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A few years later

Mila and I had just decapitated an enemy. He was a radical vamp who was still trying to overthrow the crown. Even though my father was dead, some still called for the abolishment of monarchy. More like they just wanted to rid the world of my family. Mila and I also have to deal with others who are opposed to our marriage. I personally think they're just salty we didn't invite them to the wedding.

My brows scrunched when I heard Mila sigh. I turned to see her leaning against the wall. Her gaze was locked on the beautiful ocean. Portugal truly was a novelty, so I wasn't sure why she appeared unsatisfied. I kicked the severed head away and approached her. I wrapped my arms around her back, causing her to lean into my touch.

"What's wrong, my love?" I kissed her shoulder.

"It's-It's nothing." She sighed, but I knew she wasn't being completely honest.

"My love-"

"It's not important to our mission." She whispered.

"But it's important to you, making it important to me." I turned her around. "Please, relieve some of your burden onto me." I held her chin.

"I-I..." She blushed and looked up with a small smile.

"What's gotten you so shy and nervous?" I chuckled in amusement. "No need to be embarrassed." I giggled when she buried her face into my chest.

"Iwannahaveakid." She mumbled.

"Sorry, my love. I speak many languages, but gibberish isn't one I'm well acquainted with." I chuckled when she lightly punched my chest.

"I want to have a kid." She pulled back and said. My breath hitched in my throat. A kid? "But I don't think that's something you may-"

"You should have me speak first, my love." I pecked her lips. "First... where did those thoughts come from? How long have you been thinking about an addition to our dumpster fire of a family?" I gave a teasing smile to counter Mila's glare.

"For a few months." She kicked the severed head away, so she could sit down. "I didn't know how to bring it up."

"I guess we should've discussed kids before marriage. You've just never brought it up, so I assumed you had no desire. And then our lifestyle didn't seem conducive enough to raise a child." I squatted in front of her. She looked down, so I lifted her chin up. "I never said I didn't want kids." She smiled at me. "I don't think right now would be the best time since we're in the middle of annihilating a coven." She rolled her eyes and shoved me backwards.

I giggled and allowed myself to flop onto the floor. Mila smiled and crawled on top of me. She began to deeply kiss me. I reciprocated and gripped her sides hard. Mila began peppering kisses along my neck. I moaned and turned my head to allow her more access. I locked eyes with the decapitated head. Nope, sir. No audience whether dead or alive. I then snapped my fingers, erupting the head into flames.


It's been a few months since we had that conversation. We talked about it more and Mila wanted to be the one to carry our child. She wasn't aware we could have a child that was biologically ours, so I told her that if my bone marrow is extracted then magic can be used to make my DNA simulate sperm. Mila simply shrugged her shoulder since she had no idea how that was possible.

"Why did I agree to do this?" I stared in horror at the needle in my mum's hand. "I swear this child better be worth it." I became squeamish when my mum walked closer to me. "Actually, I don't think the child has to biologically be ours-"

"Oh, shut up you big baby!" Mila took my hand. "I'm going to be the one who'll have to push our kid out." She glared at me. I couldn't even focus since my mum was positioning the long needle against my arm. "How about I buy you gelato after?"

"Yay!" I beamed. "Wait..." I frowned. "I can't eat." She gave me an amused smile before my mum drilled that needle into my arm. "OH MY FUCKING-".


Mila and I were giddily looking at each other. We probably looked like fools but we were so excited for the gender reveal. All our family and friends had flown to Italy to learn about the baby's gender. The only person who knew was Hailey since she set everything up. She refused to give us any clue as to the gender.

We waited until the evening to have the party since the gender would be revealed through fireworks. Tae and Matt had just gotten back from setting up the fireworks. They were proud at how they configured it. Matt walked to us and handed me a remote that controlled the start of the fireworks. I smiled and motioned for Mila to push the button with me.

"1..." I smiled.

"2..." She beamed.

"3!" We pressed the button together.

I held Mila's hand tightly when the rockets shot up into the sky. I didn't care about the gender as long as our child was healthy. We gasped when pink fireworks exploded in the sky. I was frozen in shock. We were going to have a baby girl! Mila began shaking me in excitement. I smiled and wrapped her up in my arms. I kissed her and told her how much I loved her.

Alec and my mum had controllers in their hands. They spoke to each other as they flew the drones in the formation of the word "girl." And "baby," "baby Ricci," "baby Sangpure," and "greatest blessing."


I believe my face was permanently contorted in pain. Amelia had crushed my hand over 3 times already! She was giving birth to our baby girl who was being stubborn. Little Sangpure-Ricci refused to give Amelia an easy delivery. Mila had been pushing for almost an hour, but our baby would rather stay in her warm womb than come into this chilly weather.

I switched hands so that I could allow my broken one to actually heal. The doctor told her to push again... and there goes my hand. My eyes widened when I saw our child come out... dang! That's how it looks down there?! Wow! Okay then! How is- OH MY GOD! OUR BABY LOOKS LIKE AN ALIEN COVERED IN MUCK! I had to turn my head away and hold down the bile in my mouth.

I needed a moment. How was Amelia smiling at that creature covered in mucus and blood and- oh Jesus! They want me to cut the cord. I took a deep breath and looked at my alien baby. She was kinda cute if you ignored all the stuff covering her. I quickly cut the cord and allowed the doctors to- IS THAT THE PLACENTA?! Mila better not be one of those weirdos who wants to eat it.

Mila was crying from happiness, so I brushed a few strands off her sweaty forehead. I gave her a smile and kissed her head. The doctor came and gently placed our baby on Mila's chest. Mila was crying as she talked to our child. I smiled and placed my finger between our child's fingers. I cried when she squeezed my finger.

"Do you have a name?" The nurse sweetly asked us.

Mila and I looked at each other. We had discussed names before, but never settled on one. Mila smiled and gave me a nod, signaling she liked my recent idea.

"Zena." I smiled at the nurse. "Zena Esmée SangPure-Ricci." I placed a feather-like kiss on my daughter's cheek. "Welcome to our little family, Z. I love you so much, ma petite chou." I whispered.

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