Chapter 36: Unlikely Help

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"Okay so we need to tell Cedric." Nell decided as her and Harry made their way through the corridor at lunch. After telling their friends about their late night dragon revelation with Hagrid, Hermione was completely shocked that they would set students up against something so dangerous whereas Ron was unusually calm.

That was until he explained that he had known all along, since Charlie was one of the carers responsible for transporting the dragons so of course he knew. Now that it was next day, Nell decided that it would only be fair for Cedric to be given the same advantage as they were, seeing as after all he was the true champion.

Although she wouldn't admit it to anyone else, Nell knew she had no intention of winning the Cup herself. She would undoubtedly try her hardest in every task but when it came down to it, she wanted Cedric to be the one to win and she would never get in the way of that. Because in her eyes, he completely and utterly deserved it.

Not only was he one of the all round nicest people she knew - the way he reacted to her and Harry being chosen was a sure sign of that - but he was also the epitome of the perfect candidate. Athletic, popular and Nell could see in his eyes he loved the risk. Hogwarts' own 'golden boy'. Plus he was actually supposed to be chosen, unlike the other two.

Harry wasn't such a fan. He knew the older boy was nice and all and ultimately there was no real reason for him not to like him but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. It was probably because the boy wouldn't keep his eyes off of his best friend. Harry didn't like that.

"What?" Harry replied, blurring out of his daze as they passed through an archway into the courtyard.

"Well Madame Maxine was there so Fleur will obviously know about the dragons and we both saw Karkaroff lurking around in the trees meaning Cedric will be the only one who doesn't know." Nell explained as the boy nodded his head in understanding.

Despite his irrational opposition to Cedric as a person, he knew Nell was right. It wouldn't be fair if he was the only one out of the loop.

"Oh yeah, right." He agreed halfheartedly, knowing it was the right thing to do but not loving the idea of actually having to talk to the boy.

As they passed under the shade of a tree in the yard, a snarky voice sounded from above them. Nell made no move to stop and blurred out what they were saying, assuming that the person wasn't talking to them. It wasn't until Harry came to a sudden halt beside her that she realised this was in fact about them.

"Hey look who it is, our champions" Draco sniggered as he hopped down from the tree to join an equally as amused Crabbe and Goyle. Nell wasn't even sure if they had even understood his joke or were just laughing because Draco was and as always, they do what Draco wants.

"Shut up Malfoy." Nell felt Harry tense up as he threatened the blond boy who had now turned his attention to her.

"Like my badge cous'?" He taunted, pointing to the large enchanted badge on his robes which switched between the golden words 'Cedric Diggory True Champion'

And the sickly green text, 'Potter and Black Stink!'

'How original' Nell sent into Harry's mind, hoping to ease the boy's tense demeanour and succeeding as she felt him shake gently in amusement beside her.

"Well seeing as that isn't even my name, I can't say it bothers me, but you know the colours are nice." Nell shot back with a completely genuine tone making Draco seethe unlike Harry who was struggling to hide his growing laughter and in the process let a snort slip out.

"You think that's funny Potter?" Draco snapped to the dark haired boy, his face growing red with anger and humiliation.

"Yeah actually." Harry said calmly, enjoying the boy before him's cracking appearance. Seeing he was slipping down a losing path, Draco quickly composed himself, regaining his coldly bitter expression.

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