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Zena has been frustrated these last few days. She's struggling a little with magic. To be fair, I've been teaching her complex techniques that not many advanced witches can do. It's just remarkable to see how much she excels at this skill. She's going to be way better than me 😊

We were all talking when we heard a knock on the door. I immediately sensed my mum on the other side, so I was confused as to why she was here. I opened it, so my mum could enter. She greeted everyone, but wanted to talk to Mila and I in private.

Zena huffed about not being able to listen, so Naomi quickly swooped in and dragged her to do something else. Once they were gone, my mum started to speak.

"We've run a search on Abramovich. We believe he's somewhere in South America, but can't narrow it down. He keeps moving from one country to the next. Also..." My mum paused for dramatic effect. "Luca, the boy that Zena is friends with, is Abramovich's son." Mila and my eyes widened.

"Is he in communication with his father?" I asked.

"His father abandoned him at his grandparents house the day you stormed the facility and saved Zena."

"Has he been secretly watching Luca and knows about Zena's whereabouts?" Mila inquired.

"We don't know. All we know is that the man is in South America. We need to find out where and then bring him in for questioning-"

"I want him dead." I cut my mum off. "I don't care about his empty words."

"We need to understand why he did-"

"Because Naomi hired him to torture our daughter as a way to get back at me." I met Mila's eyes. Her eyes widened and a look of anger crossed her face. "Shit." I muttered.

"You didn't tell her that." My mum slowly stated. "Mia-"

"You're the reason our daughter was kidnapped and almost died." Mila harshly shoved me. "Are you fucking serious, Lara?!" She was pissed. "You're the reason! It's been you all along?! I've been so stupid! And here I thought it was just a random witch who came to take our daughter, but it's all because of you! Everything stems back to you!" She threw her hands up.


"I can't believe this!" She was hysterical now. "My daughter was taken from me because Naomi had a personal vendetta against you?! What did you do to her that angered her to the point of kidnapping and torture?!" She paused. "Knowing your track record, you hurt her so deeply that she did this. Didn't you? Didn't you hurt her? You know what, Lara? You hurt everyone." She jabbed my chest with her finger. "Your entire design is to hurt." She spat before storming off.

My shoulders sagged and I couldn't keep the tears in anymore. I began crying, so my mum wrapped me in her arms. I clung onto her as I cried my eyes out. Mila was right. It was all my fault that this happened. I was the reason Zena was taken. I was the reason we were thrust into the alternate dimension. And by my own hand, I was the reason Mila was tortured.

"Allura." My mum gently spoke. "She's hurting. The both of you are hurting." She gently said.

"I'm to blame, mum. The actions from my past haunt me to this day."

"You're trying and that's all that matters." She kissed my temple.

"But I-"

"Lara! Amelia!" Naomi swung open the door. "Zena is- what's wrong?" She cocked her head at me.

"Nothing." I stepped back from my mum and wiped my tears. "Where's my daughter?" I tried to make my voice stern, but it cracked.

"She- we were at the haunted mansion and then left when we were done. Then, this group of guys tailed the cars and cut us off. They tried to beat us up and rape us because we're two girls in a relationship. They kept screaming words like dyke and faggot and stuff. They were trying to rape me and then Zena came in and fought them off me." She began to tear up. "It was so bad." Her voice cracked.

"Where is she?" Mila ran down the stairs.

"I don't know. She ran off and I reacted horribly. I was so scared, Amelia." Naomi swung her arms around Mila and cried into her.

"I'll find her." I spoke to Mila.

I ran out the house and picked up Zena's scent. I found her on a cliff overlooking the town. I slowly walked to her and sat next to her. I could see the dried tears on her cheek as she gazed at the moon. My heart fell at seeing her saddened.

Zena opened up to me that she felt like a monster for killing those rapist. It was a struggle for me to punish her. To me, rapists had no place in this world. But at the same time, I didn't want Zena to believe she could kill anyone who wronged her. Even if I wanted to, I couldn't bring myself to lecture her because of her distraught state.

Zena feared Naomi believed her to be a monster. I corrected her thinking and explained that Naomi was actually upset with herself. She was contrite over her reaction to Zena murdering those assholes.

It shocked me to hear how highly my daughter thought of me. She-She put me on a pedestal. Zena believed that I was a kind, just person with morals. Her opinion couldn't be further from the truth. I didn't go into specifics, but I told my daughter that I wasn't always like this. In fact, I used to raze havoc. She was shocked, but still happy that I changed. I smiled at her words since I was trying so hard to be better.

Zena and I went home to see Naomi and Mila fast asleep. I carried Mila upstairs while Zena stayed to chat with my mum. I gently placed Mila on the bed and did a calming spell over her. She visibly relaxed and cuddled deeper into the pillows. I sadly smiled at the woman before me.

I couldn't help but overhear the conversation between my mum and Zena. I cursed at hearing my mum allude to Zena about Luca. Zena then dropped the bomb about Melissa's family being hunters. I tuned them out because I knew my mum would soon be going on a rant about how Zena shouldn't be allowed to interact with Melissa anymore.

I decided to read a book until Mila woke. I was halfway through the Iliad when Mila woke. She rubbed her eyes and looked around in confusion. She relaxed when her eyes settled on me. I closed my book and stood.

"My mum knows about Zena being friends with Melissa." Mila groaned at my words. "She's going to chew us out."

Mila nodded and got ready. We then went downstairs to see my mum impatiently waiting. We took a deep breath before entering the kitchen.

"Why are you allowing her to be around hunters?!" My mum was pissed. "They could kill her!"

"She's fine." I groaned.

"How can you be so cavalier about your daughter's safety?!

"I'm not. I was worried as well, but we took care of it." I breathed out.

"How can you allow her to be around a hunter?!" Mum was bewildered.

"She likes the girl and-"

"To hell if she likes the girl. Her family is the most skilled hunters in the guild!" She cut me off.

"Alena, she passed their test, so they don't believe she's a-"

"Mia! They could grow suspicious again. What if they continue watching the Ricci residence and see her return? What will-"

"Little dove." Mila jumped at seeing Zena . "What are you- why are you crying?" She made her way over to me. "Sorry, if you overheard us. We're-"

Zena then began crying about Naomi. I ran a hand through my hair when Zena explained that Naomi had told her everything. And I mean everything. Naomi stated she helped to kidnap and torture Zena because of her hatred towards me. Zena now knew Naomi orchestrated the entire thing (I actually didn't know that). Naomi had the absolute audacity to hire Abramovich and encourage his sadistic ways towards my daughter. And, Zena now knew about Luca being Abramovich's son.

Zena had sent Naomi away since she couldn't face the girl. Mila and I were sympathetic for our daughter so we proposed heading back to Italy. I thought it was best since we'd have the security of the wolves. Hopefully, things get a little better.

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