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Bridgette and I were miraculously getting along for once. We were mapping out the original location of the vampire realm. I incorporated data analytics to theorize where I believe the vampire realm was likely to show up. We nodded and I alerted Alec to send vampires to investigate the coordinates.



"How willing are you to enter the Dark Room?"

"What is with everyone and forcing me to enter that fucking place?!" I slammed my fist against the table. "I refuse."

"If these coordinates don't provide the vampires with the entrance to the realm, you may be forced to enter it."

"Instead of forcing me to enter, why don't you all go?!" I snapped.

"Because we don't possess the magic to open the door." Bridgette rolled her eyes. "Only you can open it. The sealing spell is connected to you, so only you are able to remove the restriction." She shrugged.

'Never again." I shook my head. "Never again. The answer is no."

"So are we to just accept that we will never be able to cross into that realm again because you can't handle a little memory jog?" She arched a brow while I growled. "Put on your big girl panties and put the world first for the first time in your life." She scoffed and went back to analyzing the different coordinates.

We could hear the commotion outside, but decided to ignore it. Bridgette stated how she'd formulate an attack when my phone started ringing. Bridgette gave me the evil eye since that interrupted her train of thought. I rolled my eyes and answered the call.


Aye! Aye! I didn't do anything. I winced from how loud Haikey was. I didn't kill Bridgette yet, so chill.

Like you could. Bridgette snarked.

Remember who was so close to ripping your head off? Because I remember hearing your bones cracking and watched your skin split from where I-


Yes, Hails. I groaned.

This is bad.

Where's my child? I got deadly serious.

She's fine for now.

What do you mean now? Bridgette inquired.

People know that you're here.

What? Bridgette and I were confused.

Someone outed Lara's location and that her child is here.

Who? And how?

No idea! But, the students are going crazy at trying to find your child! Granted, they don't know it's Zena, but still.

Ya, that's gonna create a scene. Bridgette sighed. I'll have Josephine assuage their concerns.

It's too far gone for that. They know Zena is here and are trying to find her. I'm scared for her, Lara.

She'll be alright. She's tough. I nodded. Let's figure out who outed her. Look into it.

I will.

Call me if you have anything. I ended the call.

"That's terrible." Bridgette stated.

"I think terrible is an understatement." I crossed my arms. "I'm pondering who would've connected the dots. I know the vampire teachers are aware of my presence, but I used my authority to silence them. They wouldn't be informing the students."

"So another student then." Bridgette concluded to which I nodded. "But, most of the vampire students here aren't from the top aristocratic circle to where they'd know you. They aren't aware of what you look like. Sure, they're wealthy, but not that important."

"Is there a mole in your school?"

"Wouldn't be surprising." Bridgette shrugged. "I'd be more surprised if there wasn't."

"Can you find out... and then torture?"

"I wouldn't want anything less." She evilly smiled. "Huh, your phone is ringing again."



That's Acacia's sister.

We'll deal with it. I ended the call. "Tell me everything about the Jørgensen family."

"There are 6 children in that family. In order: Draco, Yulia, Kai, Acacia, Finn, and Freja."

"That's a lot." I raised a brow. "Damn."

"Erik Jørgensen had a wife and mate, but the Queen wanted him, so he was forced to abandon his mate. His mate died from a broken heart, but that's not often discussed."

"Didn't know they'd refuse mates."

"Mates aren't values highly there as they are amongst wolves or even vampires." Bridgette shrugged. "Anyways, he's a high elf and the Queen is a grey elf. Grey elves are notoriously racist towards even their own species. They only value high elves to be close to their levels. The Jørgensen's tend to be intolerant to other species. Acacia, granted she's the only one of the children that I've met, defies the odds. She's not like the stereotype."

"She's tolerant?" Bridgette nodded at me. "I see. What about sexuality? Elves are to be fluid?"

"Yes, but grey elves are conservative, so they tend to suppress that part of themselves. Her mother will actively refuse the bond between Zena and Acacia."

"What about Zena being a vampire?"

"Better than a wolf." Bridgette scoffed. "If she continues with the narrative of being a witch, they won't publicly shame her that bad."

"Jeez." I groaned.

"Eris was said to be working as a diplomat for the angels." I raised a brow at her. "Yes, it was fairly recent to improve fairy relations in the light realm."

"How'd you hear about it?"

"I have my sources. Plus, you're too busy screwing around to pay attention to politics. I'm sure even Alec is aware of that." Bridgette sassed.

"Whatever." I grumbled.

"Eris clearly knows what you look like which is concerning and interesting."

"I care little for her." I shrugged. "Let's continue with this activity. It'll take time but the panic will die down at your school. I'm just hoping Zena's identity doesn't get revealed."

"Yes, she wishes to have a normal life."

"As normal as a tribrid can." I chuckled. "But, yes. I wish for no one to look at her in fear. She's purer than the clean air." I smiled.

"You really love your daughter." Bridgette softly smiled at me.

"Ya." I dreamily smiled.

"Definitely have changed." She muttered, but I heard. "Let's continue, brat." I rolled my eyes and went back to work.

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