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Adira had woken up with a hangover. But luckily Ajax was there to take her back to the light realm. It was hysterical to see the poise and elegant Queen be a sloppy drunk. I had traveled to Italy to spend time with Mila. But, she had to go back to solving the case of the missing borders, so I traveled to Croatia. And unfortunately, I had to deal with Bridgette.

"I'll just say that your incompetency was shown." I commented.

"How so?" Bridgette threw her supplies down.

"You were supposed to increase security, yet my daughter managed to escape. It only shows how many holes are in your security system."

"Allura." Francesca stopped me. "We apologize. It seems we overlooked."

"She didn't even use magic. She just waltzed outside!"

"Perhaps, she snuck out the very same way you did in the vampire realm." Bridgette commented.

"And how'd you know that? You were never there. You all just abandoned us to suffer the abuse from my father's hand."

"I thought we were strategizing. Not arguing." Francesca spoke. "So let's focus on the task at hand. Lilitu. Let's speak about her."

"Adira lacked the balls to finish the job and instead allowed her sister to continue residing in the dark realm to patiently wait until the timing was right to launch an attack on the light realm." I preferred to annoy Bridgette. "So Bridgette..."

"Allura." Francesca warned.

"What else have you planned to do, but failed at?"

"Here we go." Francesca sighed.

"What's your plan, Allura? To get me angry? To get me to lash out?" Bridgette bared her teeth. "What is it?"

"Nothing. I'm just having casual conversations."

"Your causal conversations are on the same wavelength as your heinous past. You raped and pillaged children and you don't see me throwing it in your face." She smirked while my eyes turned dark. "Oh, whoops. Did I strike a nerve?" She innocently asked.

"Bridgette, apologize." Francesca commanded.

"I'm sorry if I said something that upset you. I didn't realize bringing up your predatorily past would be an issue." I stepped to her, so Francesca pulled me back. "What's the matter, Allura? I thought we were having casual conversations."

"Back to Adira!" Francesca was in between us. "They kept Lilitu in the dark realm. Adira wasn't mentally strong enough to destroy her sister. Because of that, she's bound to attack the light realm whenever she pleases. It seems like guards won't be able to keep her at bay whenever she decides to break free. There's a high likelihood that she'll be able to break out." Francesca sighed. "And soon it seems. We don't know how much longer the angels will be able to contain her. Her power grows everyday since there seems to be some kind of beacon directing power her way. She's absorbing it like a ticking time bomb."

"Adira was stupid to not destroy the body." Bridey commented. "Such pea sized brains. At least we can dispose of our messes."


"That's why Joaquin is no longer a threat." Bridey smirked while I got real quiet. "That's something we can agree on. Right, Lara?" She smirked, but didn't hear anything from me. "Lara?"

"Umm... Alec and I never burned the body."


"We didn't see the need. We locked it in a vault." I sighed. "We didn't think to burn it because-"

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