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"Why are you so sad?" Hailey whispered while stirring the concoction together. She had left to speak to some witches about retrieving the necessary supplies so that I could form a spell to infiltrate the assaulter's mind.

"It pains me to know that I'm the cause of the misery and hurt in her life. It physically pains me to be away from her and then it pains me to be near her because I bring nothing but chaos and destruction." I sighed. "She now has a target on her back."

"Don't be so hard on yourself. It's not just you who can't stay away." She looked at Nicole. "You love her and she loves you. It's incredibly obvious." She groaned.

"I can't be with her." I whispered. "My father will rip her apart." A tear fell down my face.

Hailey's features softened. She then walked towards me and embraced me. I clung to her like my life depended on it. I didn't want to lose Nicole. She breathed life back into me. Before I met her, my heart was hardened to the point it stopped beating. After meeting her, she thawed it so that it could beat again.

"She allows for you to live again." Hailey whispered. "Your heart is beating again." I could hear her choke back a sob. "I'm so grateful for what she's done for you." I smiled and pulled back. We both wiped away our tears. I cleared my throat and spoke.

"Are you sure this is gonna work?" I motioned to the vials in her hand.

"Well, I can't say for certain." Hailey hissed back. "Tae and I searched far and wide for these ingredients and convinced witches to perform the spell." She then began to complain. "Also, did you really need to chop that man up?! Lexi and I had to reassemble him to make sure we retrieved all his appendages. All his appendages." She reiterated. "You know what all means, right?"

"It's not like you haven't touched a dick before." I made the simulation of giving a blowjob. "Did you discard of him?" I became serious.

"He was a nice bonfire that kept the homeless warm." Hailey smirked. "We need to get going." She then got serious. I remembered the urgent text message my mother sent me. She wasn't thrilled that Nicole knew about us.

"How long do you wish to lie there, beautiful?" I could hear Nicole's heartbeat accelerate, meaning she was awake.

"You can hear her heartbeat. She's clearly awake." I smirked at Hailey. Well, Hails just informed Nicole that I had always been able to gauge her based on her heartbeat.

"Good morning,love. How'd you sleep?" I smiled.

"Like a baby." She sat up. "Why is she he- oh, she's the cleanup crew." She looked at Hailey, who scoffed.

"I am not the- ugh! We need to speak with you." Hailey crossed her arms. "And we're already late, so we better get moving. Chop chop." She then clapped her hands before leaving us alone.

"Although it pains me to admit, she's right. We need to get going, but not before you eat something." I left to bring her the plate of food I made her. "Oh, almost forgot the oj." I ran away to get the drink for Nicole. "Hope it's to your liking." I sat on the bed and observed her eat.

"It's good!" She moaned. That sound nearly made me cum. I had to squeeze my legs together to avoid being turned on any further. "Did you make this?" I brightly smiled and nodded. "Wanna try some?"

"No thanks. I'm not the best with food." I was embarrassed by that little fact.

"Oh, is that a vampire thing where you can't eat food?"

"No, it's a me thing. I for some reason get very nauseous when I consume human food. It also makes me a little weak." The smell of food was repulsive to me. "The taste... I just can't comprehend how people enjoy it."

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