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I had to pinch myself several times to see if I was dreaming. She wanted to go out for drinks with me! I stood up and jumped up and down. The other board members were confused why I interrupted the presentation. My mother and brother were horrified while Hailey was smiling.

I ran out the conference room. I shut the door to my office before flopping onto the couch. I kicked my legs up and thought of a reply. I decided to mess with her.

I'd type something and then quickly delete it. The cycle would continue until I decided what to text. It was funny to see her annoyed state. She had the upper hand by leaving me on read. I groaned at her beating me. I don't even know what time she'll be arriving. Oh, well. She did agree to meet me at a club tonight.

I left the building to head home. I went into the shower and got ready. I dressed in a skintight, short black dress. I made sure my makeup was impeccable and that my jewelry was eye catching. I smacked my red lipstick together.

I then went to the club and spent an eternity waiting for her. I started to get disheartened that she'd come. The girls were all over me, but I didn't care. I only wanted one girl to come and I didn't think she was going to show. I kept checking my phone to see the hours tick by. I'll be heartbroken if she doesn't show.

Some of the girls offered me drinks, but I declined them. I was to drink with Nicole, not without her. I didn't know how much longer to wait since it was past 11pm. I mean... it's not like I had other plans so...

"I didn't realize my presence would get you so down." I perked up at the voice I'd been dying to hear.

"You made it." I gave her a long hug. "Sit, sit." I excitedly patted the spot next to me. "I was starting to think you wouldn't show." I decided to be vulnerable.

"I debated it." I chuckled at her joke.

"What made you decide against it?" I called for a waiter to bring us drinks.

"I was bored." She sipped the drink I got for her. "How'd you know this is my favorite drink? Have you been stalking me?" I could tell that her joke had a double meaning. She wanted to know how I knew so much about her.

"You seemed like a simple gin and tonic kind of girl." She appeared to always have her shit together, so I assumed she'd be a simple drink kind of person.

"And your a fruity kind of girl." She teased me. I couldn't deny my love for sugary drinks.

"Mmm... I like sweet things. But, I also prefer a salty taste." I sensually ran my tongue over my lip. Hopefully, she got my dirty joke.

"Like what you see?" She clearly did since she's directing me to her BARE CHEST! Well, it's not bare, it's a sheer top, but she's not wearing a bra! Gay panic! Gay panic!

"Very much." I couldn't remove my eyes from her rosy, pink nipples. She then began crossing and uncrossing her legs, like Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct. A low growl escaped my throat. I felt myself struggling to control my carnal desires. "I suggest you halt your teasing...I'm not known for my self control." I warned her.

"Well, we'll just have to build up your skill."

She leaned forward so that her boobs appeared bigger. I had to calm my throbbing heat. This girl had easily turned me on. I've never felt so powerless to my own lust filled thoughts. I decided to take back control. Two can play this game. I broke off the stem from the cherry in my drink. I placed it in my mouth and eyed her as I tied the stem into a knot. I opened my mouth to reveal the tied stem on my tongue. I slowly took them stem out my mouth, allowing for my saliva to wet my fingers. I sat back in the chair while running my tongue over my lips.

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