Chapter 27: The Cup

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Nell somehow found herself at the back once again as the group made their way through the crowds in search of their tents. Only this time it wasn't Harry who had hung back with her, she hadn't thought anyone was behind her until a familiar warm voice whispered in her ear, "Hey."

After the initial shock, Nell quickly realised who stood beside her and for the second time today felt her face turn bright red. "Hey Hufflepuff."

Nell did a quick sweep of the group ahead with her eyes to make sure no one - in particular her dads - were watching their encounter. Seeing that they were all distracted by the colourful crowds weaving between the tents and the several stalls - she decided it was safe and let herself relax into the conversation.

He laughed lightly at the nickname and shook his head, tearing his hand through his wavy brown hair, "Am I really stuck with that name?"

"I'm afraid so." She smiled up at the boy smugly, glad that she was so far keeping her cool.

"You know it's really cool when you do that." He remarked and Nell felt her heart race as his eyes danced over her face. Oh no, he'd done it now.

"What?" She asked shyly, all of her previous confidence gone at his compliment. She was surprised she hadn't melted into a puddle right then and there at the sight of his swirling honey eyes on her.

He smirked and gently pulled a piece of hair off of her shoulder which was now dusty pink without her even realising.

"Oh, sorry." She silently cursed her hair and quickly focused on turning it back to her usual caramel before she could embarrass herself any further.

"Wait, you didn't do it on purpose?" He asked innocently and furrowed his brow. Godric he was handsome. It was just a simple question so Nell couldn't figure out why she could barely fathom an answer, or why her heart was beating out of her chest.

"No- er I can't always control it." She stuttered, hating how pathetic she must look.

"Well for the record, I like it pink." He smiled when she let it fade back to pink and Nell felt her heart flutter.

"Well I guess I should probably go." He said, with a slight hint of what Nell recognised disappointment lining his voice as his Dad stopped outside a tent and gestured him

Please don't be a werewolf hating prick
Was all Nell could think as she watched him jog ahead and disappear into his tent, but not before turning around to send her one last wave.


"Ireland! Ireland! Ireland!" A very excitable James and Sirius chanted as they rushed around the living room area of the tent. Ireland had won the cup by the painstaking difference of just one goal, so as you can imagine it was a very tense match to watch and everyone was overjoyed when they won. Remus and Lily laughed from the sofa as their husbands and children danced around the room, wearing ridiculous green hats.

An old record player sat in the corner of the room, blasting out the - slightly distorted - lyrics to 'We are the Champions' whilst they screamed along through their laughter. James had Lucas propped up on one of his shoulders whilst Sirius clumsily twirled Nell around to the tune. He then pulled her up so that her feet were stood on his own before bouncing them around the room as a pair.

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