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I walked after Mila. We entered to see the bitch snuggling my daughter! I could sense that Mila was about to murder the witch in cold blood. I held her back since I didn't know what was up this witch's sleeve. She also still had our daughter in her lap, so we couldn't be rash. It pained me to see Zena's frightened face. She had obviously been crying.

"My, my..." The bitch chuckled. "It took you long enough. And here I thought I would have to harm a precious little hair on her adorable head." She placed her cheek next to Zena's.

"Release her and I'll make your death quick." I spoke through gritted teeth. "Hold on to her a second longer and you'll endure an agonizing death." Mila shot her hand out to hold me back.

"Such hostility." She frowned. "And here to think that I have the upper hand." She stood up with Zena.

My breath hitched when she lit the fireplace. I thought she was going to throw my daughter in there. I breathed a sigh of relief when she turned away from the fire. I wasted no time in extinguishing the flames.

"What do you want?" Mila spoke, but I knew she was terrified.

"I want you to suffer and I want control." The witch bounced our daughter up and down, Zena wasn't enjoying the playfulness.

"Who are you working for?" I demanded. I needed to know what organization wanted to experiment on my daughter.

"No one you should worry about... yet." I growled when she smirked.

She then placed Zena down. Zena darted into Mila's arm. I knew that the witch was about to do something or whatever she had been planning. I eyed her and stood in front of Mila and Zena. I couldn't hold my demon back anymore.

"Prepare to die." I slammed her into the wall.

I opened my mouth to rip her throat out, but she used a beam of energy to propel me backwards. I quickly stood up and raced in front of my family. She'd have to go through me if she wanted to hurt them and I don't go down easily.

My brow arched up when I saw her demonstrating her dark energy. I sense the magnitude of power. I didn't realize she was this powerful. Shit! We should've brought backup to deal with a person as powerful as her. I could take her, but I would be distracted in making sure my family was safe.

"Many are not favorable of the unity between the wolf and vampire kingdoms." She venomously spat. "They will never forget the fear instilled by the vampires." I'm assuming my kind has murdered someone she holds dear and this is her revenge.

"That was in the past! Everything has changed!" Mila defended my kind.

"You have such confidence in your lover's changed nature." She darkly chuckled. "Ever wondered what life would've been like if your grandfather had died much earlier? I'm sure the events would've played out much differently." She began concocting wisps of energy. "Would your lover turn out the way she is today?"

"She's my wife, not my lover!" Mila defended our relationship.

"No, she wouldn't even refer to you with the title of lover." I glanced at Mila in utter confusion. "Would she even accept your bond... if she ever truly accepts you, find me." What was she talking about?

"What are you-" My eyes widened at the beam of energy she directed at Mila and Zena.

I sped in front to intercept the hit. I groaned when I landed. My body feels extremely nauseous. I opened my eyes to see Mila's horrified face. Why is she- Shit! I'm disintegrating. This isn't good. I saw that Mila was also disintegrating. The only one untouched was Zena.

"Mummy! Don't go!" She tried to grab onto Mila, but her hands passed through Mila.

"Run!" Mila told our daughter.

The witch was cackling in laughter. I was truly panicking now because she'd go after my daughter once Mila and I were gone. I tried to think of any spell, but I didn't have a last minute trick. Fuck! I felt Mila's gaze, so I connected our eyes. I forced myself to appear calm, even though I was shaking on the inside. I failed to protect my wife and daughter. I saw my vision fading and tears in Mila's eyes.

"I'll find you!" I said before everything went black.

Uh, oh. You already know what's about to happen. We're about to meet bitchass Queen Lara in all her cruelty and heartlessness. This is gonna be so much fun to write mwahaha

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