Chapter 55: The Beginning of the End

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As it rolled in like the tide, a wave of fog flooded the hardened weald- enveloping a blanket of shrubs in its cold humidity. The wave trundled on, and a lifeless land drowned in an effluvium of death that emerged from within it. Soon it preyed on dilapidated tombstones. Rooted haphazardly between the weeds, they were swiftly submerged in the deluge.

Screams of trapped spirits that once echoed below now lay silent in the mist.

Name after name, body after body - looming souls haunted shallow graves; forgotten by those who wandered above them. Forged from pitifully untouched stone, their unmarked graves rested lost amongst the ferns: a symbol of insignificance.

The clouds darkened, turning inky and hollow, and the ghosts fled to the trees. Although, the skeletal structures seemed to offer little protection from what was to come.

And left in the centre of it all, blissfully oblivious yet vulnerable, three teenagers were sent crashing to the damp ground.

W- where are we?" Nell was the first the shatter the globe of silence surrounding the graveyard, an eerie chill crawling down her back as she stood.

"Let me go first, yeah?" Cedric said, tugging Nell back slightly as she made a move deeper into the graveyard.

All three of them didn't bother bringing their wands down from the defensive stance they still held from the maze. Something told them it wasn't quite over yet.

It was strangely cold for July evening and the air felt colder than it had where they began, almost as if they were miles away entirely. But that was the question in all of their minds. Where were they? Was this more of the task? But they already had the cup.

The longer they stood amongst the graves, the more things began to tick in Nell's brain. She felt as if she could finally think clearly, as if she was free from the humidity of the maze clouding her brain.

She found herself moving over to a specific tombstone, tracing her fingers over the lettering. Something felt off. No. Something felt familiar. As if she had been here before, in a dream.

In a instant, the image of a familiar pair of devilish red eyes flashed across her mind and her breathing came to a sudden halt. She had been here before.

And it seemed as if Harry was having the exact same revelation across the graveyard, curiously looking up to a statue with knitted brows before turning to Nell with wide eyes.

"Harry" she breathed in a panic, ready to scream for them to run before her mind was set alight.

A sharp stabbing pain shot across her mind, glaring through her brain as she tried to speak but all that came out where cries and whimpers of pain. Her hair flared red at the sudden pain. It wasn't the worst pain she had experienced, it was hardly anything compared to a full moon but it hurt all the same.

The moment they saw her clutch her head in pain, both Harry and Cedric were sprinting over to her. However just as Harry reached out to her aid, he found his own mind burning from the inside out.

In a similar position to Nell, he found his hands clamped over his head, desperately trying to relieve the immense pain in his mind. Yes Nell was familiar with this kind of pain and had built up a tolerance of sorts, but Harry was entirely unfamiliar with this feeling.

The sheer concentration of the pain in his mind felt like nothing he had ever experienced before, it was so excruciating he felt his vision fading to a dull white as he slipped on the edge of consciousness.

And Cedric was left with two his two friends, crying in agony as he was left useless in easing their pain.

"Nell! Harry!" He cried, trying to hold the pair up as Nell gripped the grass beneath her, the soil forcing itself beneath her nails. She could handle this.

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