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The weekend had been stressful for us. There had been a raid on the weapon shipment. The exchange had been intercepted by some vampires. Some were apart of the resistance while the others were loyal to my father. That led to an all out brawl, which I'm sure he's going to hear about soon.

We had been trying to cleanup the mess, but I'm sure we overlooked some spots. It's unnerving to see a lot of vampires loyal to my father being situated here. We're under his close watch, which isn't good. Our every move is being reported, so we have to be careful on how we dispose of his men.

My mother and brother were inside my office. The conversation was getting heated due to their frustration. Alec then switched the conversation to my mate and demeaned to know what I found about her. I kept swerving his question, which he realized. He was getting angry that I was being evasive since we needed as much of an advantage as possible. I told him I didn't believe she was working with our father.

My mother was now angry because she wanted to know how I knew that for sure. Truth be told, I didn't know that for sure. It was just a hunch. My family wasn't convinced by my "hunch."

My mother was threatening to remove me from working with Nicole and placing her with Lexi. I was annoyed because I wanted to keep working with Nicole. Also, Lexi appears to be a sweet, innocent creature, but she can be viscous when she needs to be. I was slightly worried that Lexi would harm Nicole, in exchange for information.

My mother and brother were pacing around the room in annoyance. Alec was fuming and my mother wasn't far behind. I was about to open my mouth, but my door was harshly swung open. I flinched and watched Nicole smirk as she walked towards me. I assume she didn't see my family behind her. Alec silently closed the door.

"Expiation." Huh, what is she talking about. "5 patients volunteered in an experimental drug trial. Each being treated with a drug dubbed 'expiation.' The patients got deathly ill and were moved to a remote medical unit. Their symptoms began to worry the scientists because they worried if it could be contagious, so they locked them in an incubator. However, it wasn't just to quarantine them... it was a death sentence. The incubator was turned on and the victims were roasted alive! Murdered in cold blood! You are killers!" My eyes narrowed the more she spoke. Why the hell is she bringing that up?!

"This doesn't seem like a tax evasion investigation." Alec commented.

Nicole was startled by my mother and brother. I could feel the annoyance radiating off my family. I hoped this didn't go too bad.

"It also seems like she's been prying too much." My mother dryly spoke. "I don't like loose cannons." She made a threatening movement forward, in an attempt to intimidate Nicole. Nicole wasn't affected, but I was. I sped in front of her and eyed my mother down.

"Enough! I'll deal with this." I glared at them until they reluctantly left. I then turned to Nicole and aired my annoyance. "Are you crazy?!" I was struggling to calm myself down. My emotions were heightened due to me being a vampire and then severely heightened because I was a royal vampire. "You could get yourself killed with information like that! Who else have you involved?!" I was worried she may have endangered the lives of other humans.

"I'm not-"

"Don't lie to me." I demanded. "You've endangered countless lives. Please tell me that the group is small."

"Very small. Like three people including me."

"Okay, so just Zayn and your other friend." Alright, so just the wolves.

"How do you know about Zayn?!"

"Please, was it just a coincidence he got hired under one of the groups investigating my company? I think not. Your friend, Jade, has been investigating one of our subsidiaries, but will be relocated here. She doesn't know about it yet, but will in about 2 hours. Those are the only two that know, right?" I revealed being omniscient to everything going on.

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