Chapter 15: Third Year

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"Wait you punched him? Like actually punched him?" The four friends sat it in their usual compartment on the way to start their third year. Ron's head turned from Nell sat next to him, to Harry who was opposite her and to Hermione beside Harry, before circling back to Nell. His face was mixture of confusion, shock and pride.

"Right in his smug face." Harry replied for her, smiling proudly.

"Wicked! Wish I'd been there for it."

Nell couldn't help but smile, part of her wanted to feel bad, to regret what she'd done but honestly Draco had deserved it. Hermione was the most wonderful person Nell knew and had done nothing to Draco and yet he dared to call her that.

"No Ron, it wasn't 'wicked'." They all turned to face Hermione, waiting for her to scold Ron as she always did, but then something weird happened. The corners of her lips twitched in a small smile, "It was a brilliant punch though."

Then she started to laugh, softly at first but it quickly got louder. The other three looked at each other, not exactly knowing how to react at first. But then Nell started to laugh too, then Harry, then Ron and by this point the noise coming from their compartment could be heard all along the train.

Once the train reached Hogsmeade, they made their way to the path that twisted up the castle. Just as Nell was about to climb into the carriage with her friends, she turned to see Draco, standing three carriages ahead and staring at her. His face paled the moment he saw her notice him and he shoved passed his friends into the carriage. She couldn't help but think, 'was he scared of her?'. Well at least this would mean he probably wouldn't be bothering them for a while.

"You ever wonder why they didn't just build the castle right next to station? Would've saved everyone so much time." Ron gazed towards the castle, quietly speaking his thoughts aloud.

Harry and Nell turned to each other before looking to Hermione who's eyes were practically rolled in the back of her head. "What?" They all said in unison.

"Hmm?" Ron turned to face them, drawn out of his daze. "Oh, well I just mean it would've made things so much easier, you know?"

Nell started to laugh before looking at Ron's confused face and realising he wasn't joking, "Ron, you do know they built the castle first right?"

He went as red as his hair as the three stared at him with disbelief, "What, no yeah. Of course I knew that."

"Sure you did mate." Harry laughed, shaking his head, and patting Ron on the shoulder, "sure you did."

Occasional whispers echoed through the great hall as everyone sat waiting for the sorting ceremony to be over so they could enjoy their food. By this point most of the students were resting their heads in their hands in boredom and Ron had given up completely. His head was face down on the table as his stomach growled, "Wish they would just hurry up and get this over with." His voice was muffled by the table .

Finally McGonagall began to read the list and the first up to stool was a small brown haired boy named 'Harvey Jones'.

The two friends began to converse telepathically.
'Nah, Ravenclaw for sure'
'You're wrong'
'We'll see'

Nell smiled to herself smugly, her and Harry had started the tradition of trying to guess the house of the very first first year to be sorted. Whoever guessed t most correctly by their seventh year won, so far Nell had now won both second and third year.


After what felt like forever, masses of food finally appeared across the four tables. The new first year's eyes lit up at the sight, the same way the foursome remembered feeling on their first day. They all felt glad to be back as they hungrily filled their plates and caught up with their friends about the summer.

"Godric I love Hogwarts food."
Hermione soon faded out of the conversation she was in with Ginny and Nell as something caught her attention at the other end of the Gryffindor table. She followed its gaze until her eyes landed back on Nell. After looking back a couple more times she leaned over towards her friends, "Looks like someone's got a thing for you Nell."

Both Ron and Harry immediately looked up from their plates, "What?".

Nell looked at them before sending Hermione a confused look and trying to look around the hall to see who she meant, "Who?".

Hermione nodded her head in the direction of the other end of the table, causing Nell to lock eyes with someone who immediately went red and looked away.

"Cormac?" Ron blurted out before Nell could say anything.

Nell felt herself blush but managed to control her hair. She'd never considered the idea of someone liking her before. I mean she was just Nell, nothing special. Or at least that's what she always thought. "Do you really think so?"

"Oh definitely, he's hasn't taken his eyes off of you since we got here." Hermione playfully nudged her shoulder and sent her a wink.

As they headed back to the common room, Nell couldn't help but wonder if Hermione was right. Did Cormac have a crush on her? I mean she'd always thought he was cute but never anything more than that.

She shook it off as they walked through the portrait and collapsed onto the sofas in front of the fire. Sitting beside Harry she rested her head in his lap, bending her knees onto the sofa. Her friends talked around her as she stared into the fire, contributing the occasional 'yeah' and 'for sure'.

That was until a unfamiliar voice pulled her out of her daze, "Night Nell."

She sat up from her place on Harry's lap, turning her head around to see a blond curly haired head heading away from the sofa and up the stairs. Surely she'd misheard, surely Cormac McLaggen hadn't actually just said goodnight to her. She looked back to her friends and Hermione sent her a suggestive wink, whereas Ron and Harry's eyes were still burning on the spot where Cormac was previously stood.


"So you and cormac huh?"

Harry and Nell were headed down to the quidditch pitch for the first practise of the season. Lessons hadn't started yet but when it came to quidditch, there wasn't any time to waste, especially since the new captain had devised a whole new plan to win the cup.

"Oh shut up." She shoved him playfully but he just looked at her, raising his eyebrows.

She sighed, "I don't know Harry, I mean he's cute but he seems kind of full of himself."

She turned back to face him but was staring straight ahead, his jaw clenched, "I don't like him."

Shaking her head amused she reached up to pat him on the shoulder "Okay Harry, I'll keep that in mind."

Nell wasn't really sure if she liked Cormac. Like she said, he was definitely attractive but she'd never even had so much as a conversation with him before. She certainly didn't know enough to decide whether or not she liked him. Not yet at least.

A/N: I'm not too happy with this chapter, I really struggled with writing it for some reason but it's kind of just a filler chapter.

Anyway I hope your enjoying the story, it was amazing to wake up this morning and see I gained over a hundred more reads. It might not seem like a lot but it means so much to me so thank you all :)

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