Chapter 1: Scared

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September 1st 1991, the day Nell Lupin-Black would begin her journey at Hogwarts. The day she flew frantically round her room making sure she hasn't forgotten anything. The day Sirius black stood laughing at his daughter in the doorway and the day Remus Lupin waited with his watch turned up on his wrist at the bottom of the stairs.

"Will you two hurry up? We'll miss the train at this point" Remus called up the stairs, very much aware that they were due to be at the Potter's in less than five minutes and of his husband and daughter's mutual tendency to be late.

"Hush Moony. Worst comes to worst and we can just apparate her right outside the gates - I'm sure Minnie would love a visit" Sirius smirked, appearing at the top of the staircase with his daughter's trunk in hand whilst the girl hung back in her room.

"I'm one hundred percent certain she wouldn't" Remus said flatly but a smirk could quite obviously be seen tugging at the corners of his lips.

Upstairs, Nell sat on the edge of her bed scanning her room for the last time. As hard as she tried to force it down, a rising lump grew in her throat, her stomach lurching in worry as she desperately thought of anything she might have forgotten to pack. But there wasn't. Everything was packed, everything was ready, now all she had to do was leave. And yet she couldn't seem to move from her place on the mattress.

With one last shaky breath she pushed herself up, hesitating for a moment before stepping out into the hallway.

"There you are-" Remus started as his daughter's footsteps creaked at the top of the stairs before his voice immediately softened as he caught sight of her. "Are you alright sweetheart?"

He asked gently as her face came into view - her trembling lip, her big glassy eyes and her dark blue roots which she had to fight from spreading to the rest of her hair. A downside to her seemingly fun ability to manipulate her appearance: no matter how hard she tried to hide her emotions, there was always something giving them away.

"Hey come here" Sirius said softly, opening up his arms as she rushed down the stairs and crashed into his embrace. At the sound of gentle sniffles, the two father's looked to each other with worried eyes before Sirius looked back down to the girl in his arms.

"What's up pup?" He asked, lightly stroking her hair.

"I- I- don't want to go" she mumbled into her fathers chest, staining his t-shirt with a few stray tears. At this point Remus jumped in, moving over and crouching down beside her.

"Of course you do darling, remember how excited you were last night?" He said, rubbing her back comfortingly.

She shook her head against Sirius, still not peeling away from his embrace until he brought her out to arms length and crouched down beside Remus.

"Hey, hey what's this about?" he asked softly, moving her hair out of her slightly tear stained face as both him and Remus looked to her with worried eyes.

"What if- if people ask questions?" She finally choked out, trying to hold back any further tears but the occasional few slipped out, tracing the path down the two silvery lines on her face.

The two men immediately understood and Remus' heart in particular lurched with guilt. Unfortunately his werewolf gene had been carried on into Nell meaning she too had to endure monthly transformations and despite her not being in nearly as bad a state as her Father, several scars still littered her body with two running diagonally across her freckled face.

She tried and most of the time succeeded in never letting the marks bother her, but the idea of meeting hundreds of new people who were most likely to stare, was just too much to handle.

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