Chapter 23: Release

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"Ugh." Nell rolled her eyes as she reached the bottom of her trunk, her clothes now neatly folded on her dorm bed beside Harry.

"Another note from your dads?" Harry asked as she pulled a tiny piece of folded paper off of the floor of the case.

"Yep." She said popping the p. "You'd think the massive talk they gave me at home, at yours and at the station as well as the note they put in my robes would be enough." She groaned and gently began to unfold the paper.

Ever since the Cormac incident, her fathers had gone overboard with the crazy overprotectiveness. A selfish part of them didn't want her to go back to school at all with the image of her broken self burned into their minds. The idea of her ever getting hurt like that again endlessly haunted their thoughts but they knew she had to go. So they resorted to constantly reassuring her that she could come home at anytime instead.

"Clearly not." Harry smirked seeing her eyes roll yet again. She began to read the note from her place on the floor beside her trunk, whilst Harry leant off of her bed to read over her shoulder.

Dear Pup,
We know you are probably getting sick of us at this point but we wanted to remind you again that we're are only an owl away for anything you need. And if anyone gives you any trouble about what happened before Christmas, then remember what we discussed. You go straight to Minnie and stick with Harry. Okay?
We love you more than life itself our darling girl.
Love Moony and Pads

"See that? You have to stick with me." He smiled smugly and started to laugh until Nell shoved him so hard that he landed on the ground beside her.

"Ow!" He wailed, rubbing his elbow which had broken his fall.

"You deserved it." She said simply, not even turning to look at him.

"Yeah." He agreed and went to rest his head on her shoulder, tired from the long journey to Hogwarts.

Ron was snoring loudly, passed out in one of the empty beds in the girl's dorm. Neither him nor Harry had even looked at their trunks since they arrived and they probably wouldn't until at least after the weekend.

Hermione - who was busy unpacking her own trunk - hadn't taken any notice what the other two were doing until Harry hit the floor with a thud. At the sound she spun around to face them.

"Try doing that louder, maybe you'll wake Ronald and he'll finally go to his own room and unload his trunk like he should've started hours ago." She scolded, but her friends could sense the hint of playfulness in her voice which fooled Harry into a false sense of security causing him to snigger.

However his face quickly fell when she turned on him next. "You too Harry." She warned sternly before sending a playful wink Nell's way.

The four had done a lot of catching up on the train resulting in a very angry Hermione when Nell revealed exactly what had happened between her and Cormac. Harry - not wanting to get on her bad side and end up like Cormac - dragged a startled Ron out of the room and to their own dorm. The other girls of the dorm were either still in the common room or the great hall, leaving only Nell and Hermione to chat about their Christmases.


The foursome were in particularly good moods at breakfast that next morning. In fact all third year Griffindors and Slytherins were, seeing as they had double Care for Magical Creatures first whereas the rest of their year had potions. They'd already had a few meals at school by this point, so most people had stopped staring at Nell's very obvious new scar. That first night back as hard as the students may have tried, they couldn't pry their eyes away from the thick pink line.

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