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We were in such a rush that Mila didn't protest me picking her up. I sped her to the villa since I was faster than her. We were about to approach the chaotic noise when Naomi teleported next to us. Mila and I glared at her, but she glared right back.

"Just let me see her." Naomi demanded.

"I don't have time for you." I dismissed her and walked ahead.

We ran to the back to see Zena about to murder Vera. I quickly used my magic to push Zena away from the frightened witch. Zena focused on us and sneered. I tried to calm her down, but she yelled about me sleeping with Naomi. Uhhh.... how rude.

She began to attack us, so I tried to subdue her without hurting her. It was really hard to fight my daughter while also trying not to harm her. Zena was relentless and fought to kill us. She seriously harmed Mila by biting and injecting a poisonous type of venom.

I sped to my wife and found her in a cold sweat. I began to suck the poison from her neck, but Zena used her magic to fling me away. Dammit. Mila gave me a look that pleaded for me to help our daughter.

You're hurt.

Focus on her, please. Mila forced a smile.



I again tried to convince Zena to back down, but she responded by throwing me through the wall. I groaned and stood up. I exited to see her in her demonic form. I gulped at seeing her bluish tint skin, stark white hair, and black eyes with red irises and yellow pupils. Well, the eyes are a new one.

Zena clawed at me much faster than she had been previously. She kept cutting me, injecting a painful venom. I grunted and held my bleeding abdomen. Zena then tried to use magic to rip me apart. I screamed at being pulled apart. Naomi somehow calmed Zena down, so she immediately released us. The succubi then snapped my daughter's neck.

I fell to the ground and began to slowly heal. I muttered a spell to speed up my healing. I then crawled to Mila. She was shaking and drenched in sweat. I attached my lips to her neck and sucked out the poison. I squirmed since it was causing me pain and I wasn't even properly healed. I then signaled for one of the security people to bring Mila to the med bay.

I took a few moments before standing up. I approached Hailey and saw her slumped against a tree. I sighed before picking her up. I carried her inside and laid her on the couch. I then retrieved a blood bag and placed it next to her. Tae was starting to wake up, so I instructed him to keep an eye on Hailey. I then saw a shaking Vera.

"Vera?" She looked at me. "Hold my hand."

She shakily placed her hand in mind. Vera's breath hitched as my eyes darkened. I then held my hand up and did a spell to calm her anxiety. Vera's shallow breaths began to become more regular. She then took a deep breath before smiling at me. I allowed my eyes to return to normal right before she surprised me with a hug.

"Please, forgive my daughter."

"Don't worry. She can't get rid of me that easily." I chuckled at her words.

"Ellio and Dante are approaching." I smiled and stood.

I then saw a maid walking out of Zena's room. She smiled before handing me a vial of my daughter's blood. I nodded before making my way to the med bay. The doctor handed me some medicine, which I combined with Zena's blood. After I performed the spell, I poured the antidote into Mila's mouth. She coughed, but I could feel the poison disappearing.

I then picked my wife up and carried her to our room. She was quiet, even when I stripped her. I assisted in giving the tired woman a bath. After I helped dress her, I placed her on the bed. She fell asleep the moment her head hit the pillow. I sighed as I watched her tired breaths.

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