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It's been close to a year since Mila and I have had our precious Z back. We've taken her back to France a few times since she misses it a lot. I must say that I think Italy is starting to rub off on her. Of course she's sad to leave France, but it doesn't seem like she hates Italy anymore. That's progress I guess.

Sophie and Nick spoil her rotten. It makes me happy, knowing that they love my daughter as if she was their own. Mila and I would normally spend the majority of the time plotting over how to track down Zena's kidnappers while the other two entertained our daughter. Alec would glance at me from time to time to get a gauge on what he could reveal.

My only caveat with my brother is for him to keep my connection to Naomi a secret. Tae would simply survey the scene and give me curious looks from time to time. No one agreed with me keeping Mila in the dark, but I knew it wouldn't be in my best interest for her to know. My goal is to find Naomi, deal with her, and that's it. Once Naomi is gone, there's no need for Mila to know about my past with her.

I think Sophie and Nick took Zena to ski since she excitedly spoke about mountains. She came to tell us that the duo were going to take her horseback riding. Mila and I kissed our daughter goodbye before she ran after them.

"When is she going back to school?" Alec focused our attention on him. "It's been close to a year. Does she still need rehabilitation?"

"Well, we brought her here and that's kinda rehab for her. She just doesn't know it." Mila spoke.

What she said is true. Part of the reason we bring Zena to France is for us to run diagnostic tests on her. We want to know more about her and what she's capable of. Of course, we don't tell her that we want to know the extent of the power. That's what Abramovich and his men were also interested in. Zena is also stubborn to reveal her power. I can't really blame her since it can be scary what you're truly capable of.

"She doesn't want to train. It's by force that she knows combat training." I spoke. "She's stubborn to reveal her wolf or vampire."

"Dom has mentioned her going back to school, but she constantly shuts that idea down. How do we force her to do something that fills her with so much anxiety?" Mila added.

"She's being homeschooled now." I told my brother. "She's several grade levels ahead, so..."

"She still needs to interact with kids her age." Tae spoke up. "She needs to be put into an uncomfortable environment and told to adapt."

"She can't be coddled as well." Alec sighed. "It'll be hard for everyone, but she needs it." I opened my mouth to speak, but Alec spoke first. "And don't use the excuse of her being kidnapped. She was taken from her villa, her house, the place she feels most secured. She will be fine at school."

"We'll consider it."

"We should get going. I believe Zena wanted to see the Venice Carnival." Mila hugged my arm.

"That would be nice." Tae smiled.

"Sophie and Nick would love that as well. Take them with you." Alec gave me a knowing look. Tae and him must have a meeting to find out more about Naomi's parent's location.

"Sure. Zena would love that." Mila was oblivious to this.

We chatted with my brother and Tae a little longer. Before we left, we told Sophie and Nick to join us. Nick and Sophie were excitedly squealing over which masks they'd wear. Zena was confused, so they gave her the entire history of the Venice carnival.

"Excited, love?" I turned to Mila, who was driving.

"Yeah. We've lived in Italy for a few years, yet never went there." She then glanced at me. "Have you been?" I nodded. "Oooooh, what do you normally wear?"

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