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I stared at my phone then looked up. I stared down again before looking back up. I looked down for a third time to make sure I got the name correct. The letters in this language are a bit weird, so I'm not sure if this is even remotely correct. I shrugged and decided to go with it. I approached the bouncers and compelled them to allow me entry. They immediately opened the doors for me.

I entered and looked around the private club. I wandered through the bodies and made my way to the bar. It didn't take long for me to flag down a bartender. I placed my order while eying the occupants. I couldn't spot Naomi, so I decided to listen for the succubi. I thanked the bartender while intently listening. It didn't take long for me to pick up the bitch's voice.

I took a long sip before venturing in that whore's direction. I went to the private show rooms and passed the different booths. As I got closer to Naomi, the more confused I got.

"You are so beautiful." A man spoke.

"I know." Naomi flirted back.

"Take your top off." He commanded. "Wow, so beautiful." I could smell his arousal from a mile away. "Come here."

I then heard Naomi move and then sit. I assume she was on the man's lap as she gave him a lap dance.

"Uh, uh. You can't touch."

"Sure about that?" I heard him scoff.

"Ya, like I'm sure about this!"

I moved closer when I heard the sound of a scuffle. I pulled back the curtain to see Naomi struggling to push the blade in the man's chest. The man smirked and maneuvered the blade in her direction. I groaned and revealed myself. I grabbed the man's wrist and snapped it. He hollered in pain before I throat chopped him. The man doubled over, so I kicked his head into the wall. I crossed my arms as I watched him bleed out. I then moved my eyes to Naomi's panting frame.

"Oh, do I wish that you were the one bleeding out."

"Lara." She gasped for air. "What are you doing here?"

"Quite interesting actually." I narrowed my eyes. "I'm searching for the bitch that broke my daughter's heart. Know where I can find such a demon?"

"Lara, you have to understand my reasoning."

"Oh I do. I know you're a selfish little shit who believes she can do whatever she wants. The difference between us and the frustrating relationship you have with my daughter is that you're unfortunately her mate. So as someone with a mate, I can't comprehend how you could simply leave her. So tell me why you left her?!"

"I did it to protect her."

"And how are you protecting her? If I'm correct, by protecting someone they should never be in pain. So explain why my daughter constantly bawls about her heart splitting in two?" Naomi's eyes glossed over at my words. "She said she feels like her heart is bleeding. Why is she in such immense pain because of you?"

"I left her the day of the party-"

"Oh, I'm more than aware." I snapped. "That led to her having a psychotic breakdown. She's having panic attacks. Is deeply depressed. Refuses to eat, so she lost a considerable amount of weight. She began lashing out-"

"I can't hear anymore." Naomi whimpered.

"Ya, the difference is that I lived it. I couldn't just turn it off because it hurt to hear, watch, and-"

"Lara, my parents. They're working with someone to kill her. And I'm trying to find out who their employer is. I had to leave her and distance myself, so that my parents would think I have no feelings left for her. They bought it and allowed me to work with them. So I'm trying to seduce their business partners into revealing who organized this entire madness."

Piercing My HeartWhere stories live. Discover now