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Through past experience and making an educated guess, I assumed she'd be passed out for 7 hours. I watched her the entire time she slept. If anyone saw me, they'd be creeped out. The problem was that I was captivated by her and I always found it interesting to watch humans sleep. They were always so at peace. I walked up to her and lightly traced my finger along her arm. I sighed when I saw the goosebumps forming under my touch.

I removed my hand and cursed myself. Why did I have to be such a killer? I wish I could be something purer for the angel lying in my bed. I wasn't worthy of her glance or affection. I saw the clock read it was almost 9am. I figured she'd wake up soon, so I went to my kitchen. It was hard to depart from her, even though I was just going to the kitchen.

I would've loved to make her an extravagant breakfast, but I figured her stomach wouldn't want something so heavy. She'll be hungover, so a banana and toast will suffice. I also made her some tea to settle her stomach. I heard the ruffling of sheets. I smiled, knowing that she was awake.

I delayed my arrival as to not spook her. I entered the room to see her looking under the covers. She was clearly trying to see if she drunkenly hooked up with someone. I wish it was me, but it wasn't.

"Knock, knock." I said as I knocked on the door. "You're finally up. You're a heavy sleeper, by the way." I handed her a plate with toast and a banana. "This should be light on your stomach and provide you with some nutrients." I sat next to her. I was surprised when she started eating and wasn't uncomfortable with my close proximity to her.

"Thanks." She began eating the toast. "How'd I get here?"

"Well, you passed out and I didn't know where you lived. I mean I could've found out, but decided not to invade your privacy, so I brought you home." I realized my error and quickly corrected myself. "My-my home. I brought you to my home." If she noticed my slipup, she didn't comment.

"Thanks." She reached over me to grab the bottle of water.

"Are you feeling alright?" I was worried she remembered seeing me drink from the girl. "Nothing weird plaguing your mind or anything?" I pushed, but she was more interested in eating than thinking. Silly little mortal.

"How do you not have a hangover after drinking so much?!" I chuckled at her perplexed face.

"I have a high tolerance I guess. It's just how my anatomy is designed." I stood up. "Would you like to freshen up?"

"Is that your polite way of saying I stink?" She teased.

"Nah, I'm quite aroused by the female's natural odor." I pushed her down so that I was hovering over her.

"And I'm gonna take a shower and rub synthetic creams all over my body." She rolled out of my arms. I think she had a headache based on her clutching her head.

"Bathroom is over there." I giggled and pointed to the door. "You should find the necessary stuff inside."

I laid on my bed after she shut the door. I groaned as I was surrounded by her scent. I was beyond horny right now and desperately wanted to take her. I wanted her body and blood. I gritted my teeth hard and decided to look at pictures of models on my phone. Hopefully, they will take my mind off the goddess in my bathroom. I had to squeeze my legs tighter to try and ignore the heat building up there. Hearing the water in the shower was causing me to have an erotic imagination as to what she looked like. With the water cascading down her naked for- STOP!

I heard the shower stop. I took a moment to gather myself before she opened the door.

"Huh, guess the horniness never truly dies." I could detect hints of jealousy in her voice. She must've caught a glimpse of the models on my phone.

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