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I stared at the advisor in utter boredom. He had been chatting my ear off for the past 10 minutes. How much longer must I listen to him making a case as to why more troops should be sent to his small village? Truth be told... I wouldn't mind if his village gets wiped off the map. His town doesn't have attractive women, so what's the point of saving them. Even their human slaves are horrific to look at. Well, it makes sense a town of ugly vampires have ugly human consorts. I smirked at my internal joke.

I just wanted this to be over so I could start the reception and pick out the girls I wish to bed later. They always shake in fear at my presence. I do ask for consent and they mainly say yes because I do have quite the reputation of being pleasurable. I allow the slaves to get a few good nights of fucking before I drain them dry. At least they die with an amazing orgasm. That is a good way to die. My lips upturned slightly to resemble a smile.

I absentmindedly rubbed my thumb against the ring on my finger. I have no recollection of receiving this ring, but it felt right to keep on. I couldn't bring myself to remove it for some reason. I had awoken with a diamond ring, but I quickly hid the ring and kept the band. I have no idea why I had a wedding ring when I'm very single.

The man kept speaking, but I hadn't been paying attention. I zoned out the moment he opened his mouth. I knew Hailey would actively be paying attention and would sort the matter out. She knew about my distaste for listening to my subjects' well-being.

"Enough!" He jumped when I stood up. "I will not be spending any troops. Deal with the matter on your own. Let's advance to the reception." I walked down the steps.

The man had no choice but to bow and thank me for my time. I smiled since I had been imagining fucking and killing humans and not his plea to save his citizens. The guards opened the door for me. I had guards surrounding me as I walked to the reception room. The guards opened the doors as well.

The guests bowed to me. I dismissed them to go back to their activities. I had my guards funnel people away since I was more interested in assessing the menu of humans for tonight. There were 10 humans. 7 boys and 3 girls. Well, the boys will be offered as food for my guests. I smirked and walked closer to the girls.

They gulped and began shaking under my intense stare. I circled them and sniffed to get a gauge on their blood type. Hmm... one of them has O blood, my favorite. I'll definitely be dining on her tonight.

I walked behind one of the girls and moved her hair to the side. She stiffened when I placed my nose against her skin. Her blood was calling to be drained, but not right now. I'd have her reach her climax and then drink her delicious blood. I was still debating whether I'd keep her alive for a second round or instantly kill her. I guess I'll just have to wait until I'm in my chambers.

I ran my finger from her cheek down her neck. I smirked at the goosebumps appearing on her skin. I then noticed her hand twitch. I made no indication of realizing she was sliding a silver blade down her sleeve. She then pushed herself forward. She spun around and slashed at me.

I moved at the last minute to make a point. Her eyes widened in shock and fear when I easily caught her wrist. I smirked and broke it. I continued smirking when she cried out in pain. The blade clattered to the floor while she was trying to pry my hand off her wrist. Doesn't she realize her struggles are in vain? She's really not making any progress.

I rolled my eyes and then moved her wrist to my mouth. I made sure she watched me roughly drive my fangs into her wrist. She loudly screamed, causing my guests to laugh at her pain. I made sure to inject a lot of my venom that causes the fire burning pain associated with vampire bites. She was crying and begging for me to stop. I pulled back with my red stained lips.

She sighed in relief. She actually thought I'd show her mercy after an attempted assassination. I chuckled and motioned for my guards.

"Bring them to my room." All the girls' eyes widened. They then began thrashing around, but they were no match for the strength of my guards.

I laughed and motioned for everyone to continue enjoying the party. I caught the eyes of a few vampire women. I danced with some of them. I motioned for two of them to join me in my chambers.

We walked in to see the girls stripped down. I motioned for the vampire girls to take two of them. I wanted the rebel to myself. The women wasted no time in attacking the humans. I walked up to the terrified rebel.

"You're the reason they'll experience a painful death." I traced her face with my finger.

"Burn in hell you bitch!" She yelled.

"Gladly... after I dine on you." Her eyes widened when I pushed her down on my bed.

I then drove my fangs into her neck. I didn't cover her mouth since I wanted everyone to hear her scream. I also made sure to grip her so tight that I'd leave blemishes along her body. I wanted this to be excruciating for her. I pulled back when she was barely alive. I left her to bleed out. I tossed her limp body off my bed.

I then rolled over and motioned for the vampires to join me. They stripped before crawling onto the bed. One of them got on top to kiss me while the other fingered me.

Ahh... it's great to be Queen.

So Lara's personality here is like how it used to be before Alec and her witnessed their mother almost die at their father's hand. She was actually like this in the real reality, but that was centuries before Mila came into her life. In this, you will actually see how cruel Lara can be.

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