Do you understand how dangerous Naomi is?!"

"That's why she has Tae. He's beyond good. He'd be able to protect her."

"How many times?" Mila narrowed her eyes at me.

"Three... that I know of." Mila scoffed at my answer. "I'm sorry. I didn't see the importance of bringing that up-"

"Bullshit, Lara! You knew exactly how I'd react." I lowered my head because that was true. "You purposely hid this from me. We're supposed to be a team, not a one sided thing! This is a marriage. We can't be keeping secrets and doing our own thing without consulting the other person."

"It's just that this Naomi situation is so complicated and..." I hesitated to tell her the truth. "I just want Zena to be somewhat happy."

"I understand, but- she's back." Mila spoke.

We made eye contact before walking to her room. I could feel Mila's anger and she gave me a look that I needed to back her up. I nodded and lay waited our daughter. When Zena entered her room, she wasn't exactly shocked to see us.

What she did do was breakdown crying. Well, that's one tactic to get out of trouble. Mila gave me a concerned look, but Zena started spilling her guts. Apparently, Naomi hurt my daughter. Naomi is really making it hard for me to resist ending her life.

Like Tae said, Zena has no experience with dating so she's having trouble seeing Naomi's side in this. I can't believe I'm taking up for that fucking succubi. I'm under the impression that Naomi deeply loves her, but is terrified of hurting her. Well, more like she's terrified of telling Zena the truth. I can relate since I'm hiding so much baggage from Mila.

We were able to comfort Zena and calm her down. Mila looked hurt to see her daughter in pain. I rubbed my forehead since I don't think this is going to be a quick fix. Her and Naomi are going to have drama throughout their entire relationship. Yippie! Cue the sarcasm.


Why would someone prefer a working out date to a hot air balloon? I shook my head and loudly groaned. Why must Mila be interested in fitness and sweating and... AC is there for a reason! Ugh! I must really love her if I'm sacrificing my new manicure for weights.

"Lara." Tae walked into the office.

"How do you do, good sir?" I teased.

"Depends." He awkwardly smiled. "Zena knows about Naomi's involvement." I shot to my feet. "I was around her school and heard her speak to Domenico and Ellio."

"Did Naomi straight up tell her?! What the actual, living fuck is wrong with that wench?!"

"Well..." Tae awkwardly coughed. "W-We kind of told her." He barely spoke above a whisper.

"Would you like to repeat that?" My eyes darkened.

"She deserved to know, Lara." Hailey entered. "You can't just keep lying to everyone."

"You're lucky the wolves and Mila aren't here." I narrowed my eyes at them. "I'm about to disembowel the both of you!" I pinched my nose. "She should've heard it from Mila or me." I mumbled.

"And would you have ever told her?" I avoided Hailey's question. "That's what I thought. Tell them the truth."

"I know you're trying to protect your family, but they have the right to know... and I mean know everything." Tae spoke.

"I didn't ask for your opinions." I sneered.

"Lara, for once think logically. Your daughter knows Naomi basically shat on her. And knowing Z, she's going to take time, but will eventually move past that and forgive her. Naomi, now, has no baggage that she's hiding. You on the other hand..." Hailey trailed off.

"To be honest, Zena doesn't know Naomi's family ran the operation. To her, she believes that Naomi assisted in her kidnapping, but was not the cause of it." Tae took a breath. "That changes everything."

"Context is important." I spoke through gritted teeth. "And shouldn't you be at her school, keeping an eye on her?" I sassed.

"I figured she'd be alright for 45 minutes. I'll head back now." He then zoomed out the room.

"I don't remember granting you permission to stay." I taunted Hailey.

"Because you didn't." She brushed past me and sat in the chair. "Tell your wife." She kicked her feet onto the desk. "Tell her because the truth will come out."

"Are you threatening me?" My voice turned icy cold. I rested my hands on the desk and leaned forward until our faces were centimeters apart. "Because that's the last thing you want to do." My eyes blackened.

"Going to kill me?" She snarked. "Let's see how well that goes. Either you tell Mia or I will!" She abruptly stood up. "No more secrets!"

"Begone, Hailey." I waved her off.

"Lara, please don't keep-"

"Leave!" I barked.

Hailey's shoulders slumped. She gave me a defeated look before leaving me alone. When she was gone, my shoulders sagged. I flopped onto the chair and ran a hand through my hair. How did things go from bad to absolute shit?


I smiled and placed gentle kisses along Mila's naked body. She was fast asleep, but the memories from our activities were fresh in my mind. I kissed her temple one last time before rolling off the bed. I got dressed and made my way to the art room.

It was deafeningly silent since everyone was asleep. I allowed Hailey and Tae to have time off when everyone was asleep since I could watch over Zena. I think Hailey was meeting this guy at a bar or something. Knowing Tae, he was probably having a long conversation with Nick. Actually, Nick was probably having a long conversation with himself since Tae would only make so many comments.

I picked up my canvas and placed it on the easel. I didn't exactly know what to draw, but my hand seemed to have a mind of its own. I began painting the village near the chateau. It brought a smile to my face since I always longed to return back to France.

I heard the soft patter of feet. Zena's scent quickly invaded my nose. I noticed her set up her easel next to me. She began to silently paint a portrait of Naomi. I wonder who caused her to have trouble sleeping 🙄. We painted in silence until she broke it.

I felt my heart fall at hearing her so distraught over Naomi. Of course the fucking succubi invaded her dreams. I had to smell my daughter's arousal and that wasn't the most thrilling thing. I assume Naomi tried to make advances, but Zena freaked out. I don't think Naomi did anything terrible. Zena misinterprets all of Naomi's actions to be just wanting to bed her. I can't believe I'm semi- agreeing with Naomi. I think Naomi truly loves my daughter, but I'm pissed that she keeps harassing my daughter! Like, begone wench!

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