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The next day, I went to entertain my guests. Since we were vampires and didn't require sleep, the party was an all day affair. I was wining and dining my guests. I made a show to fake a smile around my father. I found him repulsive, but that wasn't important at the moment. My brother and Taemin were away interrogating the prisoner. I think they took a few council leaders with them since the leaders wanted to torture the kid or something.

I was laughing with a pompous couple when the leaders threw the doors open. I turned with a raised brow. Who did these assholes think they-

"The prisoner said that you are housing the princess of the wolves! Amelia Ricci!" One of them cried out.

"Your highness, now can you house our enemy?!"

"She's married to Bruno!" I shattered the glass in my hand. She never told me she married that dog! She just said she was engaged, but never revealed they tied the knot! I felt a fury ignite inside me.

"She should be-"

"Watch your tongue before I yank it out." I glared before turning to my brother and Taemin. "How tru-" They cut me off by nodding. I sighed and motioned for them to bring Mia.

I then sat on the throne and told the guests to make room. I eyed Mia like a predator as she entered the room. I wanted to ring her by the neck. How could she marry that guy and not tell me?! I thought we were having a moment on the train!

Taemin and Lexi pushed Mia to kneel before me. I knew I had to bring the witness or there would be an outcry amongst the guests. I really wish I could've handled this privately. I'd have been able to if those stupid leaders didn't accompany Alec and Taemin.

"Amenez le témoin." (Bring the witness) I spoke to the squire.

The guards dragged the injured boy into the room. They forced him to walk on his broken leg. I heard Mia growl, so I sharply threatened her. The guards threw the boy at my feet. I arched a brow at the frightened boy on the ground. He was kicked a few times and I was annoyed at the current situation.

"Look up at me." I commanded the teen.

"I'm sorry, y-your ma-majesty. Yes, sh-she is t-the wolf p-princess Amelia."

I bit back a sigh at his reveal. I tuned out the shouts of the council members. I could only think about how she married that mutt. Was he the father of her child? I rubbed my thumb against the ring on my finger. I didn't know the significance of the ring, but it clearly was special to me. I..I was considering gifting her the ring, but now...

"ENOUGH!" I silenced everyone. I wanted to speak to her about this privately. "Her punishment will be held privately." I tried dismissing everyone, but my father ran up to me.

"You must publicly punish her." I glared at him. "We need the support of the different regions. In order to do that, we must have a zero tolerance for dogs." My jaw clenched at his words. "How can we ask them to assist us in fighting the dogs if they believe their own Queen is a dog lover?" His comment pissed me off so I slammed him into the wall. "You know it's true." He struggled to speak.

I felt the expected looks on me. I was struggling to control myself. I didn't want to do this. I really didn't want to, but-

"Lashes." I whispered and released my father.

My father laughed and went to speak with the other members. I looked to my brother who was shaking his head in disappointment. What else could I have done?!

My father then smugly bowed and motioned for me to come. I sighed and walked with him. I allowed my family to walk ahead of me. I was trying to delay actually harming her, but there was only so long I could delay the inevitable.

I was internally shaking as I saw her chained like an animal. My father made a spectacle of the scene. I hardened my features as he paraded around her with the whip. I made the mistake of growling when his dirty finger traced her beautiful features. My eyes then widened when he gave me the whip.

Dammit! He had the whip laced in Wolfsbane and silver. This thing could for sure kill her! Fuck! I made sure to look indifferent, but I wanted to cry on the inside. I saw her terrified eyes staring at me. She was more scared of me hurting her than my father. I decided to perform a silent spell that'd bind me to her. I'd feel whatever pain I inflicted on her. That'd be my punishment.

I looked to Alec for any help, but he was trapped. My big brother couldn't help me out of this one. I reluctantly approached her, maybe I could make it look worse than- I felt a wave of rage enter me. I looked up to see a witch smiling at me. Why was she- AHHH! HOW DARE SHE MARRY THAT MAN!


I didn't hold back as I quickly bloodied her back. I felt my skin splitting, but I ignored the pain. I could feel the surprise on my family's face. My dress was sticking to my back because of the blood. I laughed as she fell to the ground. I was about to strike her again, but I felt the rage leave me. My breath hitched and I dropped the whip.

I quickly walked into her line of sight. I was panicking since her heartbeat was slowing down. Fuck! The silver! I then felt the pain in my body. I crumbled onto the ground, causing my brother to pick me up. I vaguely heard my father and the council members deciding that Mia should be kept in the dungeons. They wanted her to die from her injuries there. I wanted to refute, but I passed out.

Love how Lara's priorities are that Mia is married then the fact that Mia is the heir to wolf royalty. She couldn't careless about the war, but it's the fact that Mia is married that gets to her lol

If it was unclear, Lara felt every lash she inflicted upon Mila, but her anger powered her through the pain

Ade yep, it's the same witch that sent them to this reality

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