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The two females and I practically fucked all night. I chuckled as they struggled to walk. Vampires heal fast, but the touches from the Queen were rougher than ordinary creatures. A frown appeared on my face when Hailey entered. I rolled my eyes and pushed the covers off my body. Hailey averted her eyes as I stood naked.

I walked past her and entered my closet. I dressed in a short black dress. Hailey had my crown ready to place on my head. I lowered my head, so she could position it properly. Hailey stepped back and bowed again.

I brushed past her. It's breakfast time. I walked to the dining room and sat down. Alec and Sophie sat down once I was seated. Lexi came in late, so she gave me an apologetic bow before sitting down. I'll deal with Lexi later since I don't approve of tardiness. Hailey slowly sat next to me. I motioned for them to speak.

"Okay! So I-" I cracked a smile when Sophie began excitedly telling us about her day.

Her hand was firmly clasped to Alec's. It was amusing when she got animated since Alec's hand would also fly around. He kept his poise and dined on the food. I used my fork to move the food around. I'd take extremely small bites since this food made me completely nauseous and weak. I kept that secret to myself since I wanted to keep the extent of my power a mystery to everyone (even with my family). My father taught me not to trust anyone.

I observed Hailey visibly relax and enjoy being around my brother and his wife. I still haven't forgotten Hailey's behavior yesterday. She had the nerve to advise me not to kill the human. Well, she was my advisor, but still! I wanted to punish her for yesterday. And what better way to do it than to go against her empathy.

"Girl." I called a slave over. Sophie was still chatting away, but Alec's eyes were trained on me. "Come here." I sharply spoke since she was taking too long.

"Sister, what are you-"

"Did I give you permission to speak to me?" I snapped at my brother. He immediately clamped his mouth shut. "Now, are you going to keep me waiting all day?!" I barked at the slave.

Her head was lowered as she stood by my side. I held her hand and brought it to my nose. She shivered when I took a whiff of her scent. Hmm... I smell a hint of fairy in her blood. How delectable! I made sure Hailey watched me while I bit into the girl's wrist.

My painful venom made the girl's knees buckle. I didn't bother catching her. She fell onto the ground, completely paralyzed by my venom. Her eyes were wide in fear and her heart was pounding. I smirked at Hailey's pained face. She wanted to look away, but she knew better than to piss me off. I wanted Hailey to witness me killing this slave. Actually...I have a better thought.

I removed my fangs from the girl's wrist. I took a napkin to dab my face. Everyone at the table had gone completely silent. They were all tense, waiting for my next move. I gave a content sigh. The girl was still alive, but anymore blood drained from her would certainly end her life. And, I wouldn't kill her, but...

"Hailey." I smirked when I saw her eyes water. Yep, she knew exactly what I was doing. "Please, she tastes delicious." I moaned and held the girl's hand in Hailey's direction. "Please, I wouldn't want you to decline my offer and for me to think you're being rude." My eyes narrowed. "I insist." I gave her a devilish smile.

Hailey slowly stood up. She was shaking as she approached me and the vulnerable fairy. Hailey took a deep breath and looked at the girl with pity.

"I'm sorry." She whispered to the girl. My face contorted in anger. I grabbed Hailey by the throat and brought her face close to mine.

"Did I give you permission to speak?!" Hailey held back a whimper as my nails pierced her skin. "Now, finish her!" I pushed Hailey back.

Hailey averted her eyes from the girl's. She then gently bit down and began draining the girl. It pissed me off that Hailey was giving the girl pleasurable venom. The girl would die with a euphoric high. Well, it's my fault I didn't command Hailey to use her painful venom on the girl. Hailey sighed and closed the now dead girl's eyes. I then snapped at my guards to dispose of the body.

I stood up since I had meetings to attend to. Hailey trudged behind me since she was my advisor/assistant after all. I entered the council room to see the members seated. They immediately stood and bowed. They sat back down once I was seated. I made a motion for them to begin speaking.

One of the diplomats informed me of a Greek princess asking for my presence. I smirked since I was more than happy to oblige her. I did tell the diplomat that I'd meet the princess in her chamber. He was completely oblivious to my suggestive statements.

Another member was informing me of the Duke's request for my attendance at a ball. I told him to speak with the Duke about my demands. I'd attend if the Duke would send some beautiful women to my chambers. He was about to agree, but I specified it even more. I wanted humans and vampires. I did have a blood kink after all.

When I was being informed about a civil unrest in one of my villages, a scream was heard. I arched a brow, but ignored it. The members were concerned, but I had no interest in postponing the meeting since I didn't want to revisit this absolute bore again. If it was a potential assassination, then I'd wait for the bloody idiot to waltz in here before ripping their throat out.

They started to speak again, but more screams were heard. It sounded like a group of my guards were crying out in pain. The council members were looking at each other in fear. They began mumbling about what they thought was going on.

"Your majesty, I think you should-"

"Shh." I held a finger up. Hailey bowed and stepped back.

A soldier then burst through the doors. I arched a brow, causing him to apologize and bow. He informed me of a prisoner annihilating a lot of my guards. I instantly became intrigued at the prisoner's display of strength. I asked the prisoner's species and he told me the girl was a wolf. Ahh, a female werewolf murdering my guards. I smirked at the thought since I had been thinking of replacing some of them. The girl just made my job much easier.

I stood up, shocking the members. I told them to continue with the meeting and to inform Hailey about whatever since I had to save my precious guards. I took my time walking to the weapons room. I retrieved a retractable wolf collar. I whispered a spell that would make me the sole person to remove it. I then began walking to the dungeons.

Guards immediately surrounded me, but I waved them away. I was confident I'd be able to detain this girl. I chuckled as I got closer to her cell. I saw my guards run in, only to scream and retreat with a mutilated limb (that's if they ever came back out). I leaned against the doorframe as I saw her pin a guy to the wall. I think she was about to kill him. I'd continue watching if not for the desperate looks from the guards.

I rolled my eyes and walked behind her. I don't think she realized I was behind her. I easily snapped the collar around her neck. She immediately screamed and fell in pain. I wrapped an arm around her waist to catch her. I think she ended up blacking out since her body went limp. Hmm...

I observed the utter carnage she left behind. Damn, she sure is fiesty. I glanced down at her unconscious form. She was actually really beautiful. I'd definitely sleep with her. I was a little unnerved by her blood since it took me a lot of control not to drain her. I figured she was my blood singer and I didn't like it. I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room. Can't wait to explore her soon 😏

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