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I arrived back at the villa to find Mila crying. Her breath hitched when our eyes met. Mila slowly stood and walked towards me. We simply stared at each other, trying to figure out what to say. Mila made the first move by wrapping her arms around me. I held her as she cried into my chest.

"I thought you weren't coming back." Mila whispered.

"I needed some time to process your words." I spoke.

"I take them back." Mila's teary eyes met mine. "I don't want you gone!" She tightened her arms around me. "Stay." She pleaded.

"You're the one who wanted to be separated-"

"And I was an idiot for even suggesting that!" She cried. "Don't go!"

"Wow, how the tables have turned." I teased. "It just took a few hours of me leaving to get you to change your mind? I should've done that sooner." I chuckled while Mila pouted.

"Don't go." She whined.

"Okay." I laughed and shook her.

"Glad that everything is patched up." Dante entered. "We found the house Abramovich is residing in. You need to suit up." He nodded at Mila before leaving.

"We'll talk more." I promised Mila.

"I'm sorry for how I treated you." She met my eyes. "It was wrong and I was angry, so I took it out on you."

"Your anger was warranted. I lied and tried to hide things from you. Ultimately, my lies blew up in my face." I humorlessly chuckled. "Forgive me?" I nervously asked.

"No more secrets?" She blushed and held out her pinky.

"No more secrets." I smiled and interlocked our pinkies. We then sealed our promise with a kiss. "I'm going to miss you. I'll tell Zena that-"


We turned to see Naomi carrying our unconscious daughter. Naomi placed her on the couch before crying. Mila began demanding answers from Naomi while I moved to help my daughter. My eyes widened at seeing the black veins all over her. I noticed bullet holes in her, so I touched them and winced. Fuck, they shot her with silver bullets.

"Melissa's parents shot her. I k-killed them and then brought her here." Naomi whimpered in Mila's arms. "Save her, Lara!"

"Ya, that's the plan." I sighed out and observed Zena more.

I held my hand over Zena's heart and began to perform healing spells. I was shocked that my spells weren't working. I hissed my teeth and tried different spells, but nothing was working. I quickly dialed my brother and mother.


"Zena's dying and I need help. She got shot with silver bullets. My healing spells aren't working. What do I do?"

"Keep performing spells to slow the poison down." My mum calmly spoke. "Zena is incredibly powerful, so she should be able to heal herself."

"And how do I-"

"Access her unconscious mind and speak to her." Alec interrupted.

"I'm healing her right now, so I can't-"

"I'll do it." Naomi chimed in. "You don't have time to tell me no."

Naomi then placed her hands on Zena's head and let out a deep breath. I silently prayed that she'd be able to convince Zena to heal herself. I focused on the healing spells and even gifted her some of my energy and life force. I was quickly becoming exhausted, but I had to save my daughter. I wouldn't let her die!

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