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"M-Maman? Mum?" Zena's voice cracked when she took a step forward.

We immediately walked to her and pulled her into a hug. Zena was holding onto us for dear life. Mila was struggling to hold back her tears, while tears were streaming down my face. I was such a big baby, but I had my little girl back!

We stepped back and looked at Zena. She has matured into a beautiful young woman, but then I saw her eyes. My heart fell since I recognized the look of jaggedness and brokenness. She was hurt so bad. That firmly cemented my failures as a mother. She submissively looked down and hurried to wipe her tears. I looked to Mila, who got the hint.

"You don't have to be afra-" She tried to hold Zena's hands, but Zena took a step back. Zena's eyes then widened in fear

"I'm sor-I shouldn't have- please don't hurt me." She cowered with her shaky voice.

"We're not gonna hurt you." Mila slowly placed a hand on Zena. Zena flinched, but didn't move. "Are you hungry?" Zena meekly nodded. "La-"

"I'm on it." I smiled at Mila. "Is pasta still your favorite thing to eat?" Zena's brows scrunched when she looked at me.

"I don't remember what that tastes like." She quietly said.

"Oh, Z." Mila sighed. "I'm so sorry." She hugged our daughter, who stiffened at the action.

"How about I make you a dish that you used to love when you were younger?" I offered up a smile. Zena just nodded since she was conditioned to agree to whatever an authority figure said.

I allowed Mila and Z to have some private time. I went to the market by myself to buy the necessary ingredients. The dish would be a little different since there weren't many cheeses to choose from. I just had to take what the local market had. Thankfully, there was wheat and eggs, so I could definitely make the pasta dish.

I texted my brother as I was heading back. I totally forgot to tell him that Z was safe and sound. He was relieved and asked when we'd return. I told him that we were going to keep Z here for a little bit so she'd become more acclimated with her new life. Alec wished me luck and stated that he looked forward to reuniting with her.

I entered the cabin to see Mila struggling to speak to Z. They were on the couch. Z had her head down while Mila tried to ask her stuff. Z would simply nod or give short, concise answers. I guess she wasn't allowed to speak often when she was imprisoned. I decided to try something.

"Sat bene?" (Are you okay) I looked at Zena, but she didn't respond. "Sto parlando con te ed è un ordine che tu risponda." (I am talking to you and it's an order that you respond) Mila narrowed her eyes at my words. I was still staring at Z, but she didn't respond. I then turned to Mila. "Je pense qu'elle ne comprend plus le français ou l'italien." (I don't think she understands French or Italian anymore)

"Well, answer." Mila sharply spoke. Zena jumped and looked at us fearfully.

"I'm sorry, I don't-"

"So she really doesn't." Mila sighed. "I'm sorry. I wasn't really mad. I just wanted a response from you." Zena meekly nodded. "Do you prefer English?"

"It's all I know." Zena quietly said.

"You knew maman, which is mommy in French." I sat across from her. "You used to be fluent in Italian and French." I gave her a sad smile. "It's no worries though. You'll be fluent in Italian when we head home. As for French, I'll teach it to you again, l'amour." I smiled.

"Okay." She quietly answered.

"Do you want to go home now?" Mila asked. Zena didn't respond, so Mila changed the wording of her question. "We want to know what you would prefer... staying here or going back to Italy?" Zena shivered when she heard the word Italy.

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