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I don't know how long I spent smiling down at her. I picked her up and carried her to my bed. After lying her down, I position her head on my chest. I then began to play with her golden locks. My heart fluttered when I heard her soft breaths. She was so relaxed and at ease. I've never loved the way I love her. The feeling is so foreign, yet feels empowering.

I sighed when my finger touched her skin. The goosebumps were a constant reminder of the killer in me. All she could ever get from me was coldness, not warmth. I was disheartened, but it didn't stop me from playing with her fingers.

I blushed when she nuzzled against me. She really owns my heart. My now beating heart.

I saw the sun rising through my massive windows. It'd only be a matter of time until this gorgeous angel awakens. I was playing with her scalp, when I felt her heartbeat start to increase. Looks like she's waking up. I stopped playing with her scalp and patiently waited for her eyes to open.

I chuckled when she hissed at the sunlight. She's really cute.

"You're acting like a vampire with the sun." I joked.

"How come you refuse to erupt into flames and then fall into a pile of ash?" She fired back.

"Oh, love. Your wolf packs an intense bite, doesn't she?" I was in hysterics at her rebuttal. "I thought dealing with your sarcasm was enough, but that coupled with the utter savagery from your wolf is astounding!" I was finding it difficult to breathe through my giggles. "Ahhh, I sure have my hands full with you."

"Is my wolf always that temperamental?" She looked concerned.

I was about to answer her, but she jumped. Her wolf must be communicating with her for the first time. She looked like she was going mental. I decided to assuage her concerns.

"Wolfy having anger issues?" I teased, but got serious when I noticed her frightened face. "Your wolf will communicate with you through your consciousness. It's a normal thing. Ask her what she wants?" I was genuinely curious to know what her wolf thought about me.

"Umm... she's horny." She blushed.

"As you both should be in my presence." I sat up.

I heard a low growl escape her throat. I glanced down to see the animalistic look in her eyes. I then followed where her eyes were looking. Ahhh, I see... someone's horny for my naked body.

"Stop it!" She pulled the covers over me.

"Stop it! And control your hormones!" I think she was speaking to her wolf.

"I mean you have a point there, but calm down. Sheesh!" She huffed. "Now I'm regretting allowing Lara to release you. You are incredibly annoying." Yep, she's having a full blown conversation with... what's her wolf's name?

"Ask her name?" I quickly explained once seeing Mila's confused face. "All wolves have their own name. Ask hers."

"Umm... what's-"

"Rude." She grumbled. "And her name is Chiara." She answered my question.

"Huh, Chiara." That's a beautiful Italian name. "Chai, would you be a dear and help Mila out. She's struggling with the additional voice and emotions. Please, guide her." I tried to see if I could convince her wolf to work with her.

"How'd you know-"

"She's obsessed with me like I am with you." I kissed her. "Meaning that she's more inclined to do whatever please me, as I would with you. Now..." I got out the bed because I felt the need to feed her after the workout last night.

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