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I'm starting to wonder why we're trying with this therapist. Nothing seems to be working. We called her today while Zena went to school. She suggested going on a date where we do things that the other likes. Yippie!

I groaned for the umpteenth time today. Mila rolled her eyes through the mirror while adjusting her hat. She lazily tossed one to me, which I caught. I shuddered as I placed the baseball cap on me. Ew! Ew! Ew! I can't believe I'm dressed like this. I'm in jeans, a graphic t-shirt, and a baseball cap! This is not fashionable!

"Must I wear this?" I gestured to the stupid outfit.

"You're not wearing designer dresses to this." She rolled her eyes and brushed past me.


"No buts. Come on." She grabbed my wrist and dragged me out the room.

Mila stopped me outside and gave me a pointed look. I obnoxiously groaned before creating a portal. Mila walked through and I followed her like a desperate puppy. I nearly gagged at the smell when we arrived in Kansas. Mila smirked and led me to the massive stadium. I saw the massive sign and wondered if there was anyway I could escape this stupid farce.

"Monster Jam time!" She smirked and dragged me to the booth.

Mila paid because there was no way in hell I'd be endorsing this. These guys had pints of beer and burped as they passed us. This is absolutely disgusting. Mila guided me to... stay with me... bleachers! What the fuck?! I carefully avoided the spilled food and drinks and sat down next to crispy crumbs. I was in my own hell.

Mila somehow disappeared and returned with two pints of beer. I gave her a really look while she began to chug hers. This is so nasty. I took a sip of the pint and made a face. I don't know why I'm surprised since I know I hate beer. I just handed her mine when she finished hers. Mila happily took it and chugged it.

The announcer blared out: WHO'S READY FOR MONSTER JAM?! The crowd roared in excitement while I wished I could delay the start of this event. A trucker came out and began driving around the course. He did many flips and that was it. What was the appeal of this again?

"I don't get the excitement of this. He literally just flips off a mound of dirt."

"Enjoy the atmosphere." Mila curtly responded.

"Yep. I'm loving my redneck companions." I gave her a fake smile. "So much fun!" I annoyingly clapped.

"Can you at least try to have fun?"

"You brought me to something you knew I'd hate." I rolled my eyes.

"She said for each of us to plan a date that we liked, so that the other would go out of her way to show interest." Mila deadpanned. "I enjoy things like this, so I'm bringing you along to experience things with me."

"And this was the only thing you liked?" Mila rolled her eyes at me. "I know you enjoy racing. Actually, knowing you, you'd take me to a NASCAR event over Formula 1. I'd have gladly gone to a Formula 1 event with you."

"Again, things I want to do." She moved her eyes from me to the monster pit. "Stop being so high maintenance and enjoy yourself. Not everything has to be glamorous."

"No fun in the poor things of life." Mila then snapped her head in my direction. "Was it something I said?" I gave a faux confused look.

"You know what?" Mila stood up. "I don't need to be around you. You're more than welcome to leave." She was about to walk off, but I grabbed her wrist.

"D-Don't go." I sighed. "I'm sorry." She slowly sat down while eyeing me. "Let's enjoy Monster Jam!" I mustered up all my energy to deliver that. Mila rolled her eyes, but went along with my fake enthusiasm.

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