Chapter 30: Away Missions

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"Bye my darling" Remus said softly as he leant down to kiss the head of his sleeping daughter.
"See you tonight Pup. We love you." Sirius added gently.

As the men said goodbye to their daughter, the morning sun was barely creeping over the horizon, casting blurry shadows across her bedroom. She stirred slightly at the sound of their voice, groaning and fluttering her eyes open.

"Mmm, love you too." She grumbled making the men chuckle slightly as she rolled back over, burying face first into the pillows.

Ever since the events of the World Cup, the auror's department had been chaotic as ever and much to Nell's dismay, the men were leaving for their third mission this week.

"Oh and Uncle Prongs brought Harry over to keep you company." As soon as Sirius spoke, a very drowsy looking Harry shuffled into the room rubbing his eyes. His baggy sweatpants and T-shirt, as well as his droopy posture, were a clear sign that the boy had only just crawled out of bed before apparating here with his dad.

James, who remained downstairs in the living room, was waiting for the other two men to join him so they could set off on their mission.

"Mmm" Nell grunted out a greeting as Harry shuffled over and flopped down onto her bed beside her.

"Mmm" he groaned sleepily in reply before passing out almost as soon as he hit the pillow and Nell was out soon after.

Remus and Sirius shook their heads in amusement from the doorway as the two kids gentle snores began to fill the room. After lingering for a couple moments more, they headed downstairs to set off.

The ministry was in a state of desperation that no one had seen for years. To the public of the wizarding world, they maintained their strong collected demeanour, assuring everyone that there was nothing to worry about. However within, Fudge had set all departments to work on shutting down any rumours regarding the attack and insisted that it was nothing more than a onetime ploy done as a cruel joke.

The aurors department was given the task of finding the perpetrators behind the attack who - according to Fudge - where not real Death Eaters. However anyone with any sense, who refused to blindly follow Fudge, found themselves angered by the Minister's ignorance and refusal to acknowledge the possibility of what this could mean.

Because in the end, as terrifying it seemed to admit, this was how it all began the first time.


As the late morning sun now pooled over her eyes, Nell stretched her arms far above her head, yawning as she opened her eyes wide. A snore from Harry beside her reminded the girl of his presence and prompted her to poke him in the side.

"Harry, wake up." She said, her voice still fairly quiet from just waking up.

"Harry" she said, louder this time earning an inarticulate groan from the boy but no further response. She rolled her eyes at his stubbornness. In one final attempt she gave him a swift kick in the shin with her foot making him shoot his head up from the pillow.

"Ow! What was that for?!" He exclaimed, wide eyed and reaching down to rub his leg.

"Morning." Nell said smugly whilst smiling innocently at a now very awake Harry.

"You're an idiot." He grumbled and narrowed his eyes at the girl who only smirked in response.

"Yeah, whatever. Come on." She said, flipping the covers off of herself and jumping off the bed. Harry just stared at the girl, not making a move to get up until she turned around from her place now stood in the doorway and gestured for him to follow her.

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