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"Wait! What?" Hailey shouted over the phone. "Are you a complete and utter dumbass?!"

Hailey called to inform me about Zena heading off to school. I had given my daughter a spell to allow her to change her appearance. The plan was for her and Vera to perform the spell on each other, so that they could trick Melissa. We suspected Melissa's parents would demand she test Zena, so Vera (who would be posing as Zena) would pass the silver test.

That was a simple conversation with Hailey. However, we quickly diverted to me spilling what happened between me and Mila. Hailey was shocked that I was dumb enough to have Naomi's perfume on me while I hugged Mila.

"I didn't even remember." I groaned. "In my head, I wasn't doing anything scandalous-"

"Except have another woman's scent ALL over YOU!" I rolled my eyes. "And you're surprised she's ignoring you? Are you couched?" I could hear her snicker.

"She slammed the door in my face last night. And today, she's purposely ignoring me. It's annoying." I complained. "Like I tried to apologize, but she's giving me the silent treatment."

"I mean if you explained-"

"Weeeeeeeell..." I trailed off, causing Hailey to demand for me to finish. "I may have tried to lie to her at the beginning."

"What?! What'd you say? And why'd you lie?"

"I- she came back and started asking me questions. I didn't want to tell her that I left to see Naomi, so I made it sound like I stayed at home the entire time you guys were out. But right before she left, she made a comment about my perfume and she knew I was lying to her!"

"She's an ex- agent! She was a spy, you fucktard! Of course she was interrogating you and you royally failed." I loudly groaned while Hailey ranted about my stupidity. "I can't believe she caught you in a lie. Those are the worst kind." She sighed. "Well, did you tell her about Naomi?"

"No." I muttered, but Hailey heard.

"Well why the fuck not?! She knows you saw a girl yesterday, which she thinks is your side chick by the way! Why didn't you just open up and tell her?! That was the perfect opportunity!"

"I lied again." I buried my face in my hands. "She was talking about me seeing someone else and then she asked if I ever strayed while married. I kind of turned it around on her and didn't answer. She asked and I essentially lied that I've been devoted to only her. I had sex with Naomi multiple times when we were sent to that alternate dimension. I-I haven't been faithful to her and I cheated many, many times." I could feel tears in my eyes. "Hailey, she'll leave me if she finds out."

"She needs to know, Lara. You keep hiding stuff which makes it so much worse. If you had just told her at the beginning, there's a high likelihood things could've turned out different." Hailey softly told me.

"I c-can't."

"Lara, tell her."

"Why are you for this? You're supposed to be on my side." I started to get upset.

"Because she's my friend too and what you're doing is wrong." My shoulders slumped at her words. "I'm looking out for my two friends and one of them is royally fucking this marriage up." Hailey took a deep breath. "How about this... go to a counseling session today?" I could practically see the wheels turning in her head. "I'll even convince Mia to go with you."

"What's your endgame?" I deadpanned.

"Nothing." I didn't believe Hailey for a second. "Just... just go and talk. That's it. No ulterior motive or anything." Hailey's voice went up an octave.

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